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She wanted to believe that. She just couldn’t.

Creed must have seen something in her features because he leaned in, getting a better grip on her.

“Listen to me. He was not a good man, Angel. He forced me into this position, and challenging him was the only option left. I refused to live with the worry of what he’d do next to make me miserable. He’s done it all my life. I will admit you were part of the motivation that drove me into removing his head today, but it was inevitable. I’m relieved that it’s over with and done. Do you understand?”

She nodded. “How are you holding up?”

His expression cleared of all emotion. “I’m at peace with it.”

“He was your father, Creed. This has to hurt.”

He hesitated but finally spoke. “That would imply we had a bond that didn’t exist. He impregnated my mother but he was never a father. Would you mourn the man you knew as a small child that was once your father?”

“I barely remember him, Creed. But no, I wouldn’t.”

“My conception wasn’t pla

It broke her heart for him. “I’m so sorry.”

“I do not mourn him, Angel. He was more enemy than family.”

She buried her face against his chest, clinging to him. “What can I do to help you?”

He rested his chin on the top of her head. “I would enjoy it if you’d share my bath.”

She smiled and eased her hold on him. “I can do that.”

“That would cheer my mood.” He ran his hands down to her ass, massaging both cheeks. “Very much so.”

She chuckled. “Me too.”

He backed off and released her. “I’ll run the water.”

“I’ll be there in a few minutes.” She let him go and watched him disappear into the bathroom.

Regardless of what he said, Angel was sure it must bother him that he’d had to kill his own father. To see someone beheaded would traumatize anyone, but Creed had been holding that sword.

She walked to the mantel and ignored how her hands trembled when she lifted the sword. It was heavier than it looked. There was surprisingly only a little blood on it.

She carefully carried it by the handle into the kitchen and angled the blade across the sink. He’d protected her, and she wanted to do the same for him. She turned on the water and began to clean away the blood. Red swirled in the sink before it drained away. Then she carefully dried it. Angel hurried into the bedroom with a wet dish towel to clean where the blade had touched the wood.


“I’ll be there soon. Go ahead and get in.”

Making certain all the blood traces were gone, she turned, jogging back into the kitchen. It only took a few minutes to rinse out the dishtowel.

Finally, she went to her mate.

He’d done the difficult thing to protect her from his father. He might have had a lot of reasons to kill him, but the timing had been her fault. She forced a smile to her lips and began to remove his borrowed shirt she wore. Creed had already climbed into the tub, the water chest high.

He smiled back at her, his gaze lingering over her body as he took her in. “You’re so beautiful.”

“I love you too.” She pla