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He slid a thick digit inside her pussy and rubbed her clit with his thumb. The sensation of any part of him inside her was enough to send her into climax. It was brutal as it ripped through her. Her nipples tightened even more, painfully so. She cried out.

“Son of a bitch.” Creed jerked his finger free, and then he pressed something thicker and larger against her pussy. The crown of his cock rubbed down her slit then hovered right against that opening. He pressed in and gripped her hips with both hands in a near bruising hold.

He entered her in one long, slow thrust. He was big, but it felt so good that Angel yelled his name. He snarled and drove into her deeper. She clawed the bed, still coming down from the climax. He almost totally withdrew from her body but then surged forward, filling her. Angel cried out as pure ecstasy shot through her. She squeezed her eyes closed and her heart felt as if it were going to explode inside her chest. It was too much sensory overload, but Creed withdrew and thrust again. He moved faster, fucking her harder.

There was only Creed, the feel of him fucking her, driving her beyond her limit of pleasure. She fought the restraints, wanting to touch him. They held her securely, her legs spread open for him, and she cried out when the second climax struck.

Creed released her hips and came down on top of her. His weight pi

She moaned and tried to buck him off. It was too much. It felt too good. No one could survive what he was doing to her. But she couldn’t move away. He pounded into her harder, more snarls coming from his throat. He caressed her breasts again, massaging them. Angel opened her mouth, biting the bedspread as she moaned. She came again. Her vaginal muscles convulsed hard, squeezing around this cock.

Creed buried his face against her back, his hot mouth kissing her shoulder. “Angel,” he moaned. “My Angel.”

She came yet again. He teased her breasts with his fingers, his cock driving in and out of her so fast, she felt as if they were going to ignite in flames. His cock seemed to get even harder, if that was possible, and then he twisted his face away, roaring out. The sound almost hurt her ears but it didn’t matter. She was gripped in another white-hot haze of pure rapture.

Creed stilled on top of her. He panted and she could barely catch her breath. Their heavy breathing filled the room. He lifted some of his weight off her back and rubbed his cheek against her shoulder blade.

“Are you okay?”


The heat burned her up. The need. She wiggled her ass, arching her back. “More.”

He moved slowly, almost totally withdrawing from her, and then drove in deep. Angel murmured his name. He turned his head and she felt his fangs brush against her skin.

“Fuck. No!” He jerked his mouth away from her.

“Yes! Don’t stop.”

“I want to bite.”

“Do it. It all feels so good.”

He snarled and began to fuck her hard. The bed banged against the rock wall near the headboard and the wood frame seemed in danger of breaking. It didn’t matter. She clawed the bedspread and fought the restraints. She just wanted to touch him, but her arms were spread out to her sides and she couldn’t even reach where his hands still gripped her breasts. He squeezed them and she came again. It almost drove her out of her mind. She lost the ability to think. There was just Creed’s cock moving inside her, his weight pi

Creed came so hard it damn near made him pass out. Angel was so hot, wet, and tight that she was killing him. He understood why his kind hated the ravage so much. It was the most painful, yet exhilarating thing they could feel. He was an animal at that moment, pounding his dick into the woman under him. And he loved it. He loved her.

Angel cried out his name and he clenched his teeth together. The slight taste of blood was on his mouth. He’d nicked his lower lip with his fangs just to keep from sinking them into Angel. He wanted to bite into her and taste her blood. He wanted to possess every part of her. The claiming need was upon him. He’d known to expect it. He’d survived the ravage once before but it had never been so strong. It was almost too overwhelming to resist.

He tried to force himself to straighten up, to get off her. That’s why they restrained women. It gave him the ability to fuck her without going near the woman’s throat or shoulders. She wasn’t just any woman under him, though. It was Angel. He’d shoved the dress she wore out of the way so his skin was plastered against hers. He loved the way she felt. So soft, slick, and warm.

Her scent filled his nose. He opened his eyes, staring at her creamy skin. Those bare shoulders of hers taunted him. She tossed her head, almost catching him in the chin. He looked away, watching her fingers dig into the bedspread. He wanted to feel her fingernails tear into his skin instead. He came just thinking about how it would feel. He roared her name. She moaned his, and her pussy convulsed around his dick.

He closed his eyes, riding through his seed filling her. A new desire arose. He wanted her with his child. He started to move again, even though it almost hurt from how good it felt. Images of Angel pregnant, her belly swollen with his son, flashed through his thoughts. He even formed a picture of what it would look like with her holding his child in her arms.

He wanted it so bad. His dick hardened until he actually had to glance at his arm to make certain he wasn’t transforming into his other form. His skin wasn’t gray. Paler than normal but still all flesh. He pumped his hips harder, faster, driving them both into another shouting match when the passion broke. He stilled, panting.

Angel’s ragged breathing alarmed him. She was human. He worried about her. “Angel?”

“Mind blown.” Her voice was a mere whisper. “Good thing.”

It was too much for her. He was too much for her. He released her breasts and she whimpered. He felt like a bastard as he lifted off her back and stood. He gently withdrew his dick. He was still hard, his dick aching. He didn’t smell or see blood. He relaxed a little. She was so small. Fragile. He stared at her ass. She had a wonderful one. He didn’t like women too ski

“Don’t stop. I need you,” she pleaded.

She arched her back, lifting her ass into his hands. He eased forward a little and didn’t even have to guide his dick. He was too hard to need to. He just pressed against her pussy and slid home. He threw back his head as she took him and her moans were all the encouragement he needed. He let go of her ass and reached out, grabbing the posts of the bed with both hands. He let nature take over, fucking her until his knees wanted to give out and he was snarling her name as he came hard.