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506. Plank G. The culture of conquest. The British colonists and Nova Scotia, 1690–1759 (Vols. I–II). PhD Thesis. Princeton University, 1994.

507. Stanwood O.C. Creating the Common Enemy. Catholics, Indians and the Politics of Fear in Imperial North America, 1678–1700. PhD Thesis. Northwestern University, 2005.

508. Towsey M.R.M. Reading the Scottish Enlightenment. Libraries, Readers and Intellectual Culture in Provincial Scotland c. 1750–1820. PhD Thesis. University of St Andrews, 2007.

509. Vermeulen H.F. Early History of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German Enlightenment: Anthropological Discourse in Europe and Asia, 1710–1808. PhD Thesis. University of Leiden, 2008.


Мемориалы, рапорты и обозрения по решению «Хайлендской проблемы» в конце XVII — первой половине XVIII в.[1037]

1. Mackay Н. General Remarks upon the Scots Wars in the Years 1689 and 1690, with the occasions of the Begi

2. Forbes D. Memoir of a Plan for Preserving the Peace of the Highlands: wrritten a short time after the Revolution [The Original is in the hand-writing of Duncan Forbes, of Culloden, the President’s father; and every part of his plan seems to have been closely followed, in every point of any consequence] // CP. P. 14–18.

3. Memoriall to the King [1692, before 26 Apr.; concerning the state of the Highlands] // Papers illustrative of the Political Condition of the Highlands of Scotland, 1689–96. Glasgow, 1845.

4. Mackenzie G., Forbes W., Campbell C. Report of the Committie anent the Peace off the Highlands, 1699 // HPJP. Vol. I. P. 1–3.

5. Mackenzie G. A Short Account of the First Causes of Scotland’s Divisions, 1703 // Letters relating to Scotland in the reign of Queen A

6. Ogilvie J. Memoranda on scotch affairs [1705?] // HMC. Fifteenth Report. Appendix. Part IV. Report on the Manuscripts of his Grace the Duke of Portland, preserved at Welbeck Abbey. Vol. IV. London, 1897. P. 276–277.

7. A Memorial from the Commissioners of enquiry in Scotland to the Right Honorable the Lord Viscount Townshend. 5th October, 1716 // TNA. SP 54.12 (220В/ 547–550).

8. Report of the Commissioners appointed by the Royal Sign Manual, in Prosecution of the late act of Parliament for the more effectual securing the Peace in the Highlands of Scotland, on the proper Places for establishing Schools within the Bounds mentioned in the foresaid act. Edinburgh, 2nd November, 1716 // TNA. SP 54.12 (234/ 600–618).

9. Proposalls concerning the Highlanders, 1717 // TNA. SP 54.13 (48/194-195).

10. An Account of the number of Men the Highland Chieftains and superiors of the several Clans can bring to the field to carry arms. Sr. Patrick Strachan [1717] // NAS. MKP. GD 1/616/46.

11. Erskine J. An Account of the Highlanders and Highlands of Scotland. Edr., 29 Decbr., 1724 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1263/1.

12. Erskine J. A Continuation of the Account of the Highlanders and Highlands. Edr., 2 Jan., 1725 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1263/2.

13. Erskine J. Memorial concerning the Highlanders, Sherifships, Vassalages and etc. 1. Edr., 14 Jan., 1725 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1264/1.

14. Erskine J. Memorial concerning the Highlanders, Sherifships, Vassalages and etc. 2. Edr., 21 Jan., 1725 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1264/2.

15. Erskine J. Memorial concerning the Highlanders, Sherifships, Vassalages and etc. 3. Edr., 25 Jan., 1725 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1264/4.

16. Fraser S. Memorial addressed to His Majesty George I concerning the State of the Highlands, 1724 // Burt E. Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland to His Friend in London. With large Appendix, containing various important historical documents, hitherto unpublished; with an introduction and notes by R. Jamieson. Vol. II / Ed. by R. Jamieson. Edinburgh; Glasgow and London, 1822. P. 254–267.

17. Instructions for Our Trusty and well beloved General Wade, whom We have appointed to go into the Highlands in Scotland, and to examine and report the State thereof. Given at Our Court. 1724 // TNA. SP 54.14 (36/326-330).

18. Wade G. Report, &c, relating to the Highlands, 1724 // HPJP. Vol. I. P. 131–146.

19. Memorial concerning the State of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. 1724 // TNA. SP 54.14 (38/332).

20. Report of the Commissioners appointed by the Royal Sign Manual, in Prosecution of the late act of Parliament for the more effectual securing the Peace in the Highlands of Scotland, on the proper Places for establishing Schools within the Bounds mentioned in the foresaid act. Edinburgh, 2nd November, 1724 // TNA. SP 54.12 (224/ 580–581).

21. Memorial Concerning the Grouth of popery and etc. in the Highlands of the Shire of Aberdeen. 27 September, 1725 // TNA. SP 54.16 (36/179-181).

22. Proposal about the Highlanders [1724–1725] // HMC. Eleventh Report. Appendix. Part IV. The Manuscripts of the Marques Townshend. London, 1887. P. 195–196.

23. Proposal for Disarming the Highlands [1725] //HMC. Eleventh Report. Appendix. Part IV. The Manuscripts of the Marques Townshend. London, 1887. P. 196.

24. Proposal of Disarming the Highlands of Scotland. Copy [1725] // BL. Letters and Papers of Sir Robert Walpole. Add Ms. 74066.

25. Wade G. Report to His Majesty concerning the Highlands, of Scotland, in 1725 // Burt E. Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland… P. 289–316.

26. Fraser S. Memorial concerning the Highlands of Scotland by Simon, Lord Lovat. To His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, his Majesty’s principal Secretary of State. 1727 // TNA. SP 54.18 (55/220-223).

27. Wade G. Report, &c, relating to the Highlands, 1727 // HPJP. Vol. I. P. 150–165.

28. Erskine J. Scroll of a Paper sent to Speake of the House of Commons on the Bill concerning the Highland Forfeitures for the Rebellion 1745 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1561.

29. Erskine J. 1. Memorial concerning the Highlands of Scotland, and the Borders of south and North Britain. Oct. 1746 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1569/1.

30. Erskine J. 2. Memorial concerning the Highlands of Scotland, and the Borders of south and North Britain. Oct. 1746 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1569/2.

31. Erskine J. 3. Memorial concerning the Highlands of Scotland, and the Borders of south and North Britain. Oct. 1746 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1569/3.

32. Erskine J. 4. Memorial concerning the Highlands of Scotland, and the Borders of South and North Britain. Nov. 1746 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1569/4.

33. Erskine J. Memorial. How Scotland may be brought, and the inhabitants thereof, now on the suppression of the Rebellion, to a just, advantageous and right settlement for the whole United Kingdom [1746–1747] // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1570.

34. Erskine J. Nature of Power and Armies [1746–1747] // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1574.

35. Erskine J. Scheme for the Improvement of Ra

36. Erskine J. Remarks on a proposed rectification of the Scots superiorities and heritable jurisdictions [1746–1747] // NAS. Mar and Kellie Papers. GD 124/15/1571.

37. Erskine J. Notes (3 papers) on Scottish Acts of Parliament relating to the Highlands [1746–1747] // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1572.

38. Erskine J. Remarks on the Bill for taking away the heritable jurisdictions in Scotland. April, 1747 // NAS. MKP. GD 124/15/1577.

39. Draft of Memorandums [by Archibald Campbell of Stonefield (?)] for [Major]-General [John] Campbell, concerning the country of the Rebels. April, 1746 // NAS. CSR GD 14/81.


В списке представлены документы, составленные для административных нужд чинов, ответственных за умиротворение и «цивилизацию» Горной Шотландии. За скобками оставлены комментарии и отдельные замечания касательно «Хайлендской проблемы», представленные в официальной правительственной и частной корреспонденции, а также на страницах памфлетов и периодических изданий. Мемориалы, рапорты, отчеты и обозрения, вошедшие в список, представлены в хронологической последовательности их составления.