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First two days the angel hadn’t left the George’s bed, drowned in sleep. It’s better when people sleep light, waking up from every noise they hear, than that, Mary thought.

No wonder that they entangle themselves in thoughts and desires. Here even time manages to fly slowly crawling along the side of the road. How is it possible that the day ends so quickly, turning to night, when it passes so slowly for me personally? Wouldn't it be better to remember the previous missions not to ask that very questions each time? But what am I talking about? A half of a human day is typically enough for completing the mission. During this time, no one would have had time to poison himself with this strange air, with these thoughts. Isn’t this the reason why imps are so close to people’s thoughts and views? Is this their weakness or their strength? Does it give them experience or make them repeat themselves and weaken them?

She spent hours in prayers. First she prayed for the imp’s return, though this may sound strange. Then she prayed for George’s recovery, though she knew it was silly. And when she was completely desperate, she began to pray for the health of the whole world. It seemed to her that the worries for a living person had already made her a human, that is, a vulnerable creature. After all, this is the only difference between the supernatural and worldly: strength and weakness. So much is so little for a person. But angels and imps can have anything. Isn’t that why they don’t need much? Do people need it all or a simple certainty that they can have it? How to figure this out when they are so different and so similar to each other?

At the end of the first day, she stopped praying, thinking of the troubles she could draw upon herself. Did I really start to think about myself more than about others? What’s wrong with this world, with its inhabitants? Or... what's wrong with us? Why do we differ so much when the imps are almost no different from people? Isn't this the secret of people's attraction to them? They seek and find those of their kind, and we... We are too far away from them. Unreachable.

The second day brought Mary new feelings and experiences. Now she was even more surprised at the properties of time on earth. “I divide my time improperly,” she was angry at herself, getting to know human needs through personal experience.

Observing human life not from the outside, as before, but being just a step away, little by little she started to think like Sigmund Freud, who claimed that the intention that man should be “happy” was not included in the plan of “Creation”. In fact, she agreed with the imp’s claims and thus Devil himself. It’s one thing to quickly save someone’s soul and return to heaven, and it’s quite another to spend two days in a row on earth and see so much that it blew even the angel’s mind.

To keep George’s strength up, she had to feed him through a straw with nutrient liquids, but prepared only with ordinary earth products. Otherwise, his body would become accustomed to magic, that is, each time approaching death inevitably. Give to human what is human’s, to angel what is angel’s and to Devil what is Devil’s. In case of any combinations, there is a breach in the system which ca

ot be restored.

For some reason the fridge began to empty and quite fast. In fact, she had to steal to feed George. At first, she tried to make sense of all the colored pieces of paper — money — and left them in exchange for groceries and stuff, watching other people do it. But soon she ran out of money. Rather, she just couldn’t find it anymore. And then she began to take from people what she needed free of charge, that is, for nothing. And simply put — she was stealing.

This is a deep sin, Mary was beating herself up, now stealing something for herself as well. She still had no tangible flesh, but she already wanted to eat. And it was scary to even think what will happen when she becomes a human. Is it possible? How can you stop thinking about what to eat, what to wear and where to lay your head, if it’s cold in the evenings and nights in this corner of the earth, and it’s impossible to live without food?

She watched people dragging their huge bags home and listened to their thoughts. And she began not only to sympathize with them, but also to understand them. She didn’t justify them yet, but already understood. They need all of these to survive. But it takes so much time and effort that there’s no opportunity to think about something else. Who invented this all? On the other hand, Mary also got familiar with the seamy side of life when she got lost among unfamiliar streets. Dirty, stinky people barely stood on their feet, digging through the garbage. And they had plenty of time. Because no one was going to give them a second chance. Nevertheless, based on their reaction to a few offers to earn some money (a new word for Mary), they didn’t need this chance either. So, they had time to think about the soul. But was there a desire?

Michael was wrong, Mary decided. Our department couldn’t get them to this state. It just doesn’t make sense. Even I, being a human, wouldn’t turn to God in such a situation, but, on the contrary, would depart from Him. Out of sight – and there are more chances to survive. Right or wrong, I would think about it later, but at that moment I would probably have kind of other things on my mind than prayers. Because they have a body. And they need shelter, clothing and food. Doesn’t a bird think about it? Even this very bird, which widely flaps its wings, bringing its puny little body closer to its newly-made nest with another branch in its beak, builds its life. It has to keep away from a hungry cat, get some grain. Steal to survive? Hide from the rain under the roof of a human house. Otherwise, the soul will lose shelter even before it makes its choice. And all these aren’t given to people at the entrance to this world. So they have to think where to get it all.