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“You don’t.”

She cupped the base of his neck so he couldn’t jerk away and rose up on her tiptoes. She didn’t go for his lips, but instead pressed her cheek against his and whispered in his ear. “I’m going to volunteer to get you through the ravage.”

He released her wrist and grabbed her other hip. He shoved her back a few inches and snarled. She had to lower to her feet but didn’t let go of him, so he couldn’t get too far away. Pure rage twisted his features and those fangs were close enough that she got a really good look at them.


That hurt. “Why not? Because I’m human?”


“You just said I look good. You’re as hard as a rock.” She looked down at the front of his jeans. The outline of his cock was clear and impressive. “Not a cell phone.” She glared up at him. “You’re not flying away this time. No hiding. So tell me. What is it about me that you detest so much?”

His coloring turned a little gray. “It’s not that. Is that what you think?”

“I threw myself at you and practically begged you to take me to your bed before I moved away. Am I ugly to you? Repulsive? Do you hate me because I’m human? What is it about me that makes you always reject me?”

“You deserve better. I can’t give you the emotions you need.”

She stared up at him. Was he trying to protect her? She’d never suspected that.

“You deserve more,” he rasped, drastically lowering his tone. “I could never make you happy. I’d rather not have you at all than watch you slowly die the way my mother did.”

“Your mother died? When?”

“Eleven years ago. She was a full-blooded Lycan.” He closed his eyes. “My father is a full-blooded Gargoyle. He couldn’t give her enough affection to sustain her. She slowly lost the will to live. That’s what women do when they have their hearts broken repeatedly by their mates. I take more after him.”

She had to lean forward to catch his words. “I’m so sorry.” She hurt for Creed. She knew he had a close co

He turned his head away, closing his eyes. “Don’t volunteer, Angel. Not you. You’re more than just a vessel to be used by me for a night. I’d never forgive myself, and I don’t think I’m sane enough right now to pick someone else. I’m supposed to protect you, even if that means from myself. Let go of me. I need to get far away from you.”

She did the opposite instead, and went up on her tiptoes again. She threw her other arm around his neck and pushed against his chest until their bodies were flush together. “Listen to me, Creed.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her. She noticed the lack of warmth coming from his body even more, and it scared her.


“It’s my choice, and I want to be there for you. I know it’s only a onetime thing. You want to avoid hurting me? Don’t make me lie awake tomorrow night, knowing you’re with someone else. You were there for me when I needed you the most. Let me be there for you.”

He lowered his head and bent his knees a little, burying his face in the crook of her neck. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Then come get me tomorrow night. Do you need me now? Let’s go.”

He held on to her a little tighter. “It’s going to hit full force tomorrow night.”

“What about tonight?”

“You wouldn’t survive two nights of me like this.”

“I’d be willing to risk it.”

He rubbed his face against her hair and throat. “Let go. I’ll meet you here at six tomorrow evening. There are things you need to do. I told the elders.”

“The ritual. I know. I’ll do it. Are you going to be okay? You can take me home with you now if you want.”

“Angel,” he growled.

“I’m right here.”

“Let go. Tomorrow.”

“I’ll buy a damn grenade launcher and blow you out of that cliff if you don’t come get me. Am I clear?”

He barked out a harsh laugh. “Yes.”

“I mean it.”

“I know you do.”

She eased her hold on him and the second she did, he jerked away and dove off the rocks. His wings spread out before he hit the water, and then he was shooting into the sky. He flew away up to his cliff as if the hounds of hell were after him. She watched until he was back inside his lair. That wasn’t like him either. He never returned there in broad daylight, when anyone could watch to see exactly where he landed.

She bit her lip, really worried. He’d hurt her in the past but she still loved him. She probably always would.

“I’m going to be there for you,” she murmured.