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“I’m good. He kept his distance and just yelled a lot.” She wasn’t about to repeat anything his father had said. It might hurt him more.

“I’m sorry you had to witness that.”

“You saw where I came from before you took me to the village. I was the poster child for fucked-up parenting and bad begi

“I’m a disappointment to him.”

“Who cares? He’s an asshole.” She softened her tone. “I love you.” She slid her hands up his chest and gripped his shoulders. “Take me to bed. I can make you forget all about him.”

The silver in his eyes flared to life, shining. “Is that your solution? I nearly challenged my father to fight to the death and you wish to lure me to bed?”

“Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”

His lips twitched, almost a smile. “No.”

“Good. I’m in the mood to celebrate, and that means getting you naked. I can’t think of a better way.”


“My ass isn’t burning from pain and I’m not locked up in some black hole. The only marks that’re going to be on your back will be from my nails if you’re really good in bed.” She smiled. “Don’t disappoint me. That’s all you have to worry about. Otherwise, I’ll have meant it when I said I’d have to train you.”

His lips curved upward and it melted her when he gri

“Absolutely. Torture me, baby. I look forward to it.”

“Let me lock the door. I don’t want him to come back.”

“Good idea.” She let him go and backed away.

“I brought food.”

“I want you more. We’ll eat later.”

“I have to put this away or it will go bad. Some of it is fresh meat.”

“Hurry. I’ll meet you in the bedroom.”

“I will.”

He strode to the door and bolted it. She watched him bend to pick up the bag he’d brought before she rushed down the hallway. The bed beckoned and she climbed on, fumbling to get rid of the cape. She tossed the material on the floor and then glanced at the four posts. They were almost thick enough to be considered pillars. She stood on the bed, walking to one at the foot.

Creed entered and started stripping, his gaze fixed on her. “The calling is fainter.”

“It’s this stuff they dipped me in when I arrived. That’s why I probably made a face when you mentioned taking a bath. I can relate to fried foods now.”

He bent down, tearing off his boots. “I don’t understand.”

“My mother dips meat in milk and egg, then breads it. I felt like that, minus the sticky part.”

He straightened and approached. It was nice to be taller than him for once. He wrapped one of his hands around her waist and leaned in, burying his face against her chest. He inhaled. “I see.”

“Do I stink? My nose doesn’t pick it up but yours is more sensitive.”

“No. It faintly masks your scent. I pick up natural oils, a little maple, and—”

“Don’t tell me the rest. I don’t want to know if it’s something gross.”

He turned his head, rubbing his cheek against the side of her breast. “There won’t be hormones this time. I’ll be gentler with you.”

She slid her fingers into his hair and he lifted his chin. “Don’t hold back with me. Ever. Just be you, Creed.”

“Are you certain?”


He seemed to study her eyes and then released her, backing away. “Tell me if it gets too intense.”

She gri

“What is that?” He started unfastening his pants.

“Humans pick a word to call out if the sex gets too rough.”

He scowled. “I don’t want to know any more.”

“What’s wrong?”

“It reminds me that you’ve had lovers.”

“I’m sure you have too.”

He rumbled deep in his chest. “Only during the ravage. One, who wasn’t you. Don’t ever tell me anything about the lovers you’ve had, Angel. I’ll track them down and kill them. I wouldn’t want you to hate me for doing that.”

He was jealous. “Creed?”

He held her stare.

“You’re the only man I’ve ever loved. Nothing else matters.”

“You’d let me kill them?”

She inwardly winced. That wouldn’t be good. No one should die just because she’d slept with them. “They don’t matter enough to kill,” she stated honestly.

He bent, shoving down his pants. She released the bedpost and backed up to sit on the bed. Creed rid himself of his pants and lunged forward. He grabbed her ankle before she could react. He gripped the other one and pulled. Angel gasped, falling flat on the mattress.

“You’re mine now. No one else will ever touch you again.” He jerked her down the bed toward him.

She wasn’t afraid. Creed bent her legs when he ran his hands up them to her thighs. He parted them, using his hold to drag her a little closer. She lifted her head, noticing he was aroused. There was no missing Creed with a hard-on.

“I’m not skilled but I’m motivated,” he rasped. “I researched human sex.”

That surprised her. “You did?”

His eyes were swirling silver. “I couldn’t have you but I thought about it often.” He glanced down at her pussy. “I daydreamed about what it would be like if I ever had you in my bed. I wanted it to be good for you. I bought books women wrote on pleasing them. I knew they’d have the best advice.”

She’d thought he’d never wanted her but that confession proved her wrong. It must have been a lot of trouble for him to do that. It wasn’t like they had bookstores in the village. He probably had to order them by internet or travel to a bigger city to find them. The fact that he would go to that much trouble for her meant everything. He did love her.

He held her stare. “Am I making you sad?”

“No. The opposite. That’s so sweet, Creed. You did that for me?”

“You don’t go into heat the way a Lycan does. I never dreamed you would volunteer for the ravage. It meant if I ever took you to bed that I’d have to know how to make you wet and ready to take me.”

“Keep talking and I’m there.”

“I haven’t even told you how beautiful I think you are. The book stated I should tell you how you affect me.” He glanced down at his stiff cock. “Besides the physical indications.”

“Just kiss me and let me touch you. That will do it.”

“I will never forget the feel of your mouth on me. I want to do the same to you. It brought me such pleasure.”

“Okay. I’m not going to talk you out of that.” She bit her lip. “Did you research sexual positions? I’ve never done sixty-nine but we could give it a shot.”

“I did. It would be too distracting. Tell me if I do this wrong.”

He bent forward, spreading her thighs more. Angel held her breath as she watched him get closer to her pussy. He released her thighs and shoved his hands under her ass, lifting it a little. Then his mouth was on her.

He had a hot, wet tongue. He was hesitant at first, tracing it upward from her slit to her clit. She reached down, lightly touching his hair by stroking it. She kept her legs wide apart to give him plenty of room. He found the spot and she moaned.


He stopped and lifted his head. “Yes?”

“Oh yeah. Zone in right there and you have me.”

He actually smiled. “Up and down or circles?”

“Either way.”

“I’ll figure it out.” He dipped his head, his mouth returning to her clit. He applied more pressure but was teasing with the tip of his tongue, almost playing.

Angel closed her eyes. “A little rougher,” she urged.

He complied and she moaned, releasing his hair so she didn’t pull it. She gripped her thighs instead to keep from slamming them shut on his face when it started to feel too good.