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– Anything I can do, Countess,– the handsome, dark-eyed man promised.

– When will I be allowed to return home?

– Your return home is not pla

– Why not?

– I intend to make you my mistress.

Edward and Arthur glared at their friend, which was not lost on A

– So you don't need my consent?

– And it won't follow? – Robin asked, feigning surprise.

– No, – A

– You prefer the scaffold, then?

– Yes, especially since it is already becoming my habit. Permission to leave?

The Falcon gave the Countess a sharp look. She was cool and tried to keep her tone casual. It was only for a moment that her fingers twitched, and he realized the cost of keeping her casual.

– Guards! – Robin shouted.

Four warriors entered the door.

– Take the lady away, – Raven said matter-of-factly.


– Have you thought well, Rob? – asked Arthur, in a hollow voice.

– You're making a mistake, – Edward said, leaving the table.

The doors opened again, and a dozen or so mage warriors burst into the dining room.

– Your energies were blocked during lunch, so don't do anything stupid, – Robin said. – Sit in quiet places for three days and calm down.

Arthur and Edward looked at each other, assessing the situation.

– Please surrender your weapons and follow us, my lords, – the mage leader said grimly.

– Please don't do this, Robin, – the Falcon said, handing over the sword. – She didn't have any lovers, do you hear?

Lord Kern's gray eyes flashed with lightning, and if they had been magical, his crowned friend would have been nothing but smoking remains. A few seconds later, the king was alone in the dining room. He sat down on a wrought-iron chair and leaned his head back wearily, looking up at the old-fashioned stucco ceiling.


– A

The girl smiled at Augustus as she continued walking.

– I was told you were looking for me.

– Yes. I need your help. Please pluck a branch from the old juniper tree in the back yard and bring it to the room that opens onto the pillared hall.

The child looked at her in surprise, and at the same time saw the whole plan of the future movement in his imagination.

– You should be there by midnight.

– I'll do it, – she heard a voice behind her.

With her i

– Flame.

The bay leader, flanked by two grooms, shuddered.

Realizing that her friend had heard her, she said:

– Home.

Realizing the order, Flame immediately rushed to the exit.

– Hey, where are you going? – The man yelled, trying to grab the horse's bridle.

Immediately an assistant ran up to him and threw a noose around the animal's neck. A few moments later, an interesting sight opened up to the crowd of onlookers. With a sharp blow, the stable gate was carried out by a wild stallion, which rushed forward like a whirlwind. The battered grooms ran after him, shouting: " Hold him!"

But no one dared even come close to this embodiment of unrestrained energy. Flame leaped over the castle's stone railing, leaving his pursuers with their mouths wide open.

– Damn horse, – one of them lisped, spitting out a broken tooth.

For nearly an hour, A

– Did you really think I'd send you to the scaffold?

– I still think you'll have to, – A

– So you're a fool, – Robin said evenly, still holding her.

– Oh, don't jump to conclusions, my King.

He walked away and, almost ripping off the buttons, took off his shirt.

– Call me by my first name – Robin.

– All right, Robin, – A

– You turned your back, – Raven chuckled. – You don't like me? With that, he took a step forward.

– No, come on, Robin, you're well-built, but I'm just shy of other people's half-naked men, – she said, backing away.

He smiled suddenly, a boyish, infectious smile that made his eyes sparkle.

– Then let's get closer.

For a moment, something in A

– Give me your tenderness, – Robin said softly, touching her hair with his hand. – We'll be fine together.

He couldn't resist leaning in, nuzzling her nose, trying to kiss her, but A

– Yes, for a short time we can really be happy, and then … – she didn't finish the sentence.

– And then? – Raven asked, mesmerized by the sound of her voice.

– And then there will come the bitterness of disappointment and a cruel reckoning that will erase all pleasant memories.


– Well, well, well, – the young man drawled, putting his arm around her again and lifting her easily into his arms. – You will be my wife.

– Robin, please let me go, – A

He set her down on the floor, still holding her in his arms.

– Let me go home, – she said gently.

Raven sighed and whispered fervently in her ear again:

– I can't, you won't cross that threshold until you're mine.

It was extremely pleasant to hold her in his arms and kiss her hair. He even thought that he had never experienced this before.


– Robin, we still have a few minutes before I leave here.

– Where to, my baby? – the king chuckled.

She ignored the question.

– I wanted to tell you a little bit about myself.

– All-attention…

– Once upon a time, I loved a young man. I love him now, too.

This was the last thing the young man expected to hear from her.

– Is that so? – he got angry. – And who is he?

– He's dead, – A

Raven stared at her in silence, and she returned his gaze even more intently.

– Your real feelings, Robin, are just a destructive short-term passion.

– And yours? – The young man asked hoarsely.

– I can show them to you, but know that they are meant for him, not for you.

Robin looked down for a moment, and when he looked up, he saw A

– My love, I've been waiting for you for so long. Unbearably long, – her voice broke on the last sentence.