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to Nordex's poor international reputation. He has consistently denied participating

in any criminal activity while he worked for Nordex.

An April 1997 Time magazine article identified Luchansky as "the most pernicious

unindicted criminal in the world."

Luchansky's trading activities in the former Soviet Union encompass weapons, oil,

narcotics, natural gas, chemicals, precious metals, fertilizers, agricultural

commodities, and consumer goods.

Other Luchansky enterprises reportedly include prostitution, drug manufacture,

racketeering, influence peddling and fixed privatization auctions.

Nordex grossed $2 billion in 1994, investing some of its income in enterprises

ranging from a Moscow beer brewery to a Kyiv tire plant, a Magnitogorsk steel mill,

an Austrian health spa and even a Uruguayan car dealership, according to various

media reports.

Luchansky's biggest business coup came in 1993, when he engineered a fuel-for-food

deal between Russia and Ukraine.

In 1995, after meeting at a Democratic Party fundraiser with U.S. President Bill

Clinton and sparking a U.S. political scandal, Luchansky fell under increasingly

intense international investigation.

In 1996 a $35 million gold mine deal brokered by Luchansky between the Kazakhstan

government and a Canadian mining company flopped, cutting into Nordex earnings.

Nordex has reportedly suffered in the wake of the emerging-markets economic crisis.

Luchansky maintains a residence in the Israeli seaside town of Netanya, a Mecca for

Soviet-region emigres and scene of intense Russian mob activity, the Jerusalem Post

newspaper reported.

The Post was unable to contact Luchansky for comment and his whereabouts are unknown.

I Expand My Summary Table Once Again

The table which I have been developing in my previous four letters to you can now be

elaborated with the Leonid Wolf entry. As the SBU press release gives no dates for the

Leonid Wolf assassinations, I am assuming that they took place in the last five years:

Date of my letter

Subject of my letter

Date of Attack

Violence that you should have reported in your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom


The Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny

Summer 1941


Who did Israel Roitman murder?



Who murdered Volodymyr Ivasiuk?

April 1979


Who murdered Vadim Boyko?

February 14, 1992

Violence that you might have encouraged by your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom


Who blew the hands off Maksym Tsarenko?

Summer 1995


Who murdered Volodymyr Katelnytsky?

July 7-8, 1997


Who murdered Borys Derevyanko?

August 11, 1997


Who did Leonid Wolf murder?


And I Find My Earlier Conclusions Strengthened

For your 23Oct94 60 Minutes broadcast The Ugly Face of Freedom, you went to Ukraine

determined to broadcast the story - no matter what the evidence - of Ukrainians

oppressing and murdering Jews. In order to do so, you had to blind yourself to the

plentiful evidence that exactly the opposite was taking place. The reality is that

Ukraine is being plundered and assaulted by a Jewish mafia based in Israel. You can

begin your investigation of this phenomenon with the cases of the following three

Israeli citizens: (1) "the most pernicious unindicted criminal in the world" Grigory

Luchansky, (2) his "key Ukrainian lieutenant" Vadim Rabinovich, and (3) "contract

killer" Leonid Wolf. Please note that in your smearing of Ukraine, you were unable to

come up with evidence of a Ukrainian mafia based in Ukraine and victimizing Israel. The

evidence was the opposite, but you were not interested in evidence.

But since the subject of our discussion is not merely crime, but rather cross-ethnic

violence, I restrict my attention to assassin Leonid Wolf, and with respect to Leonid

Wolf, I ask you to note that you were unable to come up with evidence of a Ukrainian

assassin who roamed Israel murdering as he went, especially one whom Israel, fearing the

vengeance of a powerful Ukraine, neglected to arrest and put on trial, but merely ba

from Israeli soil for a time.

Mr. Safer, Ukraine's plunderers and assassins ca

support. They need Swiss banks to stash their loot. They need Israel to provide them

with sanctuary. They need journalists to smear their victims. And so, although you

have lost all claim to journalistic competence and integrity, at least you can console

yourself with not being alone and unappreciated. Indeed, you are a valued member of a

large and successful team. Grigory Luchansky, Vadim Rabinovich, and Leonid Wolf

undoubtedly know of your work, and they thank you for it.

Lubomyr Prytulak

cc: Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney, Lesley Stahl, Mike



Morley Safer Letter 16 23Oct99 Fifth a

If, to imagine a comparable case, CBS management jointly owned a chicken-packing

plant that had been cited for sanitation violations, then it would be unethical for 60

Minutes to run a story defending the plant without disclosing its ownership.

October 23, 1999

Morley Safer

60 Minutes, CBS Television

51 W 52nd Street

New York, NY

USA 10019

Morley Safer:

Fifth a

Now that we have arrived at the fifth a

The Ugly Face of Freedom, I think that all might agree that five years has given us

sufficient time to reflect on that broadcast, to arrive at a reasonable understanding of

its defects, and to decide what corrective action remains for 60 Minutes to undertake.

It is the purpose of the present letter to propose that the corrective action should be

a 12-minute 60 Minutes story under the title The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes, and

necessarily hosted by yourself.

Given the severe time limitation of a 12-minute segment, not to mention the public's

lack of interest in excessive detail, The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes will be forced to

overlook scores of lesser inaccuracies and biases, and will be forced to omit mention of

any defects that contain the least element of doubt. Rather, The Ugly Face of 60

Minutes will have no option but to outline only those major defects and errors

concerning which there is no dispute. Below is my listing of the points which - being

the most important and the least disputable - are ones that The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes

should include.

Who did it?

The authorship of The Ugly Face of Freedom was Jewish. The Ugly Face of 60

Minutes should start by acknowledging that The Ugly Face of Freedom was not just an

attack upon Ukrainians and upon the nation of Ukraine, but that it was a Jewish attack.

You will be able to convince your viewers of this merely by disclosing that every last

person bearing responsibility for the story, from the very top of the chain of command

to the very bottom, was Jewish:

(1) Laurence Tisch, Chairman and CEO of CBS

(2) Eric Ober, President of CBS News

(3) Don Hewitt, Executive Producer of 60 Minutes

(4) Jeffrey Fager, Producer of The Ugly Face of Freedom

(5) Morley Safer, Program Host

(6) Simon Wiesenthal, one of the two featured program witnesses