Timothy Zahn
Dragon And Soldier
Chapter 1
The screams of the dying K'da and Shontine in the Havenseeker's engine room were growing louder. Draycos tried to shut out the sounds—tried to cover his pointed ears with his paws. But nothing helped.
He could see them now, back there in the engine room. Which was odd, because Draycos himself was up in the Havenseeker's control complex, all the way at the other end of the ship. He could see outside through the navigation bubble as the unfamiliar enemy ships sent the all too familiar violet beams of the Death twisting and sweeping across the Havenseeker's hull. The Death was coming closer to him ... closer ... closer...
With a jerk that sent his claws scratching across the soft plastic coating of the floor beneath him, Draycos woke up.
"Bad dream?" a soft voice came from across the room.
Draycos blinked his eyes, clearing away the last images of the nightmare. The room was mostly dark, but there was e...