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“Who the hell are— Angel!”

He was still as gorgeous as ever. His jet-black hair fell to his shoulders. It was silky to the touch and baby soft. She remembered that. His eyes were a stormy dark blue. It was the swirls of silver that gave them that appearance, like lightning flashes in a midnight sky. Long, thick black eyelashes accented them. She’d always envied him those. His full lips pressed together, giving him a harsh expression. It didn’t detract from his looks at all. Nobody did brooding better than Creed. He was sexy regardless.

She glanced at his body as he tucked his wings behind his broad shoulders. It was a shame, because he had lovely black ones. They weren’t feathers, but some type of soft texture that came from his Gargoyle blood. He’d allowed her to touch them a few times and it had reminded Angel of velvet.

“Hello, Creed.” She finally got her voice to work, refusing to drool over his muscular arms revealed in the thin-strapped black tank top he wore. She knew he liked them because they didn’t rip when he sprouted his wings.

“Your hair. I’d forgotten it used to be blonde.”

“It’s still blonde. I just didn’t hide it with dye this time.”

He looked angry when his eyes narrowed. “What are you doing home? This isn’t your time.”

She stood. Her legs felt shaky and she hated how short she was compared to him when they were close together, but he was a freaky height of six feet five. Any woman would feel that way unless she was over six feet tall. She brushed off the ass of her jeans.

“My time? Am I not allowed to come home to visit my parents when I feel like it?” She knew she was trying to pick a fight but old heartache wasn’t easy to get past.

“Of course.” He took a step back. “I saw you interact with the wolves and thought you were a lost hiker. They didn’t transform.”

“Amond is a little too old to flash his goods at me. I’m grateful for that. We’re not kids anymore. I’m sure he’s grown a bit since then. They might be comfortable with the naked thing but they know I’m not, since I don’t have a reason to strip in front of them.” She paused. “Is that how you deal with strangers? Swoop down at them like an angry demon and give them heart attacks?”

He scowled. “No. I capture them and go retrieve a VampLycan to wipe their minds of anything they’ve seen, before I send them on their way.”

“That’s good to know. You’re still keeping the pack safe. I thought you were only on duty at night.”

He glanced away. “I was awake.”

She glanced at her watch. “You’re up early.”

He looked back at her then. “Is everything okay with you?”

“It’s all great,” she lied. “Why do you ask? Is everything okay with you?”

“You only come in early summer.”

He ignored her question. She didn’t blame him. It wasn’t as if he’d confess the ravage was about to hit him. That would mean he might actually ask her to help him out. She studied his eyes, really looking at him.

There was a tiredness to them that hadn’t been there before. It concerned her, then irritated her. He’d shut her down when she’d admitted to caring about him. It was a mistake to show him she still did, and that wasn’t something she was willing to do. He’d probably just fly off.

“Well, I’m not some nosey hiker trespassing on pack land. I was just visiting my old fishing spot.”

“I remember. We spent a lot of time here.”

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His gaze locked with hers. “Yes, it was.”

“I should go. My friends are meeting me at the house. They’ve had enough time to put on some clothes.”

She spun away, making it a few feet before he spoke.

“You look good, Angel.”

She halted. Her heart raced and faced him again. A wariness settled in. He was probably just being polite by giving her a compliment…but Creed wasn’t one to do that. He usually didn’t say anything unless there was a reason. She stepped closer and tilted her head, studying him.

“What?” His body tensed.

She walked up to him until they almost touched, really gazing into his eyes. They were bloodshot on closer inspection, and he actually looked a little pale. The guy always had a deep tan, even in winter. She reached out and placed her hand on his bare skin just above the material of his tank top. Alarm hit.

“You’re cold.”

He jerked away but couldn’t go far on the rock without falling into the river. “I’m a GarLycan.”

“You usually run hot unless you’re shifted.” She reached up and pressed her hand against his neck. “You’re cold to the touch, Creed.”

“I’m fine.”

She didn’t believe him. “You’re lying.”

He growled.

She took a step back, stu

Her mother’s words replayed through her mind. Was he already losing control? Were his hormones playing hell with him?

She reached up again and drew so close, she almost pressed against his body. She ran her fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes. He even tilted his head a little to allow it, almost encouraged it.

She stroked his hair and moved her hand, ru

Creed gripped her hip with one of his hands. “Stop.”

She ran her fingers over the lump again, gently caressing. He actually leaned into her, pressing his chest against hers as his eyes closed once more. His mouth parted and he groaned deeper, a sexy sound. He even pushed the front of his jeans against her belly. The feel of his stiff cock surprised her. Creed was turned on.

“Look at me,” she whispered.

He opened his eyes to reveal the color of them had turned more silver. “Stop, Angel. Please.” He put a few inches between their bodies.

“Or what?” She didn’t want to let him go. Creed finally wanted her. It was a powerful, wonderful thing to have him at her mercy. She’d been at his before, and she didn’t want to walk away, the way he had. His head fell forward, and she would be able to kiss him if she just lifted up on her tiptoes. The desire to know the feel of his lips against her own tormented her.

A muscle in his jaw clenched and his fangs slid out. “Don’t play with fire.”

She placed her other hand on his side. “You already burned me, Creed.”

He appeared confused. “I don’t…”

“Don’t what? Understand? Want me?” She slid her hand over his stomach and lower, down to his hip. He shivered, his body quaking from the light touch. She dared to explore the front of his pants with her fingertips. “Is that a cell phone in your pocket or are you happy to see me? Let’s find out.”

He grabbed her wrist and jerked it away from the front of his pants. “Stop. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

She still had her other hand on the back of his neck. She caressed the bulge there again, letting her fingers play over it. Creed’s gaze dropped to her lips and he growled deep. His hold on her wrist and her hip tightened until it almost hurt. She did stop caressing him before he broke something on her without meaning to. She hadn’t been raised around non-humans without learning the dangers of their strength.

She made a decision. “I know exactly what I’m doing.”