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– Robin, go away! – Bear shouted at the top of his voice. – We can hold them off!

Raven's mind flashed with images from his childhood and adolescence. He remembered how Arthur and Edward had protected him, and how he had protected them. They managed to survive only thanks to each other's support and trust. Only a few seconds had passed. Robin's friends were already on their knees, fighting the pain. Raven concentrated and gathered all his magic, which swept away twenty opponents at once. Surprise flickered in the Arenians ' eyes. They had not imagined that the young head of the Raven clan had such power. Robin stepped in front of his friends, who were already unconscious, and concentrated again, gritting his teeth. Twenty mages had parried his blow and were now advancing, trying to break through the shield. The king smiled, knowing that it was all over for him, and whirled the energy into a vortex, knocking the fifteen mages away, falling to the ground with a groan. Already immobilized, the young man saw the Arenian approach him, accompanied by traitors.

– It was a tough attempt to survive. Even I'm impressed. Finish with him.

One of the wizards created a ball. Raven continued to smile as he looked at the sparkling, deadly stream. And suddenly, instead of the warriors looming over him, he saw a starry sky. There was the sound of a teleport opening quickly, and someone yelling. After a few minutes, everything went quiet. Rathmir was leaning over Robin, looking anxiously into his eyes.

– A magical blow to your land, – the young king whispered. – Save A


– Stop your tantrum right now!

Through the salt water, she saw her friend Rogneda. Her brown eyes glowed with anger, and her long dark hair was tousled. The girl let out a long moan and stopped crying.

– What? – Rogda asked.

– There's less hope every hour, – A

– There's still something to try, – she said.

– I've learned that our old friend, the all-powerful King Piran, has a thing that can bring back magic.

– Where is he keeping her?

– In his cave, which is familiar to us.

– Can I open a teleport there? – Countess Raine asked, gathering herself.

– What do you think I've been doing these days?

– When can I go there?

– Stop joking, do you think I'll let you go alone?

– I'm not kidding, it's dangerous. I think that our old friends are well aware of the current situation and will be waiting for us there.

– There's no doubt about that, so we'll go there together.


– Yes, – Rogneda said, blowing an unruly curl from her forehead. – The boy had a chance to drink shit on the way to power.


– And how much more to come, oooh, – said Ronskaya.

Augustus burst into the bedroom and stood by the bed, panting. The fair-haired, rosy-cheeked boy with the glowing eyes was now hardly recognizable as the former puny child. He bowed slightly to Rogneda, who nodded back.

– August, – A

The boy was all ears.

– I want you to look after His Majesty.

– I get it. I've already thought about it, – Augustus said seriously. – Our friends and neighbors volunteered to help. We can keep a steady watch here. Our estate is protected by magic.

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