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Cheap shot number two. Bones tightened his grip when I tried to tug free.

“You’re not leaping before you look on this one. Balls before brains won’t do it.” His refusal finally penetrated the rampage by Tate, who shut up and stared at Bones with disbelief. “You don’t want this, luv,” Bones continued. “You think you have no choice, but I’ve told you time and again, there is always another way. If you truly desired me to change you, then I would. You know that. But not like this. There’s no going back from this decision, and then even the most poignant regret is wasted.”

He pulled me to him, and his next words fell softly near my ear.

“And if I were really just so fond of your flesh being warm, I’d throw you in a hot tub each time before I shagged you. You’d be ninety-eight degrees in twenty minutes, vampire or no, so sod A

“Something could happen to you with Max,” I muttered.

Bones let out a snort. “Not a chance. You’re right-Max is too much of a coward to take me on, and if he did, I’d bend him in half the wrong way and deliver him to you in a box.”

“That leaves my guys. If A

Bones sat back, but still didn’t let go of my hand.

“There’s another way around that as well, if it comes to it. Once I’m free of Ian’s line, then I’m free to take my people-and my possessions-with me. You don’t like it, but the fact remains that in vampire culture, you’re considered mine by right of blood and bed. I’ll claim your men as mine, too. Ian couldn’t kill them then, not without risking war with me.”

“But you haven’t fed from or fucked any of them!” I burst. “And unless things are going to get downright freaky, that isn’t going to change!”

“I for one would rather die,” Tate muttered.

“You’re already covered, you sod,” Bones said curtly. “A

“What?” Tate asked, incensed. “I’m not some fang boy toy!”


“You should’ve read the fine print before hopping into bed with her, Tate,” I said pitilessly. “You’ll be lucky if I don’t pay you back for what you did to me, and tattle to Don about it. Still, right now we’ve got bigger issues. Okay, Bones, if you or A

“Yes,” he said, ignoring Tate’s glare.

That worked for me. I didn’t want to a

“All right,” I said, standing. “We’ll go to the compound so one of you can bite Juan and Cooper, then A

“’Round midnight, Kitten, which gives you time, because between capturing Ian’s blokes and going to see Ian, you need to go to a spa.”

“A spa?” I repeated, like I’d never heard the word before. “Why on earth would I do that?”

“Because you need at least an hour in a steam room to sweat my scent from your pores,” Bones replied calmly. “If you go to Ian as you are now, he’ll know from one sniff that we’ve double-crossed him, and then we may as well just start the mayhem. Don’t fret, everything’s been arranged.”

“A spa,” I repeated again, shaking my head. That would have made my top ten of things I did not count on doing today, but looks like I had a date with a steam room. And Ian’s men. And Ian. And my father.

Tonight was going to be a busy night, no doubt about that.


TATE, JUAN, AND COOPER WERE IN THE BACK of the van, handcuffed, with duct tape over their mouths and three unused rolls of it near their feet. This van wasn’t the luxury kind with the DVD player, surround sound, or heated seats, either. There weren’t any seats in the back, actually, and aside from the metal grille separating the two front seats from the rest of the vehicle cabin, the interior was as stripped as could be. Rodney had supplied the van, and from the looks of it, my guys weren’t the only people who’d ever been restrained in the back of it.


“We’re almost there,” A

A new waft of scent from the back coincided with an increase in my guy’s pulses. The news that we were almost there was kicking their adrenaline into gear. Since we hadn’t had more time for them to practice with Belinda, I didn’t expect them to be able to pin Ian’s men long enough for A

I inhaled again. It was such a unique thing to be able to discern emotions by scent. I’d inherited a lot from my undead father, but a heightened sense of smell hadn’t been one of those upgraded senses. Maybe when I saw him tonight, I’d thank him for my other abilities. Right before I killed him.

Then I took another deep breath and frowned. Bones’s scent still clung to me, of course, even after my shower this morning. Hence his whole spa idea later, but that wouldn’t do me any good now, ten minutes away from facing Ian’s men.

“I still smell like Bones,” I said to A


My teeth ground, which only made A

She clucked her tongue. “Pity.” And she gave me a slow once-over that reminded me loud and clear that A

I drummed my nails on the van door, biting back the urge to groan, “Are we there yet?” Fighting vampires held a much stronger appeal than getting hit on by Bones’s former main squeeze. Especially since she only wanted to get me in bed so that Bones could join us.

About five minutes later, A