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ним писателем. Писатель, который был высокообразованным человеком и много путешествовал по Советскому Союзу, часто рассказывал нам о жизни советских людей в различных частях нашей страны.

К §§ 21—28

Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли или местоимения some и any:

1. ... coal is one of ... most important natural resources of our country. 2. ... most common kind of ... fuel used by man is ... wood. 3. Put ... wood on ... fire. 4. ... silver is not so heavy as ... gold. 5. ... iron is ... metal. 6.... iron ore found in that mine is of high quality. 7. Please cut... grass in the garden. 8. Pour ... milk into the cup, please. 9. ... "milk which you bought in the morning has turned sour. 10. We make ... butter and ... cheese from ... milk. 11. ... tea is very hot, I must put ... milk in it. 12. Buy ... tobacco, please. 13. Pass me ... sugar, please, 14. ... windows let in ... light and ... air. 15. ... garden is surro­unded by ... wall built of ... stone. 16. In ... desert it is difficult to find ... wa­ter. 17. ... water which we drink in our towns is filtered at waterworks. 18. This district is very rich in ... coal. 19. Is your shirt made of ... silk or ... cotton? 20. This is ... bronze, not ... copper. 21. I don’t want ... milk, give me ... tea, please. 22. I always drink ... boiled water. 23. Bring me ... hot «rater, please. 24. Have you bought ... butter?

Переведите на английский язык:

1. Я попросил его купить бумаги и чернил. 2. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, молока. 3. Вскипятите молоко, пожалуйста. 4. Молоко необходимо детям. 5. По­ложите масла в суп. 6. Поставьте масло на стол. 7. Я не пью молока, я пыо чай или кофе. 8. Он привез мне табаку с Кавказа. Табак очень хороший, но я не люблю крепкий табак. 9. Я купил вчера очень хорошего чаю и кофе. Я по­шлю кофе матери. Она очень любит хороший кофе. 10. Где масло? — Оно на столе. 11. Есть ли нефть в этом районе? 12. В этом районе добывается уголь и нефть. 13. Сахар, который вырабатывается из свекловицы, лучше сахара, кото­рый вырабатывается из тростника. 14. Куда вы положили сахар, который я вчера купил? 15. Вода в этом пруду очень чистая. 16. Чернила в моей чернильнице очень плохие. 17. Бензин, который используется в авиации, должен быть очень высокого качества. -

К §§ 29—33

Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли:

1. ... chief aim of ... Soviet philharmonic societies is to develop ... love for ... good music among ... Soviet people. 2. ... thermometer is ... instrument for measuring ... temperature. 3. ... temperature to-day is not so high as it w'as yes­terday. 4. ... observation and ... experience are two great teachers. 5. ... air is necessary for ... life. 6. Comrade A. made ... excellent speech at ... meeting last night. 7. ... length, ... breadth and ... height of ... cube are equal. 8. He de­serves ... punishment. 9. Can you find ... time for this work? 10. I have noticed .. . great change in him lately. 11. I have ... great deal of ... confidence in that man. 12. Every machine requires some sort of ... power to operate it. 13. ... history is his subject, especially ... history of ... Middle Ages. 14. ... poetry of Lermontov, is beautiful. 15. There was ... expression in his eyes that I could not understand. 16. ... great Russian critic Belinsky said that ... poetry should be ... expression of ... life. 17. He finished his work without ... difficulty.18. ... task presented ... difficulty, which we could not overcome at first. 19. He was not discouraged by ... difficulty of ... task.

21*      (27

Обзорные упражнения к §§ 13—40

Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется артикли или местоимения some и any:

А. 1. Lomonosov, ... great Russian scientist, was born in ... small village, on ... shore of ... White Sea. 2. Chkalov was ... first man to fly over ... North Pole. 3. ... great Russian writer Gogol was born in ... Ukraine in 1809. 4. Leningrad is situated on ... Neva. 5. ... Elbrus is ... highest peak of ... Caucasian Moun­tains. 6. ... Crimea is surrounded by ... Black Sea. 7. ... Caucasus separates ... Black Sea from ... Caspian Sea. 8. ... rice and ... cotton grow in ... Uk­raine now. 9. ... people who live in ... Holland speak ... Dutch. 10. ... Europe and ... America are separated by ... Atlantic Ocean. 11. ... Morocco is in ... North Africa. 12. They were born on-... same day and in ... same town. 13. I want to write ... letter to my sister. Have you ... fountain pen? 14. ... last page of ... book is torn. 15. They met at ... gate of ... school. 16. I am leaving for Leningrad ... next week. 17. He read ... letter ... second time. 18. -My room is 'on ... second floor. 19. What ... silly mistakes I have made! 20. ... large steel bridge joins ... two banks of ... river. 21. In our part of ... country ... Novem­ber is ... stormy month. 22. What ... cold weather we are having! 23. All books must be returned to ... library before ... next Monday. 24. ... next train leaves at 8.20. 25. What ... beautiful music they are playing! 26. What ... strange ideal 27. My daughter will go to ... school ... next year. 28. There is .., large school in ... village. 29. They reached ... Pacific Ocean by means of ... Panama Canal. 30. Has Helen returned ... book she borrowed ... last month? 31. I called on ... Stepanovs yesterday, but did not find them at home as they had already left for ... Crimea. 32. He lives in ... country in ... summer. 33. 1 spent ... summer of 1956 in ... Sochi. 34. I like ... autumn in Moscow. 35. He said that he would call on us ... following Sunday. 36. ... West Indies are in ... Atlantic between ... North America and ... South America. 37. ... last evening ... sunset was beautiful. 38. ... view from ... top of ... mountain is excellent. 39. We saw ... ship sailing near ... coast. 40. Both ... copper and ... lead .are found in this mine. 41. In ... department store you can buy ... food, ... shoes, ... clothing, and ... other goods.

Б. 1. ... Soviet Union is ... socialist state of ... workers and ... peasants. 2. ... highest organ of ... state power in ... U.S.S.R. is ... Supreme Soviet of ... U.S.S.R. 3. Moscow is ... centre of ... political and economic life of ... Soviet Union, ... centre of ... Soviet science and ... culture. 4. Every year with ... approach of ... summer holiday season, ... millions of ... Soviet people are busy pla