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And this imp was the only one who understood the motivation behind his chief’s behavior. His well-honed over mille

ia skills allowed him to be powerful while preserving the external lightness and even carelessness, but eternity was sharpening humanity in him. The longer it lasted, the more tired the chief got of his existence and less logical his behavior and actions seemed. But in fact, everything was quite opposite.

“What are you standing around for?” He asked with laughter. “It’s not like Got came to the Great Judgement! Come on, drink! Drink to my health! He’ll never come here! And as long as there’s me, there’s you. Drink…” He added bitterly.

At last he found that very imp with his eyes and nodded to him, pointing at the door. The last stood up calmly and went out.

While leaving the imp could see, or rather feel, how others were mocking him in a futile attempt to copy his movements. And he also could hear a scream as a mocker caught fire with a power of his thought. He didn’t need any fu

y gestures as the middle-class did. He didn’t need any flamboyant spells like earth magicians did, which could hardly be met recently. No, they didn’t extinct, but lurked danger from those of their kind. However, he sometimes asked potion makers for help – when his soul was hurt and demanded oblivion that human alcohol couldn’t give him. He chose not to advertise this fact so it didn’t irritate his lower-ranked brothers – human or demonic alcohol in large quantities was enough for them. Not that he cared about their opinion, but he wanted peace and avoid being pierced with knives in his back like a hedgehog with needles.

Hardly he walked out the door, an envelope landed on his hands. Another «special assignment» didn’t quicken his blood anymore, as it had before. But he had never received them in writing before.

The chief caught his amazed look and said quietly:

“There are instructions that I can’t say out loud. Not just my ears are everywhere.”

His heart raced, missing the beats from anxiety. And it wasn’t the anticipation of finally escaping from idleness that got his blood pumping, but a strange worry.

“This mission is more important than the previous ones,” Devil clarified in a quiet voice, not accustomed to yelling. That’s why everyone had to listen carefully: he never repeated what was said.

“As always, at its best”, the interlocutor promised dryly, listening to his own i

er feelings.

“You look kind of chewed or something…What’s wrong?”

“Strange anxiety and exhaustion.”

“Ha! I told you – don’t ask a heart from me. Your merits are worth much more! The only think a heart is capable of is feeling pain. It’s nothing but discomfort. I know what I’m saying…”

“I’ll do everything.”

“No doubt. Yet, there’s no need to hurry in this case You have more than enough time,” Devil said and disappeared, consumed by darkness of his own consciousness.


* Metamorph – a creature that can change the features of its body at will, without using additional means (potions, spells, etc.).

** One of the hell demons, who led all the gluttons and set the tone to the feasts in hell. Usually he is depicted as an elephant with a huge round belly, waddling on two legs.