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He thought about telling the girl this, but decided that it would be more interesting to observe her behavior. After all, he’s immortal, he has plenty of time and not so many entertainments. So why not await the ending and then figure out where she came from.</p>

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Before he had time to think about it, the loud clattering sound of crockery came from the kitchen, much different from the usual muted fuss. When he entered the house, an unusual scene materialized before him: the plates were swashing in the sink like young ladies in the waterfall splashes, putting under water one side or the other. And for many years it was the first time when he could see again the drawing on the plates he made once himself.</p>

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No, no, you can’t think about it, Koschei was trying to convince himself not to show his weakness to the unknown guest who immediately won the attention of all his housemates. What if all these are his enemies intrigues? Otherwise, why is she so brave? And Koschei frowned again. But he admitted to himself that he liked to observe a beautiful pattern appearing on the plates.</p>

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The teapot was pushing a Gorynych’s favourite metal mug of just boiled brew with her big belly. The spoon immediately jumped into the mug of her own will and began dancing around the bottom in the Spanish ma

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Meanwhile, Hope surprisingly quickly got her bearings in the forest house and went back singing with a mug of brew in her hands that looked more like a small pail. Brooms, scoops and mops were fussing upon her heels,  leaving a train of cleanliness. In a hurry, one of the brooms stepped on Koschei's foot, quickly nodded «Excuse me!» without any fear or embarrassment and, as if nothing had happened, continued her way. </p>

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Well, that’s a bit of a cheek, Koschei resented. But for some reason he didn’t dare to stop them all. In these letter days, all his thoughts were focused on how to keep his terrible secrets, and what to do with himself during the eternity he should spend. It seemed to him that there could be nothing more terrible than eternity, when there’s nothing to do but fight with intruders, who wished him dead.</p>

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Chapter 3</p>

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Gorynych, as Koschei suspected, was rather pretending than really sick. It was clear that he liked the girl's attention a lot. She carefully tied a whole cloth around his neck, which looked like a small bib on him, and gave him a mug with brew. She even saw that he drank it all, constantly telling something. Notable, usually Gorynych went into dramatics, demanding a sweeter and tastier medicine, but now he was drinking the brew without any complaints, only twisting his mouth occasionally.</p>

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Koschei was struck with wonder to see what little girl’s care made with his powerful friend. What a vague and strange feeling, Koschei thought, hunching his back even harder, which was crooked under the weight of pain and offences.</p>

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– I wish I could enjoy this life like Gorynych… – he murmured sadly, looking at Gorynych and Hope who had already made friends.</p>

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The girl herself couldn’t believe that she got over her fear and believed that this wasn’t a dream so quickly. So, maybe, the one who says that miracles never happen just wants to see them much more than others?...</p>

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Koschei couldn't comprehend what to do with this uninvited guest, which excited the whole house and never even noticed the owner’s sulle

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«Maybe, – Koschei thought, – I’ll send her to Baba Yaga. For sure, she’ll get a handle on this wacky girl…».</p>

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For some half an hour Gorynych had turned into a pet puppy from a terrible Zmey, ready to eat anything from the hands of his young «doctor» as long as she babysited him. </p>

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That's why he was so angry, Koschei realized. His friend just didn’t have enough attention and kindness. And what’s more – the pain made him a bit angrier than he really was. But is it right to encourage such behavior or should he undertake the re-education? Is he allowed to re-educate another? Yet, what is better: to give the paunched Gorynych his favorite delicacy to save both their nerves, or forbid it categorically and take care of his health? But then he’ll get into a fuss. And could it be not that bad to monitor his moderate consumption of sweets?..</p>

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Koschei frowned and entered the house, which became much lighter and more comfortable. The housemates stepped back quietly, giving as always angry owner the way. He went into the kitchen, made tea and began pouring it into cups. The teapot in his hand froze in a surprise, when he realized that Koschei had poured tea not only for himself, but also for the guest.</p>

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Then Koschei entered the hall, sat down in a deep, soft armchair, covered with dust and artfully spi