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“Can you growl for me? Lycan style?”

He growled and it added vibrations. She moaned louder and knew she wasn’t going to last long. Creed was a fast learner. Her nipples tightened and she reached up, ru

Creed stopped growling and lifted his face, easing her ass to the bed. “Your taste makes me so hard.”

She opened her eyes, staring into his silver ones. “A-plus,” she panted.

He arched one eyebrow and removed his hands from under her ass. He traced his finger over the seam of her pussy. “You’re wet now. What is A-plus?”

“The best grade you could get. You pass oral sex training,” she joked.

He moved his hand and gripped her thighs, dragging her ass to the end of the bed. He entered her in one slow thrust. She loved watching his face, almost as much as the feel of how big and wonderful his cock felt inside her. He closed his eyes, his fangs extending. His lips were parted so she could see them. He held her legs as he started to move in and out of her.

“This should be outlawed,” he groaned.

She reached up and cupped her breasts, massaging them. “Watch.”

He opened his eyes and noticed what she did. He started to fuck her faster, pounding in and out of her. He adjusted his hold and gripped the tops of her bent thighs to hold her in place.

She arched her back, licking her lips. “You’re so hard. You feel so good.”

His skin started to pale and shade gray. He froze, breathing heavy. “It feels too good. It’s excessively stimulating.”

Frustration rose. “Don’t do that.” She moved her legs, hooking them around his hips to pull him close and making his cock go inside her deeper. “Let go, Creed. Be yourself. Feel for me. Don’t hold back.”

He bowed his head. “It’s wrong to feel this much.”

She shook her own. “There’s no one here but us. No one is going to see, Creed. Let go, baby. It’s called passion, and we’re mates.” She rocked her hips, moving him inside her. It made her moan. “Fuck me. Give me everything you’ve got.”

His eyes were so amazing when they were swirling silver, almost glowing, as if they had a life of their own. He looked down at her breasts. She rubbed them again, showing him how her nipples responded.

“Angel.” It sounded like a warning.

“Are you about to lose control?”


“Good. Lose it.”

It was all the urging he needed. He shoved her hands out of the way. His chest pi

He buried his face against her throat, moans tearing from his parted lips. His fangs touched her and she moved her head in the opposite direction. “Yes,” she urged, panting.

He bit. The slight pain, added to the mounting pleasure, sent her over the edge. She cried out his name, holding on tight as she climaxed. Creed’s jaw clamped down and he fucked her harder, faster. Then he threw his head back, letting her go with his fangs. He groaned as he found his own release.

Angel smiled, trying to think around her body tingling from being loved by her mate. His wings had come out and they were resting over the top of her legs wrapped around his waist. She glanced at his skin. He was grayish in color but his flesh had remained supple and warm.

“A-plus and bonus credit for the velvet rubbing against my skin.” She knew he’d understand what she meant. His wings were that soft.

He chuckled.