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Chapter Sixteen

It stu

Pure rage simmered in his brother’s eyes. It was a given that word had traveled of Kado’s death.

Creed stiffened, wishing he wore his sword. It remained in the bedroom. “Give me a few moments to prepare. Can we fight in one of the training rooms? My mate can’t leave my home and I don’t want her harmed.”

“I didn’t come here to challenge you, Creed.”

He glanced down his brother’s uniform. “You’re in battle gear.”

“I heard what happened and came right here from my assignment. I didn’t take time to change or to stop at my home. May I enter?” His brother glanced away, looking down the corridors, then back at him. “I’d rather talk to you in private. I have no intentions of harming your mate or starting shit with you.”

Creed opened the door wider and stepped back. “You’re welcome in my home.”

Neb strode forward. Creed closed and barred the door. He followed him inside and spotted Angel coming down the hallway. He moved fast to get between her and Neb. He motioned for her to stop and stay back. He hated the worry he identified in her look and the way she stared at his brother.

Neb peered back at her and slightly bowed. “You must be Angel. I am Creed’s eldest brother, Nebulas. You may call me Neb. Welcome to our family, as fucked up as it is.” He turned to face Creed. “Your mate is beautiful but I had faith that she would be. She’s more delicate than I imagined but I approve of your choice.”

“It’s not a requirement to me.”

Neb chuckled. “I am glad to hear it.” He sobered. “So father finally pushed you too far. I don’t blame you for what happened. I would have taken him out eleven years ago but mother made the rest of us swear to never kill him. You were her only son she spared from making that promise…but he was harshest with you. She was a realist, and knew the day would come when he forced you into a challenge. How are you holding up? Tell me you aren’t grieving that son of a bitch.”

“I’m at peace.”

Neb nodded. “Good. You should be.” He turned his head, studying Angel. “I don’t know if you met our father but if anyone deserved to die, it was him.” He looked back at Creed. “I’m at peace with his death. I wanted you to know we’re good.”

“What about our brothers?”

“I haven’t spoken to them yet. I came directly to you. I know they are at the cliffs. I’ll track them down next and have a talk with them but I don’t believe either will hold a grudge. He ordered all three of us to come yesterday when he learned of you taking a mate.” He paused. “I’m just sorry it took me so long to get here. I had orders to locate a nest last night and it couldn’t be put off. They had stolen a group of Lycan kids we needed to retrieve.”

“Why would Vampires do that?” Angel came closer, pressing up against Creed’s side, staring at his brother.

“The blood bastards think it’s amusing to make the boys fight to the death, and children are easier for them to snatch while they are off pack lands. The ones taken were going to movies or visiting malls. We’ve had a string of kidnappings in various states lately. It’s like a new sick sport for them, and it’s pissing us off. They’ve been taking them in the ten- to fourteen-year range. Old enough to shift but young enough to be overpowered and stolen.”

“Their guardians weren’t able to track the missing youths?” Creed frowned. He hadn’t heard anything about it.

“There are no guardians on the Lycan packs who’ve been targeted so far. They’ve contacted Lord Aveoth, begging for assistance. We’ve been working with some of the VampLycans on finding the nests responsible. Our neighbors fear those blood bastards might try to grab pack women to breed next, so they got involved. Nobody wants a repeat of the past or kids dying. The shit we’ve seen is pretty bad.”

It alarmed Creed. He wondered if Lord Aveoth had already sent another guardian to protect the Henita pack. “Do you have a phone?”

Neb withdrew one from his back pocket and offered it to him.

“Give it to me.” Angel held out her hand. “I have my parents’ number memorized. I’ll warn them.” She was thinking the same thing he was. The Lycan kids in her pack could be in danger.

Creed passed it to her and watched her dial. She pressed it up to her ear and he could hear it ring twice before a woman answered. Angel held still, probably guessing he and his brother could overhear the conversation. She’d been raised by a Lycan pack. They all had excellent hearing.

“Hi, Mom.”

“You made it home safe? I worried when I tried to call you and you didn’t answer your cell last night. It’s not like you, but I figured you had to be exhausted after not sleeping well, having to travel home, and then go to work.”

“Sorry. Listen, did a new guardian show up?”

“Not that I’ve heard. Where is Creed? Isn’t he up on the mountain?”

“No. Look, I’ll call you again later and fill you in, but I need you to know something. Some Vampires have been kidnapping young Lycans and making them fight to the death. Creed isn’t there right now to protect our pack. Gather everyone and put them on alert. Have them on watch at night and keep the young ones safe. Do you understand?”

“Is that happening to the Washington packs? I thought you didn’t talk to them. Did Creed tell you he was leaving here? Why? What’s going on?”

Angel met Creed’s eyes, and then glanced at his brother. “Do you mind if I borrow your phone for a few minutes?”

“Go ahead.”

She looked back at Creed.

“Tell her everything,” he urged.

“Mind if I do this in the bedroom?”

He shook his head. “Go, Angel. We’ll be here.”

Angel disappeared down the hallway and closed his bedroom door.

Creed sighed and addressed his brother. “Her parents haven’t been told yet that we’re mated. I just left without speaking to the elders where I was guardian, and we were brought straight here. She needed to warn her pack.”

Emotion flashed in Neb’s eyes. “Father didn’t tell me much when he called. She’s human, not Lycan, and the only human associated with the pack you protect is the child you once found in the woods. That’s her? The little girl?”

“She grew up.”

Neb gri

Creed smiled. “Have a seat.”

Neb removed his weapons, stacking them on the counter. “I’m all ears.”

Angel walked over to the fireplace and took a seat on the couch. She was nervous as she tried to think of the right words to say. “Um, can you sit down, Mom?”

“What is going on, Angel?”

“Is Dad with you?”

“No. He’s training some of the youth this morning.”

“Okay. Well, there’s something I didn’t tell you. You know how the ravage makes GarLycans emotional?”


“Well, I pushed Creed, and he kind of lost control. It was totally my fault. He bit me.”

Silence over the phone was the only response.

“I’m at the cliffs. We were ordered to come here after their lord discovered we mated. I’m fine, and happy to be Creed’s mate. We didn’t get permission first so that was kind of a no-no.” She wasn’t about to explain everything. It would just alarm her mother more. “Long story short, we’re together and happy. I’m just going to be here for a few months.”

“Oh shit,” her mother gasped.