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Chapter Three

Angel frowned at her mom. “Is Dad still sulking?”

“I think so. He’s upset. You’re his baby girl.”

“Lycan girls go have sex with men. That’s acceptable but this isn’t? Can you say double standard? I’m almost thirty.”

Her mom gri

“Because I’m human.”

“Yes. We always worry about you. You aren’t as hardy as Lycans.”

“Thanks.” She wasn’t offended.

Her mother chuckled. “I know it’s not fair but it’s true.”

“I know. I get colder easier since I don’t grow fur.” She lifted her hands out of the water in the tub. “No claws to tear into frisky boys. I swear I thought Dad was going to kill half the males in our pack when I hit sixteen and some of them came sniffing after me.”

“It was a real concern. They are horny, persistent things at that age, and you couldn’t exactly defend yourself as well as the other girls. When I was that age, I batted a lot of them around when they became too fresh.”

“I bet your parents didn’t try to stop you when you did decide to have sex. It’s Lycan nature. You go through heat.”

“That’s true. I guess we got spoiled since you didn’t suffer from that. Your father warned all the boys that you were fragile and reminded them that you could get pregnant.”

“I don’t have that freaky thing where I have to have a pep talk with my body so my ovaries start producing eggs like crazy. Mine do that every month on their own.”

“Exactly. Speaking of…” Her mother hesitated.

“I’m on the shot. I have been for at least seven years.”

“Okay. That will work with Lycans but I’m not so sure about GarLycans. It wasn’t a problem for me. I knew I wouldn’t ovulate. You’re different.”

“Humans can get knocked up easier.”

“Yes. And don’t forget that if you consume blood from a Lycan, it can mess with human contraception. Let’s just assume it’s the same way with GarLycans.”

“You said I’m going to have to drink his hormones. Not his blood.”


“I’ll be fine.”

“Your father is just worried. You bruise so easily, and you’ve only slept with one Lycan. He was really careful with you by following all the rules we set forth for him to touch you. Your father made sure of it.”

“Oh my God.” Angel shot her mother a horrified look. “Are you kidding me?”

“Sorry, baby. We wanted to make sure you didn’t get hurt. Lycan sex can be pretty rough. Your father explained the differences to him. That was all.”

“Great. I’m glad I didn’t know that at the time. I would have been so embarrassed.”

“We’re always looking out for you. It’s time to get out.”

Angel eased out of the tub and looked down. “Did I get it all?”

“I don’t see any hair on you. I wonder if Gargoyle women are hairless. It’s kind of odd, isn’t it? Especially since they mate with Lycans. I’ve always wanted to ask one of the mates if they have to keep all the hair off until they shift.”

Angel used a towel and dried off, before letting her hair out of its clip. She’d washed it earlier, wanting it to be dry by the time Creed arrived. “I could ask him tonight.”

“He’s not going to be in a mood to talk.” Her mom lowered her voice. “Monolith barely said ten words to me the night he took me, besides telling me what to do. They don’t seem to be able to think straight.”


Worry creased her mother’s brow. “Are you sure about this? It’s very rough sex. They lose control.”

“I’m sure. Creed isn’t going to hurt me.”

“You just don’t heal as fast as we do.”

“I’ll be fine.” She hung the towel and picked up the almost sheer material that someone decided to call a dress. “This is it?”

“Yes. I told you. They avoid skin contact but it’s almost as if you’re wearing nothing. Just wrap it around you, under your arms, and I’ll secure it for you.”

“Thanks for helping me.”

“I bet your human friends don’t discuss these things with their mothers or help out this way.”

Angel laughed. “Um, no. They don’t.”

“Humans are too uptight. Sex is a natural, healthy thing.”

“Lycans don’t get STD’s, Mom. Humans do. They can also get pregnant by jerks who don’t stick around. There aren’t enforcers who track down and severely punish their men who hit women. A rapist Lycan would be a dead one. The entire pack would track and kill him. Your world is a lot safer than theirs is, in that regard.”

“That’s true.”

She walked over to a mirror. “How do I look?”


“You’d say that if I were dipped in mud.” Angel smiled to soften the words.

“Smartass. Should I mention that it’s not your face he’ll mostly be staring at tonight? Are you going to be okay with being tied down? I felt a little panic at first. It’s u

“It’s not my first time. I’m not some blushing virgin.”

“Humans are really into tying each other up?”

“Some are. I’ll be fine. I don’t want you sulking too.”

“I’ll keep your father occupied. Don’t give us another thought. This is your night.”

Angel took a deep breath and blew it out. “I’ve always wanted Creed. I’m just nervous.”

“Once you drink his hormones, thinking and worrying won’t be a problem. That is some powerful stuff. I was really surprised because they’re so cold, but not when the ravage hits. Maybe you shouldn’t drink all of it. I don’t know how a human will handle it.”

“Some Gargoyles in Europe still breed with humans.”

“They do?”

“Yes. Creed told me that once. Don’t worry, Mom.”

“I won’t. I want you to have fun and enjoy finally being with Creed.” Her mom hugged her. “Now it’s time to go so you aren’t late. Sneak out the back door. The elders are on the prowl. You know how they like to put their nose in our business. They think Creed is going to pick you up at the front door, and I didn’t correct them.”

“Thanks. I just hope I don’t run into anyone. Good thing it’s still warm out. Imagine having to wear this in winter.” She looked down at the thin dress. “This thing would also get me arrested in Seattle if I stepped out in it. Indecent exposure. You’d have to send me bail money.”

“I’m going to go to your father. He’s pacing and growling. I hear him.”


“I can handle his mood, and it’s not as though he can go after you.”

“True. Not without some serious climbing gear.”

“Go. Creed might show up early.”

Angel exited the bathroom and raced down the hallway to avoid her father. He was protective, and she didn’t blame him. It just proved his love. She eased open the back door and glanced around. There was no one within sight, so she took off. The path through the woods wasn’t occupied and she made it to the meeting spot quickly. She stared up at the cliff. Her heart hammered. Excitement and nervousness battled for dominance.

“Come on, Creed. Here I am. Come get me.”

He won’t back out, will he? No. He needs me. He said he’d be here and he always keeps his word. She bit her lip, staring at the cliff face. She didn’t see him. It was possible she was a few minutes early or he was ru

A twig snapped behind her and she spun.

Creed stood there, and she relaxed. He’d come for her. It just wasn’t by air. He must have gotten there before she had and just stayed out of view.

His eyes were mostly silver as he strode forward. He wore a black cloak with black pants. Both were new and kind of attractive, if unexpected; different from his usual jeans and casual wear. His feet were bare. He didn’t speak, but instead just walked right up to her.