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“Michael, I'm scared…”

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine! I'm near!”

“You’re near now! But it won’t always be so?” She tried to look into his eyes.

“Do you want to hear that I’ll never leave you? It’s so women.”

“Michael...” She shook her head reproachfully.

“Listen, I don’t know what will happen tomorrow or, for example, the day after tomorrow. Let alone later. And to promise and not to fulfill is not in my rules.”

“Oh, what a wholesome man!”

“Do you hear me? I promise nothing to you. But I will try very hard to keep you not scared as long as possible. Okay?”

“Okay. Why did you show me all this?”

“Didn’t you understand?”


“Hmm. You will understand later.”

“You can't explain anything to me at all?”

“I won’t explain anything.”

“But why?!” She pulled his arm and he turned to face her. “Why?”

“For now, I’ll answer you this way: I’m real evil for you and for people. Because it’s much easier to see the facts in black or white and nothing else. That is, as angels and people do. My vision system of events is very different from yours. I can see the facts in color. And only this way. Do you understand?”


“In this case, just remember what I’ve just said and you will definitely understand later.” He said and continued his way. “Are you going?”

“Yes, yes!” She hurried, got up to him and stretched out her hand timidly.

“Are we the children to always walk by the hand?”



She silently lowered her head and took her hand down in frustration.

“It seems that I’ve been saturated with this special magic they have when it is so important to feel needed and protected,” Mary confessed quietly. “So strange, because it’s my job to protect. And now I want to be in their place. But I want the one who protects me to not be so unreachable as the angels. Now I understand why they tend to believe you more than us…”

“Well, what am I, a monster?! Yes means yes!”

He grabbed her hand and dragged her behind him, climbing the steps to George’s apartment they left so long ago. Michael didn’t know what to say to her in response to this recognition of her own weakness and attachment to him.

When they entered, the woman near the George’s bed was praying, standing on her knees with her arms folded in front of her. They went into the kitchen. He lit a cigarette, sitting down on a stool.

“Something’s wrong…”

“In what sense?”

“Something is kind of suspicious. Don’t you sense that?”

“I don't sense anything at all. You said that yourself – there will be a woman, George will be saved, you made that up and everything is going according to your plans. Isn’t it so?”

“Well, that’s the thing. It isn’t.”

“And what’s wrong?”

“The wrong is, for example, that this isn’t that woman.”

“Does it change something in any way? Would it make any difference what woman he will love? Rather, what woman he falls in love with.”

“Oh, no, it’s almost crucial exactly whom to love. Sometimes the illusion of love is worth many years of insight. It turns the whole situation around. And then, she kind of suspiciously quickly chose her destination. How did she even get here? The wrong woman means wrong behavior. Hence, there may be unforeseen consequences.”

“For example?”

“For example, he may not wake up. Or wake up, but with consequences.”

“What are the consequences?”

“He can wake up as a disabled person, you see? A man with inhibited thought processes.”

“I understand…”

“No, you don’t understand. This means that we didn’t manage to complete the task. Neither you nor me. And we’ll be duly punished for it.”

“But it’s not our fault”

“That's what you think. If the work is not completed, it’s the same that as not being started. And this is almost ignoring the orders of the immediate superiors. Do you think there’s anything we have to be punished for?”