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“How did he look out for you?”

“He used to sneak away to visit even when I was stuck at the north border. He brought me presents to help occupy my time and letters from our mother. Neb is the one who brought my other brothers to your territory right after I was assigned to be guardian there. The bed I mated you in was actually a gift from Neb, and he had my other brothers help him fly it to me.” He gri

“I’m glad you had that, Creed.”

“It would have caused him trouble if our father had found out he’d spent time with us. Neb did it anyway. He wanted us brothers to be close, despite our father’s attempts to keep us apart.”

“Why would your dad want that? Siblings should be close.”

“My guess? He wanted our loyalty to remain with him and not to each other. He probably feared we’d stand together against him. He was such a cold son of a bitch.”

It hurt her, imagining his childhood, but it helped knowing he’d had Neb. She liked his older brother. “Our kids will be close.”

Creed reached up and cupped her face with both his hands. “They will be loved by their mother and father. I will encourage them to feel emotions and allow you to hug and kiss them so they know how important they are to us.”

“You’re going to make an amazing father.”

Doubt clouded his eyes and she hated to see it. He didn’t protest but the silence spoke for him.

“You’ll be hugging and kissing on our babies when they’re born. I know that. even if you’re not so sure yet.”

“I can’t even imagine.”

“You gave an abused, frightened child to Lycans. I didn’t know how great my life could become until you gifted me with a loving family. It’s your turn to be saved by me.”

He smiled. “I look forward to it.”