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40. Sketch of Regulations proposed to be made in Scotland. 1746. In a Letter of the Duke of Cumberland to the Duke of Newcastle. Fort Augustus, June 26, 1746 // TNA. 54.32 (24A/91-95).

41. Memorial for the Heritors and Ministers of the Church in the western Parts of the Shires of Perth, Stirling and Dumbarton, to be offered by the Honorable Mr G. Campbell to the Consideration of His Royal Highness the Duke. In H.R.H. the Duke of Cumberland’ of July 16, and 17. 1746 // TNA. SP 54.32 (49B/226).

42. Abstract of some Statutes made in Scotland for Regaining the Disorders in the Highlands // BL. NP. Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle. Add. Ms. 33,049. P. 273–275.

43. A short Description of the Nature of the Jurisdictions to be abolished. 1746 // BL. NP. Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle. Add. Ms. 33,049. P. 228–229.

44. Some Hints of Amendments and Additions fit to be made to the Scots Jurisdiction Bill // BL. NP. Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle. Add. Ms. 33,049. P. 232–236.

45. Memorial touching the Bill now depending for Disarming the High Lands. 1746 // BL. NP. Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle. Add. Ms. 33,049. P. 253–261.

46. Morris G. Hints for the future Regulation of the Highlands of Scotland. May 1746 // BL. NP. Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle. Add.Ms. 32,707. P. 162–164.

47. Notes concerning regulations in the Highlands // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1745–1752. Add. Ms. 35,890. P. 50.

48. Lord Arnistoun (Dundas). Proposals for the better Setting the Quiet of the Highlands of Scotland, a giving a free course to the Laws in that Country // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1745–1752. Add. Ms. 35,890. P. 80–91.

49. Forbes D. Some Considerations on the State of the Jurisdictions in Scotland // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1745–1752. Add. Ms. 35,890. P. 100.

50. Forbes D. Some Thoughts concerning the State of the Highlands of Scotland. 1747 // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1745–1752. Add. Ms. 35,890. P. 160–164.

51. Forbes D. Memorial on Highland Bill. 1746 // BL. NP. Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle. Add. Ms. 33,049. P. 263.

52. Forbes D. Description of the Highlanders in the Scotch Acts of Parliament // BL. NP. Correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle. Add. Ms. 33,049. P. 263.

53. Forbes D. Opinion relative to Attainders [In the President’s hand-writing. Perhaps June 1746] // CP. P. 282–284.

54. Forbes D. [the following (also in the president’s handwriting) appear to be detached ideas briefly recorded as they occurred; with the intention of their being afterwards digested, and laid before ministers] // CP. P. 284–285.

55. Forbes D. Some Thoughts concerning the State of the Highlands of Scotland. 1746 // CP. P. 297–301.

56. Forbes D. Some Considerations on the Present State of the Highlands of Scotland tending to shew what may be expected to happen, if France should think fit to risk a few Battalions with some Arms and Money and a Small Quantity of Meal, to feed the Common Highlanders who are starving, to be landed on the Western Coast // More Culloden Papers / Ed. by D. Warrand. Vol. V. February 1746 to December 1747. Inverness, 1930. P. 98–103.

57. Forbes D. Memoriall anent the True State of the Highlands as to their Chieftenries, Followings and Dependances before the Late Rebellion. 1746 // HPJP. Vol. II. P. 166–176.

58. Murray J. Account of the Highland Clans. Tower of London, August the 22nd, 1746 // Memorials of John Murray of Broughton sometime secretary to Prince Charles Edward 1740–1747. PSHS. Vol. XXVII / Edited, with an Introduction, Notes and an Appendix of Original Documents, by R.F. Bell. Edinburgh, 1898. P. 439–445.

59. Campbell D. A Scheme for Civilizing Lochiel’s Country. Edinburgh October the 3rd 1746 // AP. P. 327–328.

60. Macbean A. Memorial concerning the Highlands. Inverness, October 10, 1746 // Origins of the Forty-Five and other papers relating to that Rising / Ed. by W.B. Blaikie / PSHS. Second series. Vol. II. Edinburgh, 1916. P. 71–92.

61. Report made by two persons sent to the Highlands by the earl of Albemarle of the present dispositions of the people of the West Highlands of Scotland [вложено в: The Earl of Albemarle to the Duke of Newcastle. Edinburgh, 15 December 1746] //AP. P. 331–340.

62. A

63. Bland H., Fletcher A. Proposals for Civilizing the Highlands [1747] //AP. P. 480–492.

64. Memorial anent the Thieving and Depredations in the Highlands of Scotland, and the Countries bordering thereon [1747] // HPJP. Vol. I. P. 500–503.

65. Memorial Concerning a Cross Road from Inverlochy, by Ruthven of Badenoch, and through Braemar to Aberdeen [1747] // HPJP. Vol. I. P. 600–606.

66. Watson D. Proposals offered to Major General Blakeney for Covering that part of Inverness Shire lying South side of Murray firth, and the Shires of Murray, Bamff, Aberdeen, Mearns ans Angus against Depredations of the Highlanders of Ra

67. Watson D. Proposals for cantoning the five Highland additional Companies in the Western Isles and remoter parts of the Highlands. Edinburgh, December 14, 1747 // HPJP. Vol. II. P. 509–512.

68. Proposals from Lieutenant General Blakeney, commanding His Majesty’s Forces in North Britain, to the Gentlemen of the County of Aberdeen, Copies of which they*! please cause be transmitted to the Gentlemen of the Counties of Angus, Mearns, Bamff and Murray [1747] // HPJP. Vol. II. P. 496–498.

69. Description of the Hills, Glens and Passes in the Counties of Aberdeen, and etc. July 9th, 1747 // HPJP. Vol. II. P. 506–508.

70. Graham N. Memoriall relating to the State of the Highlands of Scotland, to be a

71. Graham N. An Inquiry into the Causes which Facilitate the Rise and Progress of Rebellions and Insurrections in the Highlands of Scotland, &c, 1747 [Extracts from a MS. in the possession of the Gartmore family, communicated by Walter Scott, Esq.] // Burt E. Op. cit. P. 338–370.

72. Erskine J. Remarks on the Bill in the House of commons for taking away the Heritable Jurisdictions in Scotland. 24 April, 1747 // BL. HP. Vol. XCVIII. Correspondence of the Lord of Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs. 1737–1748. Add. MS 35446. P. 168–177.

73. Memorial about the Circuit Courts in Scotland. March 3, 1748 // TNA. SP 54.38 (35/139-142).

74. Notes concerning regulations in the Highlands. March 3, 1748 // TNA. SP 54.38 (36/144-149).

75. Mr Robertson’s Memorial relating to the Highlands. March, 1748 //TNA. SP 54.38 (62/307).

76. Remarks on the Bill for disarming the Highlands and etc. March, 1748 // TNA. SP 54.38 (63/309-319).

77. Memorandums relating to the Present State of Scotland. March, 1748 //TNA. SP 54.38 (64/313-314).

78. Remarks on the Memorandums relating to the Present State of Scotland. March, 1748 // TNA. SP 54.38 (65/ 315–316).

79. Observations on the Bill now depending, for Taking away and abolishing the Heritable Jurisdictions in that part of Great Britain, called Scotland, and for making satisfaction to the Proprietors thereof; and for restoring such Jurisdictions for the Crown; and for making more effectual provision for the administration of Justice throughout that part of the United Kingdom by the King’s Courts and Judges there, and for rendering the Union of two Kingdoms more complete. March, 1748 // TNA. SP 54.38 (66/317–330).

80. Memorial concerning Jurisdictions and Superiorities in Scotland. March, 1748 // TNA. SP 54.38 (71/353-354).

81. Memorial relating to Scotland. March, 1748 // TNA. SP 54.38 (73/357-358).

82. Sketch of Regulations proposed to be made in Scotland. March, 1748 // TNA. 54.38 (54/292-295).