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83. Remarks on the Bill relating to Tenures and Jurisdictions in Scotland. March, 1748 // TNA. 54.38 (56/298-301).

84. Some Hints relating to amending the Laws of Scotland. March, 1748 // TNA. 54.38 (70/351-352).

85. Abbreviate of the Proposals transmitted by General Bland, and the Lord Justice Clerk for Civilising, and Reforming the Highlands, Routing out the Barbarous and Rebellious Spirit; and Introducing the Spirit of Loyalties and Industry in place thereof. By Vesting the Property of a Large Tract of that Country in the Crown, with hum by it may be Enabled, Legally to expel many of the Old Inhabitants, and to Grant Leases, under certain Conditions, to faithful Subjects. March, 1748 // TNA. SP 54.38 (68/347-350).

86. Brief Considerations Relating to Forfeitures, And for reestablishing the Peace and Tranquillity of the Highlands of Scotland. By Baron Reid. March, 1748 // TNA. SP 54.38 (72/355-356).

87. Cross W. Some Considerations by way of Essay, upon the means of civilising the Highlands and extinguishing Jacobitism in Scotland. 1748. To Lieut.-General Bland, Commander in Chief of all His Majesty’s Forces in Scotland // NLS. Ms. 5201.

88. Highland Reports, 1749–1750 // HPJP. Vol. II. P. 513–584.

89. Bruce D. Report of David Bruce, Esq., one of the Surveyors of the Forfeited Estates in Scotland. 1750 // BL. HP. Vol. XCIX. Correspondence of the Lord of Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs. January 1749 — July 1753. Add. MS 35447. P. 89–95.

90. The Highlands of Scotland in 1750. From Manuscript 104 in the King’s Library, British Museum. With an Introduction by Andrew Lang. Edinburgh and London, 1898.

91. Erskine J. Memorials (6) concerning the estates of Strowan and Lochgarry in Pertshire. 1751 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1605.

92. An Essay upon Thief and Depredation in the Highlands of Scotland with Observations upon the A

93. Abuses, or Neglects, in the general Management in Scotland, since the Rebellion. 1752 // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1745–1752. Add. Ms. 35,890. P. 303.

94. Measures taken by the Military, since the Rebellion, and the Effects thereof. 1752 // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1745–1752. Add. Ms. 35,890. P. 330–331.

95. Memorandum relating to the Western Isles of Scotland // BL. HP. Vol. C. Correspondence of the Lord Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs.1753–1756. Add. MS 35448. P. 49.

96. Report from Captain Barlow of the Buffs, giving a Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, where the parties under his command were employed on Outpost Duty Summer 1753. Edinburgh, 1 January, 1754 // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1753–1760. Add. Ms. 35,891. P. 23–25.

97. Account of the Villages and Farms lying adjacent to Fort William with the Rents and etc. of them; With a Memorial relating to the above Garrison. In Lieut. Gen. Bland’s Letter, of April 13th, 1754 // TNA. SP 54.44 (22–23).

98. Memorandum for My Lord Advocate [Mr. Dundas of Arniston] concerning the Reformation of Highlands of Scotland, 1755 // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1753–1760. Add. Ms. 35,891. P. 47.

99. Hints towards a Settlement of the Forfeited Estates in the Highlands of Scotland. London, January, 1753 // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1753–1760. Add. Ms. 35,891. P. 96–97.

100. Some Reflections to the State of North Britain and particularly to that of the Highlands // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1753–1760. Add. Ms. 35,891. P. 118–148.

101. Additional Memorandums about the Disarming of Scotland (1751?) // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1753–1760. Add. Ms. 35,891. P. 191.

102. Report to the King by the Commissioners for managing the A

103. Plan for raising a militia in that part of Great Britain called Scotland // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1753–1760. Add. Ms. 35,891. P. 217–235.

104. Memorial concerning the Proposal for raising 6000 men, as the Militia of Scotland // BL. HP. Relating to Scotland. 1753–1760. Add. Ms. 35,891. P. 236.

105. Hints humbly offered by the Lord Justice Clerk, and some considerable well affected Persons in Scotland, For the Consideration of His Majesty’s Ministers, on Occasion of the present critical Conjuncture. Edinburgh, 17th March, 1756 [Hints Suggested In Relation to the Raising of 4 Independent Companys in the Highlands of Scotland. 17th March, 1756] // BL. HP. Vol. CL Correspondence of the Lord of Hardwicke on Scotch Affairs. January 1756 — July 1763. Add. MS 35449. P. 17–18.

106. Reports on the A


Карты Горной Шотландии, составленные в связи с решением «Хайлендской проблемы» в конце XVII — первой половине XVIII в.[1038]

1. Fort William in Lochquaber [1696] / Dury, Theodore (Eng.) // BL. Maps K.Top.50.40

2. Fort William and MaryBurgh at Inverlochie in Lochquaber [1696] / Dury, Theodore (Eng.) // TNA. MPF 1/241 [WO 78/1194]

3. Plan of Fort William with the country adjacent [1710] / Johnson, Robert (Overseer) // NLS. MS 1646 Z.02/24a

4. An exact Survey of Loch Eale in the Barony of Lochabor in the Shire of Inverness surveyed in the year 1716 / Hargrave, J[ohn] (Eng.) // TNA. MPH 1/224 [TNA. WO 78/1829]

5. A Trace and exact Plan of Fort William scituate on ye Locheale in Lochabor in ye Shire of Inverness with ye Loch from ye current of A

6. A True & exact Plan of Locheale (bounded on ye N.E. with Lochabor & on ye S.W. with Argour) giving a true account of all ye Towns, houses, Rivers, Rivuletts, Woods, Trees, Mountains, Glens, Bogs, Arable ground, & Passable roads, & likewise ye Depth of Water & flowing of ye Tide in ye Loch viz: from ye Head of ye Loch to ye Current of A

7. The Roads between I

8. A Draught of I

9. A Plan of the Barrack at Kiliwhiman And of the Ground within the bounds of it betwixt the two Rivers & the letters AB.C [1718] / Dumaresq, John & Bastide, John Henri (Eng.); Bastide, John Henri (DM) // NLS. MS 1647 Z.03/08a-b

10. A Prospect of that Part of the Land and Sea adjacent to ye Barrack to be Built in Glen Elg [1720] / Bastide, John Henri (Eng.) // NLS. MS 1647 Z.03/07a-c

11. Draught of Fort William & Maryburgh with the fields and Waters thereabouts at Inverlochie in Lochaber [1720] / Dury, Theodore (Eng.); Romer, John (Eng.), Drummond, T (CP), Searle, Richard (CP) and Lewis, M.W. (CP) // TNA. MPHH 1/38 [TNA. WO 78/1926]

12. [Map of Scotland showing the Forts at Inverness, Fort Augustus, Fort William and Moidart and on which is pencilled the proposed military roads, also the names and numbers of men that could be raised by the various clans, 1724/25] / [Wade, George (Eng.)] // NLS. Acc.10497 Wade.58a

13. A Map of Part of the Highlands, not done by actual Survey, but laid down on the common computed distances of places… [1724/25] / [Wade, George (Eng.)] // NLS. Acc.10497 Wade.58c

14. [Map showing the intended military roads joining up Stirling with Fort Augustus, etc. 1724/25] / [Wade, George (Eng.)] // NLS. Acc.10497 Wade.58e


В списке представлены карты Горной Шотландии и ее отдельных районов, планы фортов и казарм в Горной Стране с изображением прилегающей округи, планы римских укреплений с изображением проложенных в Хайленде в первой половине XVIII в. военных дорог и карты маршрутов британской армии в Шотландии в 1746 г. с изображением прилегающей местности, составленные граверами и картографами Артиллерийской палаты в ходе решения «Хайлендской проблемы». За скобками оставлены планы замков, фортов, казарм, римских укреплений, сражений и маршрутов британской армии в Шотландии, не содержащие информации о географии и топографии Горной Шотландии. Карты и планы, вошедшие в список, представлены в хронологической последовательности их составления.

Условные обозначения при указании составителей планов и карт: Eng. — инженер (engineer), DM — гравер (draughtsman), CP — копиист (copyist).