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(After Oscar Wilde)

... Hans had ... great many friends, but ... most devoted friend of all was ... big Hugh, ... miller. Indeed, so devoted was ... rich miller to ... little Hans that he never went by his garden without leaning over ... wall and plucking ... large nosegay, or filling his pockets with ... plums and ... cherries if it was ... fruit season.

"... real friends should have everything in common,’ ... miller used to say. ... neighbours, indeed, thought it strange that ... rich miller never gave ... little Hans anything in return, though he had ... hundred sacks of ... flour stored away in ... mill, and six cows, and ... large flock of ... sheep.

In ... spring, ... summer and ... autumn Hans wras very happy, but when ... winter came, he suffered ... good deal from ... cold and ... hunger and often had to go to ... bed without ... supper. “There is no good in my going to see ... little Hans now',’ ... miller used to say to his wife, “for when ... people are in ... trouble they should not be bothered by ... visitors. I shall pay him ... visit in spring, and he will be able to give me ... large basket of flowers, and that will make him so happy.’

“You are very thoughtful about ... others,” answered his wife. “It is ... pleas­ure to hear you talk about ... friendship. I am sure ... clergyman himself could not say such beautiful things, though he does live in ... three-storied house and wears ... gold ring on his little finger.’

“But could we not ask little Hans up here?” said ... miller’s youngest son.

“What ... silly boy you arc!” cried ... miller. “I really don’t know what is ... use of sending you to ... school. You do not seem to learn anything. Why, if ... little Hans came here, he might get envious, and ... envy is ... most terrible thing. Besides, if he came here, he might ask me to let him have some flour on ... credit, and that I could not do. ... flour is one thing, and .. friendship is another. ... words are spelt differently and mean quite different things.”

“How well you talk,’ said ... miller’s wife, pouring herself out ... large glass of ... warm ale. “It is just like being in ... church."


On ... 12th of ... August, 1953, ... Soviet foreign trade organization con­cluded ... contract with ... foreign firm for ... sale of ... cargo of 6,000 tons of ... wheat. ... wheat was to be shipped in ... September. ... sellers chartered ... s. s. “Martha” for ... transportation of ... wheat. About ten days before ... expected arrival of ... vessel at ... port of loading, ... shipowners informed ... sellers that ... s. s. “Martha" had been in collision -with another boat during ... dense fog in ... Mediterranean Sea and would not be able to arrive at ... port of loading before ... end of ... September. ... sellers had at their disposal ... larger vessel of 6,500 tons. Therefore they sent ... telegram to ... buyers asking them to accept 6,500 tons of ... wheat instead of 6,000 tons. ... buyers agreed, but requested ... sellers to ship ... wheat in ... first half of ... October. ... sellers consented to postpone ... shipment of .., cargo in accordance with ... desire of... buyers, and ... cargo was shipped on ... 10th of October.


К §§ 2-10

Образуйте от следующих прилагательных сравнительную и превосход­ную степень:

big, heavy, short, dirty, clean, near, bad, famous, little, much, clever, good, expensive, cheap, important, pale, hot, beautiful, large, practical, fat, early, pretty, happy, bright, dark, dry, flat, fresh, full, quick, late, nice, rich, sad, thin, thick, wet, weak, early, fu

Образуйте от прилагательных, стоящих в скобках, сравнительную или превосходную степень, в зависимости от смысла:

1. The Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world. 2. The twenty-second of December is the (short) day in the year. 3. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 4. The Neva is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva River. 5. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Caucasian mountains. 6. His plan is (practical) than yours. 7. His plan is (prac­tical) of all. 8. This room is (small) than all the rooms in the house. 9. London is the (large) city in England. 10. Silver is (heavy) than copper. 11. This wall is (low) than that one. 12. This exercise is (good) than the last one. 13. My cigarettes are (bad) than yours. 14. Yesterday was the (hot) day we have had this summer.

К § 19

Заполните пропуски словами as ... as, so ... as:

1. The temperature to-day is ... high ... it was ye.-terday. 2. He is not ... old ... he looks. 3. He is ... strong ... his brother. 4. This street is ... wide ... the next one. 5. The trunk is not ... heavy ... 1 expected it to be. 6. His radio set is not ... powerful ... mine. 7. She is ... tall ... her sister. 8. In Kislovodsk it is not ... hot ... in Sochi.

К §| 2-19

Переведите на английский язык:

1. Ваш брат старше вас?.— Нет, он моложе .меня. 2. Февраль — самый ко­роткий месяц в году. 3. Советский Союз — самая большая страна в мире. 4. Этот мальчик самый младший в своем классе. 5. Эта статья интереснее той. 6. Се­годня мы писали более трудный диктант, чем вчера. 7. Моя комната больше вашей. 8. Вы должны теперь тратить на английский язык больше времени, чем в прошлом семестре. 9. Земля больше Луны. 10. Эта аудитория меньше нашей. 11. В прошлом году я тратил на английский язык меньше времени, чем в этом году. 12. Этот текст самый трудный из всех текстов, которые мы когда-либо переводили. 13. Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал. 14. Ваш доклад был гораздо интереснее его доклада. 15. Ваш чемодан гораздо тяжелее моего. 16. Мое перо гораздо хуже вашего. 17. Сегодня значительно холоднее, чем вчера. 18. Эта книга еще интереснее вашей. 19. Сегодня еще жарче, чем вчера. 20. Ваша комната еще лучше моей. 21. Новое здание Московского университета одно из самых высоких зданий Москвы. 22. Он не такой умный, как его брат. 23. Сегодня так же жарко, как вчера. 24. Мое пальто такое же теплое, как ваше. 25. Сегодня ветер не такой сильный, как вчера. 26. Ваша ком­ната не такая большая, как моя. 27. Это крайне важный вопрос. 28. Мы должны обсудить сегодня крайне важные вопросы. 29. Большинство моих приятелей сту­денты. 30. Большинство людей любит фрукты. 31. Он истратил большую часть своих денег на книги.

К § 15 (примечание)

Переведите на английский язык:

1. Это одна из самых интересных книг его библиотеки. 2. Товарищ Д. один из лучших инженеров этого завода. 3. Это самое красивое 'Здание нашего го­рода. 4. Он самый опытный преподаватель нашей школы. 5. Он один из лучших спортсменов Советского Союза. 6. Лондон — самый большой город Англии.


К § 2

Напишите словами:

3 13 30 4 14 40 5 15 50 8 18 80 12 100 226 705 1,000 4,568 6.008 75,137 425,712 1,306,527 2,032,678

К § 2 (примечания к п. 7)

Переведите на английский язык:

1. Пятьдесят килограммов. 2. Триста автомобилей. 3. Шестьдесят один грамм. 4. Два миллиона тонн. 5. Сотни ящиков. 6. Тысячи книг. 7. Двести восемьдесят один доллар. 8. Три тысячи рублей. 9. Шесть ваших книг. 10. Трое моих друзей.

К § 3

Напишите словами следующие денежные суммы:

4 d.      — /2      8s. lid.

9/5      £ 108 19      s. 10 d.      £4,568/10/3

£1,000      £ 2,078:10:6      $50

$.75      $101.05      $100.00

$ 1,175.36

К §5

Напишите словами порядковые числительные от следующих количе­ственных:

1 11 21 2 12 20 3 13 30 4 14 40 5 15 50 6 16 60 8 18 80 9 19 9и 100 103 300 425 705 1,000 1,015