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“It’s fine,” Angel rushed. “New mates stay at the cliffs.” That was possibly true. The enforcers who’d found her said something about how they thought all men going through the ravage should come home to do it. “Creed’s home is really nice, and I’m truly happy. It’s just that right now, he’s not up on the mountain to protect the pack. You need to gather the pack and tell them about the Vampire attacks on kids. They’re supposedly going after kids as young as ten, okay? Keep them out of human towns and close. Creed and I just found out, and I had to call to let you know.”

“Why didn’t you say something about being his mate when he brought you home?”

“I didn’t want you to freak out and we didn’t know how Creed’s people were going to react. It’s all fine now, I swear. I’m good. I love Creed. You know that.”

“How is he responding to having you for a mate?”

“Really great.”

“He isn’t furious or upset?”

“No.” Angel gripped the phone tighter. “I swear. I know what you’re probably thinking. I would have assumed he’d be furious but that’s not the case. He’s been so sweet and wonderful with me.” She lowered her voice. “We’ve even talked about having a baby. We’re leaving it to nature. He loves me too.”

“He said that?”

Angel smiled and relaxed. “He shows me every time he touches and looks at me, Mom. He’s still a GarLycan. It’s going to take some time for him to verbally express how he feels. But he makes me happy.”

“Your father is going to want to go there. So do I.”

“Right now, you need to protect the pack. Creed and I will be returning there as soon as Lord Aveoth says we can go.”

“Why are they keeping you? Why can’t you come home now?”

“New-mate thing.” Her mother would freak out if she told her they were being punished. Then she remembered the Lycan at the airport. “I’m putting off a scent that new mates get. It’s complicated, but I’d drive unmated Lycan men insane. I smell like I’m in heat big time.”

“Are you safe from other GarLycans?”

“Yes. Creed would never allow anyone to hurt me. You know that, Mom. He’s my mate. I will call you tomorrow, okay? This phone belongs to Creed’s brother.”

“Where’s your phone?”

She wasn’t sure where her things were. She hadn’t seen them since they’d entered GarLycan territory. “I forgot to charge it,” she lied. “I’ll do that soon.”

“You call tomorrow.”

“I will. I love you and Dad. Tell him I’m fine and happy. I promise. And tell the elders and alpha now that the kids are in danger.”

“We’ll take care of the pack. We’re not helpless without a guardian.”

“I know, but I’m also aware that we’ve grown to depend on Creed a lot to keep us safe at night.”

“That is true.”

“I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too.”

Angel ended the call and stood, crossed the room, and opened the bedroom door. The sound of two men laughing made her smile. It seemed at least one of Creed’s brothers accepted that he’d mated her, or at least didn’t mind. She walked into the living space to find both of them sitting on the couch holding beers in hand. Creed patted the couch and she went to him, taking a seat. She reached over his lap to give his brother the borrowed phone back.

“Did it go well?” Creed appeared worried.

“My parents know how I’ve always felt about you. Dad wasn’t home but my mom will tell him. I’m sure they’ll be happy once the shock wears off. She’s also going to gather the pack to warn them about kids being taken. They’ll probably assign perimeters for the pack to patrol tonight until the danger passes or we go back there.”

“I have some time free. I finished my last assignment and am due time off.” Neb sipped his beer. “I could cover being the guardian for that pack during my vacation. You said Lord Aveoth gave her six months’ confinement? I’ll talk to Kelzeb. I’m sure he’ll assign someone there when I need to return to duty, if asked.”

“I’d appreciate that.” Creed put his arm around Angel, pulling her closer. “I’ve grown to care about those Lycans.”

“I can be there by tomorrow night, and that will give me time to speak to our brothers before I leave.”

“Thank you.” Angel was touched. “That’s really nice of you.”

“Watching over a quiet area will be a good change of pace.” Neb gri

“Thank you,” Creed rasped. “I’ll sleep better at night knowing you’re looking out for Angel’s family and friends. The elders are a bit talkative but I just think of something else while they’re speaking to me. They are going to want to go over what they expect from you as their guardian. Just nod every so often.”

Neb shook his head. “Only you would do that, brother. You always did have the patience of a saint. I just plan to drive in, tell them I’m there, and give them my number to call if I’m needed. Then I’ll stalk their air until morning. Are there any hot bitches who have a curiosity about GarLycans?”

“Most of them are mated, and I avoided the rest,” Creed confessed, glancing at Angel.

“Sorry.” Neb winced. “I didn’t mean to bring up anything taboo.”

“I avoided all the women who might have shown an interest in me.” Creed rubbed Angel’s back. “I couldn’t have the only one I wanted. There’s nothing to hide. I never took any of her pack to my bed.”

Angel knew that. She’d have heard if Creed had taken a lover. Her parents wouldn’t have told her but her friends would have. It made her love him even more. “I love you so much for that.”

“I couldn’t hurt you that way.”

Neb cleared his throat. “So where did you go to find company? I’d like to know where I can pick up a woman.”

Creed looked at his brother. “I didn’t.”

Neb gaped at him. “Weren’t you there for like twenty-five years?”

“Closer to three decades.”

“Shit.” Neb glanced between them, finally holding Angel’s eyes. “And you? Did you ever date anyone from the pack?”

She shook her head. “Creed had rejected my offer to be his mate right after I turned legal age. I dated one guy from another pack. It didn’t make me forget him or how much I loved him, so that’s when I moved away.”

“You two are breaking my heart,” Neb sighed. “Fuck, I hate our father all over again for a new reason. You could have mated her back then if he hadn’t sworn you to a hundred years of service. Fucking bastard. It worked out though. You’re together now.”

Angel nodded. “And we’ll never be apart.”

“I can drink to that.” Neb tipped his beer bottle and finished it off. “I’m going to go look for our brothers, make sure their heads aren’t up their asses about what you had to do, and then I’ll get assigned to be a guardian.” He stood.

Creed let Angel go and got to his feet. He hesitated but then hugged his brother, who embraced him back. “Thank you.”

“For what? Not being anything like our father? I try damn hard not to be. May he burn in hell, if there is such a place. He had it coming.”

Angel watched as Neb gathered his weapons, strapped them on, and then Creed escorted him out. Her mate returned with a smile on his face and she walked to him.

“I’m so glad that went well,” she confessed.

“I don’t think my other brothers will be a problem. If they are, I’ll deal with them. I have Neb’s support. They’ll heed his words when he speaks to them. All of us looked up to him more so than our father. He was the one who tried to look out for us.”