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“Open the bay door,” she said by way of greeting.

“We’re here.”


The fact that the warehouse consisted of one open, big-ass room was a definite negative, however. The van was the only thing that interrupted the space in here. Mentally I cursed. So much for bringing the vamps back into a room two at a time so no one else could see what was going on. I caught A


“’Allo, my beauty,” one of the vampires greeted A


“Francois,” she murmured. “It’s been too long.”

He said something in French that I couldn’t translate, but A

Whatever their exchange was, it had Francois looking over at me with a glint in his, er, eye. Suddenly I wasn’t so sure about my bright idea of having A

Francois stroked a strawberry-blond lock of hair from A

Francois opened my door and I smiled, pretending to play with the tops of my boots in girlish flirtation while in reality, I was fingering the hilt of one of my blades.

“I have not had the pleasure of meeting you,” Francois said. “I am Francois, and my friend A

I let him take my hand and kiss it, even though it meant being farther away from my knives. Behind Francois’s shoulder I saw A

“Selena, my pet, come here,” A

I smiled at Francois once more and excused myself. Francois nonchalantly went around the back of the van, out of my sight, as I met A

But all A

“Selena, meet my friends,” A

I was quickly enveloped in warm hello kisses, as if this was a swingers’ bar instead of a warehouse hostage transfer. A

“Enough of that, Hatchet,” A

Bitch, I thought again, seeing the dare in her eyes, but I smiled and let A

“That’s right,” I said breathily. “Still, it’s nice to have something more substantial than a tongue to finish me off. Are you men going to be very busy here? Or do you get to take, um, breaks?”

I licked my fingers as I spoke. A

“When are we supposed to be at Ian’s?” one of them asked.

Francois’s voice came from the other side of the van. “Not until eleven, over four hours from now.”


Hatchet began taking off his clothes. I blinked. Apparently that was enough incentive for him.

Francois came around the van and put his arms around A

I bent forward, like I was reveling in the sensations…and then I palmed four knives from my boots. Good timing, too. Francois had been about to feel me up, or were those A

“Now!” I shouted, and flung the blades.

Two landed in Hatchet’s eyes, and the other two in the eyes of the vampire next to him. They screamed, snatching at the blades while I leapt forward, throwing myself on them and smashing their heads together hard enough to hear crunching sounds.

But not hard enough to kill. Hatchet and his friend were on the ground, writhing and blinded, but they’d heal. The other three vampires had gone for their weapons-and came face to face with Tate, Juan, and Cooper instead.

“Remember those handcuffs?” Tate asked, dangling one. “Fakes.”

The vampires didn’t bother to attempt to green-eye them into submission. They came tearing toward them with their fangs and fists instead. All this I saw while grappling with the two wounded ones on the floor, trying to get just the right slant with knives on both of them without killing them. A

My three guys had exactly one silver knife apiece, which had been hidden in the soles of their shoes. They were all that stood between the vampires and their own cache of weapons. Right now, watching the vampires charge them as if time had shifted to slow motion, I knew I couldn’t intervene. Not unless I killed the two vampires I was wrestling with.