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Tears clouded my eyes at the mention of Dave. Tate glanced away in embarrassment at the sudden moisture in his own gaze.

“Wish we would have had you with us that day, deadhead,” Tate said gruffly to Bones. “At least you could have probably saved him with that turbo blood of yours. Cat couldn’t get enough in him, even when she squeezed the other vamp like a sponge. If you can keep that from happening again, maybe it’s worth having you on the team. Even though I can’t stand you.”

Instead of being offended, Bones tapped his chin thoughtfully. He exchanged a glance with Rodney, and then turned me around more fully in his lap.

“Kitten, you didn’t tell me you poured vampire blood on your friend as he died. Did he swallow any of it?”

“Juan made him swallow a little, but God, Bones, Dave had been missing almost half his throat. He bled to death before it could heal all the way.”

“Tricky,” Rodney stated.

I shot him a look. “A lot more than tricky. He was a friend.”

The ghoul started to open his mouth when Bones cut him off.

“Not now, mate. Kitten, the timetable’s been moved up. While you were sleeping, Ian called me and said he’d gotten information on your location. We knew it was only a matter of time, though I would have preferred another week or two to get everything in place. No matter, the die is cast. I told Ian I’d found you myself just last night, and that I’d have hostages for him later today. Ian was overjoyed, and he’s assembling a welcoming party. Bloody bloke always did like things flashy.”

I stiffened. “Okay, well, then we do this tonight. I’ll tell Don, we’ll get the rest of the guys assembled, and…we’ll settle things.”

“Actually, luv, there are a few problems. Ian wasn’t satisfied when I told him I had three of your men as collateral. He wants more, and he’s dispatched someone to get it.”

A chill ran up my spine. “What’s more?”

“Noah,” Tate bluntly supplied. “And that’s not even the punch line.”

“Do you mind?” Bones glared at Tate before continuing. “Your rash bloke is correct, Kitten, and that’s the second problem. Ian figures he’ll kill one of your men in front of you, both as incentive for you to heed his demands, and as payback for you slaying his butler Magnus. Ian intends to save Noah for the coup de grâce, however, because whoever gave him information about you didn’t know you’d broken up with Noah. Furthermore, he sent your father, Max, to get Noah, since apparently Max offered to do it.”

I shoved the plate away and vaulted off his lap. “Don’s watching Noah’s place, right? We’ll catch Max, that piece of shit, and I’ll kill him. It’ll make my whole existence.”

Bones shook his head. “We can’t, luv. If we do that, Ian will know we’re playing him false. How else would you have a team of vampire killers there at the ready? We’ll lose our advantage of surprise, and I’m not endangering you that way. Why do you think Max offered to go? He’s probably intending to set Noah up as his own blackmail and then kill you on sight! Ian doesn’t know that, but we do. Don’t fret; I’m sending Rodney to ensure Noah’s safety. He’ll grab him first and beat Max to it. Ian’s not going to kill Noah-he thinks he’s too valuable. Max, on the other hand, would do just that to enrage you into coming after him.”

“You go,” I said at once. “Rodney, it’s nothing against you, but if something goes wrong…if Max shows up sooner than you expect, I want someone there who’ll scare my father into not pulling any tricks. That’s you, Bones. You’re not just an old vampire with a badass hit man reputation, you’re higher up in Ian’s line and Max knows it. He wouldn’t dare try shit with you around, and without you, I have visions of Noah’s tombstone dancing in my head.”

“No,” Bones said inflexibly. “I’m going to be with you, helping to capture Ian’s guards. A

“Please,” I scoffed. “Like A

It was a low thing to say, but still true. Bones lifted a shoulder in admission.

“Left to myself, I couldn’t give a rot if Noah dies. I won’t deny that. But you’d suffer for it, and that I do bother about.”

“I’ll take A

Bones gave me a look like I’d gone crazy, which wasn’t a far trip for me. “You think I’d let you attack a group of vampires-a group you’re not even intending to kill, which as we all know makes it bloody harder-while I’m off securing your pet vet?”

His scathing delivery on those last two words made me even more determined to ensure Noah’s protection. Rodney would know Bones wouldn’t really be upset if anything happened to Noah. A

“Actually, it would work better this way,” I said, improvising. “We can assume two things: one, the guards won’t know who I am at first, thanks to my brown hair, and two, once they do realize who I am, they’ll try not to kill me. Ian would be pissed at being denied his prize, right? They’d know that. I’m safer with them than anyone else.”

“It may indeed work better, Crispin,” A

Bones didn’t respond for a long moment, then he turned to A

“After yesterday, I have cause to wonder if you’re offering with ulterior motives, so let me tell you what will happen if any harm comes to her. I’ll cut you off from my line.” Bones took a knife out of his pocket and sliced it across his palm, his eyes never leaving A


Bones arched a brow at me. “Now you can have A

Poor Noah. The only reason he was involved in this to begin with was that he’d had the misfortune to date me. In fact, out of everyone, I was the only truly safe one in this whole messed-up scenario. A

“Bones.” I came over and grasped his hand. “None of this has to happen at all. Ian only wants me because being a half-breed makes me rare, but if I’m a full-blown vampire, then I’m nothing special. So do it. Change me over. Make me a vampire.”

The howl of protest I expected from Tate, but the most emphatic refusal came much softer.


I blinked in surprised anger. “Come on, dammit, do it! Or was A