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“How are things going?”

“As before”, Devil replied a bit sadly, sitting on that same gravestone as the last time. “I mean, without any changes.”

“I don’t understand! How’s that?! Everything was thought through. Really nothing at all?”

“Nothing...” He replied still disappointedly. “I think we’ll have to decide about George. There are lot of nuances. I can’t figure it out alone.”

“I get it. I'll give you someone to help.”

“You didn’t fucking get it!” Devil went mad. “Who can you give me? These were the best. And even they couldn’t handle him. Do you have anybody stronger?”

“No one. What’s your suggestion?”

“You yourself…”

“You’re crazy! Are there no other options?”

Devil shook his head, closing his eyes wearily.

“If there were, you would have known it already. No.”

The interlocutor sat down next to him. He looked thoughtfully at the sky, and then fixed his gaze somewhere far beyond the horizon.

“All right, speak...” He agreed, turning to face Devil.

The other sighed heavily, ran his finger on the eyebrow and told about his far-reaching plans, which he had to change due to the newly discovered circumstances.