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She cleared her throat, not sure what to say to Creed’s father. He said nothing, but he didn’t have to. His lips pressed firmly together and he made a loud grumbling noise of disapproval. She backed up.

“Where is my son?”

She winced as his voice rose to a yell. “He went to get me something to eat.”

His nostrils flared. “You dare speak to me?”

“You asked a question. I answered.”


She backed up a little more.

He pointed at her. “You have ruined my plans for my son. He threw everything away for you!”

Well, she wasn’t going to get along with her new father-in-law. It didn’t exactly break her up. He seemed like an asshole.

“In forty years, he would have taken his place as one of the palace enforcers. Now he’ll be demoted and shamed. For what?” He glared at her body. “A puny human breeder. It’s an insult to our line!”

She took another step back, moving slow when he began to pace, breaking eye contact with her.

“I will not allow it to happen. I can salvage this… He went to get her food! He’s become an errand ru

She was tempted to run but there was nowhere to go. He could break through the doors. He was a full-blooded Gargoyle. She just held still, hoping he’d forget she was even there, or that Creed would return.

The man resumed pacing, his hands locked together behind his back. He shot her a furious look. “My mating with a Lycan was a mistake. His mate will be a pure-blood like myself. It will wean out the weakness in his children that became known in my own. My second mate will be one as well, so my future sons shall be born strong.”

Oh shit. That didn’t sound good. She glanced at the door Creed had left through, starting to pray he’d come back before his old man decided to kill her. It looked as if it was heading that way.

“I knew it was a mistake to make an alliance with those Lycans.” He spun her way. “Even humans were better than them. Do you know why?”

She shook her head, afraid he’d go off if she spoke or didn’t respond at all.

“Their bloodlines are weaker and our traits come through cleaner.” He sca

He passed her, stomping down the hallway. She debated on following him but didn’t. She watched him enter Creed’s bedroom. He wasn’t in there long. He came toward her again and she bolted to the only place she could go. She put the kitchen island between them and turned, hoping he wasn’t going to lunge across it to do something bad. It also gave her time to tighten the cape around her body.

He paced in the living room. Angel glanced around, looking for a weapon, but then discarded the idea. He could shell out his skin and it would just break the knife if she stabbed him. He’d kill her for sure. She held still, watching him.

The door opened and Creed entered, carrying a bag. Once glimpse at them both and he dropped it, hurrying forward.

“Father. What are you doing here?”

“I came to see if it was true. You mated a human.”

Creed put his body between her and his father from the other side of the island. “I did.”

“You have not chained her. You don’t even have them readily available. I looked.”

“She’s my mate.”

“They are unstable creatures. You must chain her when you leave. She could attempt to escape.”

“Angel isn’t going to do that. I didn’t force the mating. She is with me of her own free will.”

His father snorted. “It’s what they do. Their feeble minds can’t withstand what we are. She’ll go insane and try to hurt herself or your child when you get her pregnant.”

“I didn’t invite you here and I want you to leave. You aren’t to enter my lair without prior permission—and never when I am not here.”

“You dare speak to me that way?”

Creed advanced until they were almost chest to chest. They were the same size in bulk and height. “I dare.”

“Back down!” his father thundered.

Angel grabbed for her ears, covering them. She glanced around, expecting to see cracks in the walls or something. Nothing happened. She watched the pair of men glaring at each other, now that she felt secure the roof wouldn’t come down on top of them. Creed’s lair at the cliffs seemed stronger than the one that rested above her village.

“Get out,” Creed demanded. “I will not take orders from you.”

“You are my son. You will obey me!”

“I won’t.” Creed softened his tone to almost a whisper. “Mother isn’t here to stop me anymore from fighting you. You allowed her to wither and die. How could you?”

The elder man turned a little gray-ski

“I didn’t wish for that to happen,” the elder finally admitted. “I think of her often. Her death wasn’t foreseen.”

“Don’t pretend you care. I’m not fooled by your act. I will always put my mate first. I won’t allow you to come in here. Do you understand? You are misery that walks. I won’t have you tainting my Angel.”

“Chain her then. Keep the rock in place so she doesn’t plunge to her death the first time you decide to breed her for a youngling, after revealing what you are to her.”

“She’s seen me. Angel knows exactly what I am. Now get out.”

The father turned his head, studying Angel. “You don’t believe he’s a demon?”

“Am I allowed to speak now?” She wasn’t about to forget the last time she’d answered him.

“I give my permission.”

Creed growled.

“Thanks.” Angel didn’t want them to fight. “Yes, I know what Creed is, and I’m never going to leap to my death. Count on that. If I ever go off a ledge, it’s because I was pushed or thrown.”

“He can change forms and fly. Were you aware of that, human? I am betting he made sure you couldn’t see him when he mated you.”

“Actually, you are wrong. I think he’s sexy when he’s gray and has wings.” She even reached up to shove the cape away and reveal skin, tapping the healing wound from where he’d bitten her to make a point. “We mated facing each other. The fangs are hot too.”

His father grimaced and glared at Creed. “She’s already not of sound mind.”

“She is.”

“I was raised in a Lycan pack,” she added. “Biting is normal. So is partially shifting when in heat. It happens sometimes. I’m not afraid of Creed. I love him.”

“Love?” the elder spat and his eyes turned black. “That’s why you mated her? She has feelings for you? It mattered?”

“It always matters,” Creed grumbled. “Get out. I won’t say it again. You do not have permission to come into my lair or be anywhere near my mate. I’ll fight you if you do.”

“You’re flawed.” Creed’s father backed away from him, stepped to the side and stormed out. He slammed the door when he left.

Creed lowered his head and Angel moved around the island. “It’s okay.” She stopped in front of him, staring into his eyes. He looked miserable. She put her hands on his chest. “I’m sorry.”

“Did he frighten you? Threaten you? Touch you? I’ll kill him if he laid a finger on you.”