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She gasped when he scooped her up into his arms, and then his wings expanded, the cloak folding between them along his back, out of the way. He leapt and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He flew toward the cliff.

Angel turned her head, watching them glide over the river. Faint memories returned of when he’d first found her and taken her to a new life. It was the only time he’d ever taken her into the air. She’d asked when they used to hang out but he’d always refused. It seemed appropriate that they were flying together now. She smiled, loving the sensation of soaring high. She wasn’t afraid. Creed wouldn’t let her fall. His arms were firmly hooked under the back of her knees and her waist.

He did a sharp movement when they reached his ledge that jerked them to a stop, and he just dropped straight down about five feet. He cushioned her landing in his arms. The mouth of the cave was bigger than she imagined it would be. He strode inside and she peered around with open curiosity. She’d always wondered what his lair was like. He’d dodged any and all questions she’d ever asked about it.

Lights were on deep inside, once they’d made a few turns. The fact that he had electricity came as a surprise. The tu

He carried her through another short tu

Creed stopped at the end of the bed and gently lowered her to her feet. She noticed the chains laying on the thick black comforter. They made her swallow hard and face him. His eyes swirled with colors and movement, seeming alive.


He frowned. “Are you sure, Angel? There’s no turning back after I share my hormones. Yes or no.”

Her mother had said he probably wouldn’t be in a mood to talk. “I’m sure.” She looked down and noticed more chains near the end of the four-poster. She stepped over to the foot of the bed. “Do you want me on it?”

He spun away and walked to the small dresser. There was a shot glass sitting on it, filled with clear liquid. He picked it up and hesitated.

She didn’t. She held out her hand. “Give it to me.”

“Drink half. I’ll give you more if you need it. I don’t want to overdose you.”

“Is that possible?”

“Your heart could give out.” He looked grim.

“Half it is.”

He closed the distance and held out the small glass. She hoped it wouldn’t taste bad. It wasn’t blood. That had to be a bonus. She dropped her gaze from his and just lifted the thing. Half. It couldn’t be any worse than downing a shot of tequila. She drank.

She’d expected it to be bitter but was surprised by the sweetness. She stopped drinking and looked at what was left. She’d judged it right.

He took the glass and returned it to the dresser. The cloak he wore reminded her of something out of a Vampire movie but she didn’t say anything. It could be part of his ritual. He returned to her and pointed at the foot of the bed. “Turn around and bend over.”

She hadn’t expected that. The mattress was high, but she did as instructed. His tone was a little harsh, his eyes swirling silver and blue. He reached over and grabbed one of the chains. He pulled it, and that’s when she saw the leather restraints at the ends of them. His hands shook as he gently took one of her wrists, belting it so only soft leather touched her skin. He tightened it, but not so much that it cut off the circulation to her fingers.

A hot flash suddenly hit. She’d never had one before, but knew what it was when heat seemed to spread throughout her body. It was uncomfortable but she tried to relax. She was bent over the bed though, on her tiptoes to be able to get her hips high enough to rest on the mattress. Creed restrained her other wrist so they were spread straight out to her sides. She tested them when he backed off her. She had a few inches of movement but not much more.

She looked over her shoulder and watched him crouch behind her. His fingers wrapped around one of her ankles. “Relax,” he demanded.

He pulled her foot to the side and it left her standing on one leg. He belted that ankle and she understood what he was doing. It would leave her unable to stand when he restrained the other and would keep her legs spread apart. She lowered her head, closing her eyes.

Another blast of heat coursed through her body and she breathed through it. Creed had secured one ankle and took the other. With her upper half lying on the bed, she wasn’t in danger of falling. He secured her other ankle. She wiggled her toes. She couldn’t feel the floor or anything else within reach of her feet.

Her nipples beaded tight and her clit started to throb. It was his hormones. Her mother said it was like going into heat for Lycans, only stronger. She’d always wondered what that experience would be like. Every second that passed made her more aware of her body. Her skin felt super sensitive and her pussy began to ache.

“You’re okay,” Creed assured her. His voice grew even deeper, taking on an inhuman quality. “Just breathe, Angel.”

“Why chain me down?”

“So you don’t fight me. I can’t hurt you this way.”

Clothing rustled and she turned her head, forcing her eyes open. Creed stepped into her view. He’d ditched the cloak and his bare chest glistened in the lights from a fine sheen of sweat. He was breathing a bit heavy, too. She lifted up a little more to take in the view of his abs. He had a very fit body, every muscle defined. He’d removed the pants and now wore the same material as her dress, wrapped around his hips like some thin towel, open on one side where it split. She got to glimpse his hipbone and leg but nothing more.

He stepped behind her and his hands brushed against the back of her thighs.

Angel moaned at the slight touch. It felt extraordinary and only made her ache more. “Creed.”

“You’re almost ready.”

Almost? She wanted him. Her pussy was wet. She could feel that, and her clit throbbed, ached. Her stomach quivered and her breasts almost hurt from how tight her nipples had become. The heat flowing through her body had her breaking out into a sweat, too.

He shifted the material lying over her bent body to expose her backside and it tickled a little. His hands returned but now nothing was between them. He had roughly textured fingertips and they caressed the back of her thighs, slowly trailing upward toward her ass. She tried to shift closer but couldn’t with the way he’d restrained her.

She cried out when he suddenly slid one of his hands between her thighs and cupped her sex. His thumb brushed across her clit and he rubbed. She knew she was soaking wet because he spread it across that bundle of nerves.

“I want to fuck you,” he snarled.

“Do it,” she urged.

She clawed his bedspread with her fingers. It was a thick, soft material. The mattress heavily padded. None of the wood from his bed touched her. He drew a circle around her clit and she moaned louder, almost ready to come just from those few movements.

“So beautiful.”

She barely understood his words. Blood rushed to her ears and she tensed, trying to buck against his hand. He needed to rub her just a little more. She’d come. She was on the edge. He shifted his hand and ran his thumb over her clit again. She sucked in air and moaned. One of his fingers teased over the slit of her pussy and she arched her back.