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Adey’s window in the cosmic ether vortices

Every nation, depending on its previous experience, has its own zone of optimal density of cosmic ether. In Russia and in the US it is close to the zone of maximum density. Leaving out this zone towards the growth or decline of the cosmic ether density leads to a deterioration in psycho-physiological, economic and other indicators of the country's development. But the US is successfully developing under low density of cosmic ether.

In the presence of fall of psycho-cosmic energies worldwide, the US share in global GDR is steadily also growing. US people are very adaptable to different densities of cosmic ether. There is no accident: in due time, America took the best representatives of different countries.

And if to take a greater period of time?

Let us note that under a strong slowing in Earth's rotational speed (more than 3 ms in modern scale), the rate of development in the USA at the end of the XVIII century was unprecedented. They were unprecedented in the 20-ies of the last century as well. They were so called – impetuous 20s.

Thus, the US population is more capable with respect to the majority of other people at high and low densities of the cosmic ether, which has been since 1900. It is true that during the decline in density of cosmic ether (judging upon Earth’s rotational rate), there is GDP growth rate falling in the US as well, but to a lesser extent than in other countries.

The US outpaced earlier other countries in the pace of their development given deceleration in the rotational speed of up to 2 ms. and more. But the benefits of people of the United States in economic growth were manifested earlier under falling of cosmic ether density, expressed in the LOD units, from 0.7 ms. and lower. Although the growth of psycho-cosmic energies for them is more favorable.

In other countries during a long historical time, GDP growth rates are as well associated with the increase in psycho-cosmic energy.

Countries with transition economies were growing faster economically under the growth of cosmic energies, but were more rapidly reducing their rate growths during its fall.

And Russia? Russia has optimal range of psycho-cosmic energies slightly lower than in the US. Therefore, at high energies, we were conceding to the US, and at energies falling – were catching up.

At a time shift of 7 years, a coincidence between these two graphs, being in antiphase, becomes large. It's hard to call it a random coincidence.

Of course, one may take into account the fact that from one century to another there should be different time shifts. This would allow us to match the graphs at the end of the XX century even greater. But for those who have eyes, and that's enough.

Access to the zone of very high density of cosmic ether is beneficial to the development of the US economy relatively to the pace of economic development in Russia.

This proves that with an increase in cosmic ether pressure, in a more preferred physiological state are the persons who used to live in conditions of high pressure. And in less favorable physiological conditions will be those who were living in low-density cosmic ether.

However, with a significant fall in cosmic ether pressure, everything happens exactly vice versa. Greater capacity and efficiency retain those who used to live in low-density cosmic ether. This is analyzed in history for thousands of years. Islamic countries usually won the European ones under lowering of cosmic ether density. On change in its density and intensity in the past, we judge by content of isotopes of various substances (primarily oxygen and carbon) in atmosphere, and ground of that time period. And it is easy to determine by their concentration in cores of glaciers, in rings of trees, and etc. A sharp change in the content of isotopes in them is linked with rapid historical changes. At the same time, with an increase in the concentration of isotopes, often more intensively and successfully were developing nations from regions of denser ether layers. And vice versa.

Every nation gets used to live at a certain ether density, for each nation a more comfortable is a certain region of its spectrum. This is the comfort zone, the so-called Adey window. But there are significant differences inside each nation. Those, who are more adaptive to various pressures and cosmic ether vortices, are more able to change their living place, to move from one country to another.

Although the general trend is clear: for the development of both biota and humanity, higher density of cosmic ether is more favorable. Hence, countries that are in the area of higher pressure in the present space epoch, have economic benefits in economic growth, they are more developed. In them, there are more talented people born, more Nobel Prize wi

With a sharp increase in the cosmic ether density, more often maladjustment occurs in the begi

Within each nation, there are people with different individual characteristics, including their ability to adapt to different densities of cosmic ether. These can move from country to country and quickly adapt to new life conditions. However, the massive displacement of the population will lead to maladjustment in its new conditions, including inappropriate behavior. It is observed from the middle of the second decade of the XXI century in Europe.

In a sharp change in the density of cosmic ether with the trend of movement to the upper historical values – the benefits in developing must receive nations from traditionally high pressure zones of cosmic ether. This is, for example, the begi

In opposite, In a sharp change in the density of cosmic ether with the trend of movement to the lower historical values – the benefits in developing must receive nations from traditionally low density zones of cosmic ether. This is, for example, the period of Arab Caliphate (VII – IX century).

2.2 Historical confirmation of the concept of dependence of economic development of the world on the density of the cosmic ether

Medicine is usually accurate at determination of death. With its accuracy, it has confirmed the existence of optimal pressure the cosmic ether for life. History confirms this fact of the past, on example of life and death of empires, and peoples.

Here is a graph of oxygen isotopes distribution in the past.

The graph shows 18O isotope distribution in upper part of a central punch from GISP2 interstices. A bold line represents values, smoothed for each 50 years. Scientists link a content of this isotope with an average temperature on Earth (Paleoclimatology. Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University, 2007, pp. 26 – 27).