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She took his hand in hers, pressed her cheek against it, and he stopped feeling his body.

– Please give me a son. I've been dreaming about this. To see his eyes, just like yours. I want to look at him and think of you. I want you to always be there for me, always. A

The silence was broken by the striking of the clock, and the young man awoke.

– I have to go, Robin, – the girl said.

– It is clear that I do not deserve such words, because I can not have children.

– The curse of the royal dynasty, – Raven said bitterly, pushing her onto the bed and kneeling beside her, holding her down with his hands.

– Do you believe in curses? – A

She tried to get up, but the young man wouldn't let her.

– I didn't let you go, – he said irritably.


– The royal sword of Adenia. He chooses his own master, he can only be held by the strongest, and the rest of this weapon causes pain.

The monarch's voice had regained its former firmness and authority. He looked at A

– Yes, – A

– So you put a blade to my throat for that? – The king asked, squinting at the blade.

– No. For your joke with the fountain, I decided to take revenge, – she smiled.

Raven took a moment to cast a paralyzing spell on her, and immediately felt his entire body go numb as he realized that A

Fifteen minutes of motionless solitude seemed like an eternity to Robin. During this time, he tried hundreds of ways to rid himself of the effects of his own charms. Suddenly, the door flew off its hinges from a strong blow, and Arthur stumbled into the room. To say that he looked surprised was to say nothing. For half a minute, Lord Kern was just a statue. Edward followed him through the doorway. Raising his eyebrows, he silently stood next to his friend and stared at Robin. A few more seconds passed before the young men began to shake with laughter. Reclining on the pillows, the king seemed to show no concern about this, except that his black eyes glittered fiercely in his dark face.

– How are you, Robin? – Arthur asked mockingly.

– Can I help you? – The Falcon chimed in.

– How can we help? – The Bear said, puzzled. – Do you have the magic to remove this paralysis?

– I don't have it, it was blocked. And you?

– And I don't have any magic, either.

– Should we call someone? – The young men were clearly enjoying the situation.

– How so? I'm under arrest and there's nothing I can do.

– So am I.

The king could only show by the expression of his eyes what he thought of his subjects. Finally, the leader of the Bears left and brought the guards. The mages quickly freed the Raven, who was able to yell immediately:

– Where is she?

The Falcon and the Bear looked at each other in mock bewilderment. Suddenly, the pale-faced head of the guard rushed into the room and hurriedly bowed.

– Your Majesty, the Countess of the Rhine has left the castle on her horse.

– Catch up and bring her back! – Raven snapped.

In his excitement, the subject began to stutter.

– W-w-which one?

– What?!

– The six horsewomen rode off in different directions. We couldn't determine where the mirages were, it all happened too fast.

– Catch up with all the horsewomen!

– Yes, Your Majesty.

The guards withdrew. Robin quickly pulled on his shirt and doublet, moving back and forth uncontrollably. The sound of the siren made everyone in the room tense up.

– Someone broke into the vault!" – Arthur shouted.

The young men ran.

The palace treasury was protected by the most powerful magic spells imaginable. Therefore, it was deserted in front of the entrance. When the siren a

– It's him, – Robin said dully.

– The Phoenix spell, Raven, recite it, and the wall will collapse in fifteen minutes, – Arthur says hurriedly.

At this time, the knight in black entered the battle. In his hands, a weapon glittered, smashing at his opponents. It took him five minutes to leave ten people injured on the stairs. The best warriors, the Falcon and the Raven, stood speechless. Meanwhile, the stranger in dark clothes, after taking a short break, jumped down the stairs, spi

– The King's sword, – the Falcon breathed, and looked back at Robin. – He has the sword of Adenia.

– Yes, she's not acting alone. She managed to get it to him, – Raven said softly.