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Yes, psycho-cosmic reasons are imposed on the social, health financing, and others. It is so. But mortality, human health depends on the cosmic energies, on Earth, falling into a series of favorable and unfavorable psycho-cosmic energies for people.

In addition to important data over physical health, we need to look over information concerning the mental health as well. Can it be compared with the density of cosmic ether and the direction of its spin? The most stable and long-term reliable factor in this case is the use of alcohol per capita. But even this factor is muddy as home-brew. Who and how can reliably calculate when and how many brew, booze, alcohol, wine are being produced? Today, they sell even small home alcohol factories. Statistics is drunk. But getting poisoned due to drinking alcohol is a more verified indicator. Shall use it.

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Who knows Russian people (no drunks, no alcoholics, but normal people), then understands why they drink. They want to talk. Why it is so desirable in a period of minimal cosmic energies? Just a lack of ether for normal physiological well-being. And it can be obtained through other people, through communication. Somebody experiences no enough ether energy, the others – have enough. Somebody has a superfluity of it. It's like a difference between people of the countries with high and low density of ether. Individual differences of people brains are far above physical differences among peoples, populations. And our brain just traps cosmic ether vortices. It can do that. This is proven both on psycho-physiological level, and on the level of quantum physics (A. Kholmanskiy). And what is most important – it is felt by anyone who has gone through similar situations in his or her life.

Without enough cosmic energy support, we begin to more carefully distribute our mental activity, we are forced to communicate, to talk in terms of bare unconscious. Because for the swallowing of ether from the cosmic energies, crystals of our cells are responsible, the crystals ("sand") of our pineal gland and others. All this is described, measured…

Under stress, people tend to initiate communications. For this reason, once Marshal Rokossovsky made the soldiers dig trenches. It pulls to talk while in stress, to see a person face to face. And a lack of cosmic energy for many is the stress. For us, it starts with a fall in the rotational speed, in the length of day (LOD) on 0.5 ms, everything else being equal, from the average for, approximately, the last 50 years.

This explains, to a great extent, the fact that the lack of cosmic energy (and this period may last years, decades) a leading position in the society begin to hold people, who tend to communicate, who supports it, and who can attract to themselves other people, who have an ability to absorb ether vortices while it is insufficient for others. And will such people look for feasts, communications? Not really … For them, through such communication, the energy is taken by those who could not use themselves the weakened cosmic ether vortices. Why would they give their energy, when they need it themselves? Thus, they more often are introverts, busy with their business. They are so-called domain experts. They just work and that's it. How one can pull them to talk heart to heart? Here you need a special whale – a social motivator. And they begin to control community, the people in periods of low psycho-cosmic energy. This is described by example of history of empires. Ultimately, social motivators take the power.

It is calculated that such cosmic cycles are regular happening about each 72 years. Our ancient ancestors knew it well, leaving us their calendars. According to Vedic calendars, one cosmic day is equal to 72 years. By current data, the ratio of solar activity and cycles of non-electromagnetic cosmic energy for thousands of years does also give a cycle of 72 years (ref.: Psycho-cosmic energies: protest, revolutions, rapid development. M.: 2016, p. 505 – 512).

And in one of these cosmic periods, it appears that persons such as 1/1 face type (lower frequency of EEG, active limbic system, sub cortex) are in power, and those of type 5/5 (higher EEG frequency, shifted to the right hemisphere, the cerebral cortex is active) are subordinate to them. But between these two types of people is a profound difference. When type 1/1 are in power not in their cosmic time, then neither cosmic energy is able to help in development. For they think differently. They are not thinking about economic growth, but rather about power, money, women, satisfaction of their dominance, etc. Even in academies, they make their way for the sake of these values, and not for the best conditions for the search for the truth. Naturally, in words they do not sound like this, in words they are different, they mimic a correct person. But actually, so … Now, everyone thinks whether these are good ideas – power, money, women? Are not many of us similar to that? Do not we become periodically the money earners, and strong supporters of equality when other have more of it? At certain cosmic periods, dramatically increases the number of people with these pronounced listed needs. When these persons take the power, the economic growth starts to fall.

Formerly in history, such elites were usually swept away. Nowadays it became more difficult. Elites of all countries have a powerful apparatus to protect their interests. Therefore, even crises sometimes do not sweep away the rotten elite. In countries with normal elite, there is a rapid development, and in countries, where the elite is of 1/1 type in power, there is, under observations in the growth of cosmic energies, a decline in development. They are not interested in GDP growth.

Let us see on a graph.

Cosmic energies at the end of XX century are the highest. However, Western Europe, US, and Russia, in company with them, all they sink to the bottom. China has the highest growth rates. Why? People in fact give up drinking (almost do not drink since 1985), are willing to work. And themselves do not understand why. An example should be given. But to whom? To elite that that does not have that much kind of people? The elite is entirely of a type 1/1. Evidence is given in a separate chapter.

This is called a violation of social and resonant structure of society. Those, who were used to harmonize the society through communications during the period of the acute shortage of cosmic energies, thus managed to stay a long time in power. They have already started to snatch, through built system of public relations, best pieces of estates out of the society, to privatize gains and nationalize losses.

And China growths even under the crisis. Why? Since it was able to rebuild social and resonant structure of society under the minimum cosmic energies. Changed its elite and rules of game in a way that the appropriate people began to come to power. This should be discussed separately.