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(7) Yaakov Bleich, the other of the two featured program witnesses

Moreover, The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should acknowledge that it was unethical for CBS

to run a story on Ukraine without acknowledging its conflict of interest - the conflict

being that it is an integral part of Jewish culture to nourish fear and hatred of

Ukrainians, and yet 60 Minutes which was owned and operated by Jews undertook to

broadcast what purported to be an objective, investigative-journalism story on Ukraine.

If, to imagine a comparable case, CBS management jointly owned a chicken-packing plant

that had been cited for sanitation violations, then it would be unethical for 60 Minutes

to run a story defending the plant without disclosing its ownership.

One of the authors of The Ugly Face of Freedom may have been a Gestapo

agent. Of all the individuals in the above list, I see no need to discuss

transgressions beyond those committed in creating the broadcast, except in one case

where it is of the highest relevance - and that is the case of Simon Wiesenthal whom you

bring forward to testify concerning Nazi collaboration when he himself appears to be a

Nazi collaborator of major proportions, possibly with the blood of many on his hands,

and possibly much of it Jewish blood. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should disclose the

suspect nature of Wiesenthal's past, as for example the occasion on which Simon

Wiesenthal was allowed by his German captors to keep two pistols, or the occasion on

which other Jews were executed following their recapture after escaping, whereas Simon

Wiesenthal was relieved of work and put on double rations. This information is highly

relevant, as it suggests the possibility that Simon Wiesenthal used 60 Minutes to offer

false testimony concerning Nazi collaboration partly in order to conceal his own guilt.

What did they do?

The attempt on the part of CBS Jews steeped in a culture of hatred toward Ukrainians to

report on Ukraine resulted in outstanding distortions which can be corrected as follows:

(1) In the pre-German interval, Ukrainians did not kill Jews. The Ugly Face of 60

Minutes should disclose to its viewers that the Wiesenthal-Safer calumny - that prior to

the arrival of German forces, Ukrainians killed some five to six thousand Jews - is

without support.

(2) In the pre-German interval, Jews did kill Ukrainians. The Ugly Face of 60

Minutes should disclose that in the days prior to occupation by German forces, the

Jewish-dominated NKVD tortured and murdered Ukrainians by the thousands.

(3) The Yaakov Bleich stories ca

should disclose that the Yaakov Bleich stories of elderly Jews being stabbed and left

for dead in two different locations in Ukraine ca

(4) Stepan Bandera was a Ukrainian patriot. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should

balance negative Stepan Bandera coverage by disclosing that Bandera was arrested by the

Germans in the first days of their invasion of Ukraine, spent most of the war in German

captivity, lost two brothers in Auschwitz, and upon release from German captivity toward

the end of the war, devoted his efforts to fighting the Germans.

(5) Symon Petliura protected Jews from anti-Ukrainian provocateurs. The Ugly

Face of 60 Minutes should balance negative Symon Petliura coverage by quoting his own

words, as for example this excerpt from his Army Order No. 131: "I most positively order

that all those who are instigating you to pogroms be thrust out of the army, and as

traitors to the fatherland be handed over to the court. Let the court punish them

according to their crimes by giving them the severest lawful penalty."

(6) The Galicia Division was an anti-Bolshevik combat unit. The Ugly Face of 60

Minutes should disclose that the Galicia Division was not part of the SS, but only of

the Waffen-SS, and so was a combat unit; that there were a total of 38 Waffen-SS

divisions comprised of several nationalities, including four Dutch divisions, two

Belgian, as well as French, Norwegian, and Russian; and that the Galicia Division did

not "march off to fight for Hitler," but rather marched off to fight against the

Bolshevik re-occupation of Western Ukraine.

(7) The Holocaust story has been adulterated. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should

disclose that the history of the Holocaust has been adulterated by the admixture of

fantasies concocted by unprincipled opportunists - Jerzy Kosinski being the most widely

known example, and the Wiesenthal-Safer calumny providing the instance closest to home.

(8) CBS stone-walled. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should disclose that 60 Minutes

illegally destroyed the 16,000 pieces of mail which protested The Ugly Face of Freedom,

and that 60 Minutes also delayed for five years (and maybe a little bit longer) before

informing its viewers of the defects in the original broadcast.

(9) Mistranslation. Conceding for present purposes that 60 Minutes was not clearly in

the wrong to always translate Zhyd as Kike, nevertheless The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes

should disclose that when the editor of Za Vilnu Ukrainu used the word Yevrei, 60

Minutes was obligated to translate that as Jew, and was clearly in the wrong to have

translated it as Kike.

(10) Ukrainian sacrifices to save Jews. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should tear up

its picture of unrelieved Ukrainian hostility to Jews by disclosing that a large number

of Ukrainians risked their lives, and gave their lives, to save Jews, and that no

comparable reciprocity has ever been observed from the Jewish side. The case of

Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky hiding large numbers of Jews on church property could be

featured in this context, as could the Ukrainian Bodnar's saving the life of Simon


(11) The chief Ukrainian roles during WW II were those of victim and of victor.

The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should tear up its picture of unrelieved Ukrainian sympathy

for Nazism by disclosing that Ukrainians were among the foremost victims of the Nazis,

suffering losses much greater than Jewish losses, and were in the forefront of the

battle which defeated the Nazis.

Why did they do it?

Jews have motives for calumniating Ukraine. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should

finally inform its viewers of Jewish motives for calumniating Ukrainians and Ukraine,

among these being the following:

(1) Brain drain. Magnified and incited Ukrainian anti-Semitism is needed in order to

increase the brain drain from Ukraine to Israel.

(2) Image of the Jew as victim. Inculcating the image of Jews as victims of the

Nazis, and Ukrainians as the leading collaborators of the Nazis, serves to crowd out,

and give the appearance of implausibility to, a series of other images: that Ukrainians

were leading victims of the Nazis, that Ukrainians played a leading role in the defeat

of the Nazis, that Jews collaborated with the Nazis more than Ukrainians did, that

Ukrainians risked their lives and gave their lives to save Jews, and that in today's

world, among the leading perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity are the


(3) The Lviv massacre. Promoting the false story of Ukrainians massacring Jews prior

to the arrival of the Germans is particularly useful in wi

story that the Jewish-dominated NKVD massacred Ukrainians prior to the arrival of the
