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But there was still such a reserve in Beatrice’s behavior, that the idea of breaking through it scarcely occurred to his mind. They loved; their eyes conveyed the holy secret from one soul to the other; and yet there had been no touch of lips, or hands. He had never touched one of the ringlets of her hair or dress – so great was the physical barrier between them. On the few occasions when Giova

A considerable time had now passed since Giova

The visitor talked carelessly for a few moments about the gossip of the city and the university, and then took up another topic.

“I have been reading an old classic author lately,” said he, “and met with a story that strangely interested me. Possibly you may remember it. It is of an Indian prince, who sent a beautiful woman as a present to Alexander the Great. She was as lovely as the dawn and gorgeous as the sunset; but what was special about her was a certain rich perfume in her breath – richer than a garden of Persian roses. Alexander fell in love at first sight with this magnificent stranger; but a physician, happening to be present,[21] discovered a terrible secret of her.”

“And what was that?” asked Giova

“That this lovely woman,” continued Baglioni, “had been fed with poisons from her birth upward,[22] until her whole body was so full of them that she herself had become the deadliest poison in the world. Poison was her element of life. With the rich perfume of her breath she poisoned the very air. Her love would have been poison – her embrace death. Is not this a marvellous tale?”

“A childish tale,” answered Giova

“By the way,” said the professor, looking about him, “what singular fragrance is this in your apartment? Is it the perfume of your gloves? It is faint, but delicious; and yet, after all, not pleasant. Were I to breathe it long,[23] I think it would make me ill. It is like the breath of a flower; but I see no flowers in the room.”

“There are not any,” replied Giova

“Ay; but my sober imagination does not often play such tricks,” said Baglioni. “Our friend Rappaccini, as I have heard, makes medicines with rich odors. Doubtless, the learned Signora Beatrice would give her patients draughts as sweet as a girl’s breath; but woe to him that sips them![24]”


“Signor professor,” said he, “you were my father’s friend; perhaps, too, you want to behave like a true friend of his son. I should feel nothing towards you save respect; but, signor, there is one subject on which we must not speak. You do not know the Signora Beatrice.”



“Her father’s natural love for his child,” continued Baglioni, “did not stop him from making her the victim of his insane zeal for science; for, let us do him justice,[26] he is as true a man of science. What, then, will be your fate? Beyond a doubt you are selected as the material of some new experiment. Perhaps the result is to be death; perhaps a fate more awful still. Rappaccini, with what he calls the interest of science, will hesitate at nothing.”

“It is a dream,” murmured Giova

“But,” said the professor, “cheer up, son of my friend. It is not yet too late for the rescue. Possibly we may even bring back this miserable child within the limits of ordinary nature, from which her father’s madness has taken her. Look at this little silver vase! It was made by the hands of the famous Benvenuto Cellini,[27] and is worthy to be a love gift to the most beautiful girl in Italy. But its contents are invaluable. One little sip of this antidote would make the most virulent poisons of the Borgias[28] harmless. I do not doubt that it will be as effective against those of Rappaccini. Give the vase to your Beatrice, and wait for the result.”

Baglioni put a small silver vase on the table and went out, leaving what he had said to produce its effect upon the young man’s mind.

“We will fight Rappaccini,” thought he, as he went down the stairs; “but, to tell the truth of him, he is a wonderful man – a wonderful man not to be tolerated by those[29] who respect the good old rules of the medical profession.”

As long as Giova


happening to be present – который случайно оказался там


from her birth upward – с момента рождения


were I to breathe it long – если бы мне долго пришлось вдыхать его


but woe to him that sips them – но горе испившему от них


even should you do violence to my gray hairs, it shall not silence me – даже если вы станете оскорблять мои седины, это не заставит меня замолчать


let us do him justice – давайте отдадим ему должное


Benvenuto Cellini – Бенвенуто Челлини (1500–1574) – итальянский скульптор и ювелир.


poisons of the Borgias – яды Борджиа – имеются в виду папа римский Александр Борджиа (1431–1508) и его сын Чезаре (1476–1507), которые в борьбе со своими политическими противниками широко применяли отравления.


a wonderful man not to be tolerated by those – замечательный человек, которого не должны терпеть те


not that he gave her up; he did but distrust – не то, чтобы он отказался от неё, но он перестал доверять ей


once for all – один раз и навсегда


there would be room for no further question – не останется места для дальнейших сомнений