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Gorynych was curiously watching the girl, the old man was looking at him, mumbling something petulantly, and the girl herself couldn’t take her eyes off huge Gorynych’s arms-wings, laying on his belly. </p>

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Mother always said that the best cure for the pain and fear is to help those who need you at this moment. Therefore, the girl tried bravely to focus on Gorynych’s behaviour (and now she couldn’t deny it was really him!) and came to the conclusion that the three-headed dragon clearly suffered from colic.</p>

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– Well,  – Hope concluded with confidence, turning her face to the house and its angry owner, – it’s good that you appeared here…</p>

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– It’s you the one to «appear»... – Koschei grumbled petulantly.</p>

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– I think your friend needs our help, – claimed Hope and turned to Gorynych.  – Could you tell me, how was your day?</p>

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The girl looked so self-confident that neither Gorynych nor Koshchey even thought to put her in her place or argue.</p>

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Gorynych blinked in surprise and broke forth into descriptions of how he was walking along the lawn, admiring the flowers and the beautiful sunrise. He closed his eyes dreamily, remembering his wonderful walk. Suddenly, as if coming to his sense, he looked dreadful and even seemed to growl. But that was not entirely convincing, thought Hope, coming closer. For some reason she was sure that a huge monster would not offend her, although in fairy-tales people wrote all kinds of horrors about him.</p>

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– I didn’t mean what you were doing, – the girl smiled, referring to Gorynych as if he were the youngest in this clearing, and not she. And besides, the most  inapprehensive. – Better tell me, where it hurts.</p>

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Zmey Gorynych frowned, rubbing his belly with his huge paws and waving his tail at the same time. Confused Koschei was standing near the house, observing this very amusing scene, and had no idea what to do. For the first time in hundreds of years, he met a person who wasn’t a bit afraid of him or rushing at him and shouting that his time has come.</p>

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Watching him, teapots, plates and brooms grew even bolder and started to slowly getting out into the clearing, gathering around the little fu

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Gorynych was openly enjoying the undivided attention, literally bathing in the beams of kindness and care.</p>

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– So, patient, – Hope started to talk and everyone focused on her words,  – what did you eat today?</p>

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Gorynych even made a hiccup in amazement and started to list his numerous meals, bending his plumpy fingers.</p>

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– No-no-no, – Hope interrupted him. – That’s unacceptable! The diet should be healthy, balanced and full of vitamins… – She thought to herself for a moment, trying to remember what else her mother told her in such cases, as she had been a nutritionist for many years.  – Would you like to lie down?</p>

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– Oh, yes! – Gorynych nodded joyfully with all his heads and lied down immediately.</p>

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Little Hope could hardly keep from laughing, looking at his amusing happy snouts.</p>

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– I also want to do this… – Gorynych said with his deep voice and began chafing against the grass. – And I also want to drink… And as for eating… I don’t really want to eat... –  he added sadly. Apparently, the absence of appetite was a new but not the most pleasant feeling for him.</p>

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– Sit down immediately! – Hope ordered strictly and even tried to help him, what made Koschey's brows go up in astonishment, and a sort of smile flashed across his face. Having noticed that, all magic household utensils froze, afraid to move. The last time the owner smiled ... Yes, no one really remembered when it was!</p>

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– But I want to lie down… –  whined Gorynych, refusing to move.</p>

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The little girl kept pushing him in the back, trying to seat him.</p>

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– Now I have to brew some sage for you and... – Hope forgot what other herb she would need, but she headed confidently to the mysterious house, hoping to find everything needed there. For some reason she thought that the herbs would definitely be in this house. Along the way, she kept talking but much quieter, so it might seem she was talking to herself. – And you should take 10 grams of propolis on an empty stomach . Yes, absolutely... And it would be better to take vitamins for healthy development and growth. Or has he already grown up?</p>

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A string of plates, forks, teapots and other residents of the house followed her every step of the way. Koschei even had to stand aside so that this fu

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Gorynych suffered from colic daily, because he stubbornly kept eating the herbs he shouldn’t have to eat. And Koschei warned him about this several times. But after cutting out meat from his ration and turning into a vegetarian, Zmey insisted that only this herb was so surprisingly tasty. So every day Koschei had to brew the herbs for his three-headed friend to alleviate the sufferings of this diehard.</p>