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“That’s it, I’m go

a cry now!” Devil exclaimed, dashing away a fake tear, standing side by side with his interlocutor and watching their subordinates.

“Ugh, how cynical! Even I never let myself do that!”

“Well! You’re the one not to let yourself do something!” Devil laughed. “How about one little drink? For a good outcome?” he asked, and a bar counter appeared out of the air immediately.

“No thanks. Stop fooling around. I don’t recognize you.”

“I don't recognize myself either. But you know the reason for my changes, you contributed to them. And I... I’m just testing the human method to escape pain.”

“Everyone gets what he deserves. I'm sure you know. After all, it’s you who often send the payment and charge fees. Leave her, give up…” The interlocutor said deceitfully softly.

Devil turned the intense look of his dark brown, almost black eyes on him. It felt like he was saying “all kidding aside” slightly squinting and arching his lips in an ironic smile. Accept defeat? Never.

“I can’t. I got attached…” He said out loud and glared playfully.

“And if I forbid you?”

“I’ll be pursuing my goal a little bit longer and with greater vehemence. Besides, you can’t change your own rules,” he answered quite seriously.

“Well, it's your business.”

“Mine, and nobody else’s. You gave me people? So, do me a favor and stay out of this! I promised you that I’ll report and let your mutts to get involved? I did. Do I keep my promise? I do. So stay out.”

“Okay, okay, just don't get rattled,” the man in the blue exclaimed, raising his arms a little amusedly in to show his peaceful intentions.

“So, only the last instruction is left,” Devil said sadly.

“I'll miss them,” his companion got upset. “On the other hand, I was so fed up with her obedience! She lacks some fire, or something. I’m at peace knowing she’s in good hands right now!” he laughed, but his eyes spoke to the contrary.

“I’m less lucky! Just think what she’ll make of him,” and Devil made a face of a playful disgust.