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Worldwide, it is about 85% of all acts of terrorism that are associated with Islamic terrorism. They were committed in a zone of low pressure of cosmic ether or in developed countries, but by natives of the countries that fall into such zone. However, in the countries in the cosmic ether a high-pressure zone, growth of the terrorism is related to its fall.

In nature, there are plants that grow better in mountains and some, on the contrary, in lowlands. As well, this applies to animals and insects. Moreover, even to people. They get used to live high in mountains, for example, in the Andes, and the change of residence is bad for their health. This consideration can be also applied to residents of areas with high and low pressure of the cosmic ether. They are used to live in conditions of low density – and their activities under these conditions are higher than during the growth of this density; and vice versa. They are like divers, placed in different depths. With a sharp change in the depth of immersion, in a physiologically advantageous condition will be those who are less sensitive to pressure drops. And those who were on a high pressure drop, can even lose the ability to move.

It should have an effect on fertility, mortality, diseases, etc. There have to be the dependence: rates of economic growth should fall in those countries, in which due to changes in the cosmic ether, falls the density of deteriorating health, physiological activity, changes the demographic behavior, etc. So, is it true?

Demographic, medical proof of a concept

Medical statistics attests that the number of not-old-age or sickness deaths is inverse to density of cosmic ether, if to judge on it by the speed of rotation of Earth: the growth both at sharp fall and sharp increase.

What is any optimal boundary?

And what about other indicators? In those same years, the incidence of alcoholic psychoses is increasing. Only with a stretch, one can try to explain the dynamics of the alcoholic psychoses by socio-economic problems in the country. However, what about accidental deaths? In addition, under analysis of statistics of accidental deaths and affections of alcoholic psychoses, there is the same trend observed: they grow at high and low speeds of rotation of Earth. Let's not jump to conclusions. What if it is a coincidence?

We note that for the Russians there is a zone of optimal values of a length of a day. This is a deviation from the average value in the range 2 – 0.5 ms in a measurement scale adopted in modern science.

Let us choose to check the non-randomness of such a relationship by more solid indicators – birth and death. More important indicators are hard to imagine.

To analyze the effect of ether density on death and birth, it is important to consider periods of sharp changes in these indicators. For birth and death rates in Russia, it's the end of the XX century. Here are the figures.

Obviously, it is non-random relationship. All peaks of fertility and mortality changes in Russia are co

What about other countries?

Please note: in the late 70-ies of the XX century, the density of cosmic ether, expressed by deviation in the rotational speed of Earth from average values in milliseconds, increased to 2.5. The mortality rate of men increased. Then it fell back after returning to the 2 milliseconds level or less since 1991.

This graph shows that the Russian men very vividly react to changes in the cosmic ether density and direction of its spin. And, before the reforms, the dependence is obvious: increase in density of cosmic ether results in growing mortality rate among men. In the XXI century the dependence has switched to the inverse one. Did we come out of the zone of optimal density of the cosmic ether to the Russians?

Russians more rapidly respond in their health to changes in the cosmic ether density. This is true. But how peculiar they respond! Literally, the come to the conclusion is that we have a zone of optimal values of ether density, expressed in terms of change in the Earth's rotation rate: from 0.5 to 2-2.5 ms. Once the cosmic ether density fell lower a certain threshold – most men began to die. Of course, the socio-economic factors are important here as well. Nobody denies their importance.

In addition, fewer men are dying in Russia with the right-hand spin of cosmic ether.

Here is another graph to confirm this idea.

This graph shows that at a very low density of cosmic ether, the maximum Earth's rotational velocity (consistent with right spin switching to the left) initiates increase in mortality and fall in fertility. This is 2004 – 2005 years. The energy of the ether, when slows down the Earth's rotation speed on less than 0.5 ms, negatively affects the Russian people. But slowing down the rotation on more than 2.3 ms does not improve statistics describing mortality, fertility, illnesses. This is 1993 – 1994 years: the peak of mortality and failure in increase of the birth rate. This suggests that the optimal density of the ether for us is one that slows Earth's rotation in the range of 0.5 to 2 ms using modern methods of measuring the length of a day, Earth's rotation.

However, from year to year the contribution of abrupt changes in cosmic ether density in the overall life expectancy is reduced. More and more it becomes a subject of social factors. This is true.

One more graph.

Over a longer period, fluctuations in mortality get smoothed in some years. And we already have the general trend described.

In general: the higher density of cosmic energies is, the lower the Earth's rotational speed – the longer life expectancy among Russians. For example, during the deceleration of Earth’s rotational speed from 1994 to 1998. And it is more concerned with the range of deceleration of Earth's rotational speed to 2 ms. But with greater slowing in the speed (1970 and 1984), we observe a reduction in life expectancy. Most likely, we have an optimal range of psycho-cosmic energies for life, health, and psychophysical activity.