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“How do you do, sir? Isn’t this a nice day?” she called cheerily, as she approached him.
The man stopped uncertainly.
“Did you speak – to me?” he asked in a sharp voice.
“Yes, sir, I say, it’s a nice day, isn’t it?”
“Eh? Oh! Humph![41]” he grunted; and strode on again.
The next day she saw him again.
“It isn’t quite so nice as yesterday, but it’s pretty nice,” she called out cheerfully.
“Eh? Oh! Humph!” grunted the man as before; and once again Pollya
When for the third time Pollya
“See here, child, who are you, and why are you speaking to me every day?”
“I’m Pollya
“Well, of all the – ” The man did not finish his sentence, but strode on faster than ever.
“Maybe he didn’t understand – but that was only half an introduction. I don’t know HIS name, yet.” she murmured.
“I’m glad that I won’t go to her,” Nancy declared to Pollya
“But, why, Nancy?”
Nancy shrugged her shoulders.
“Well, it’s just that nothing whatever has happened, has happened right in Mis’ Snow’s eyes. If you bring her jelly you’ll certainly hear she wanted chicken – but if you DID bring her chicken,[43] she says she wanted lamb broth!”
“What a fu
A pale, tired-looking young girl answered her knock at the door.
“How do you do?” began Pollya
In the dark and gloomy sick-room, Polya
“How do you do, Mrs. Snow? Aunt Polly says she hopes you are comfortable today, and she sent you some calf’s-foot jelly.”
“Dear me! Jelly? Of course I’m very much obliged, but I hoped it would be lamb broth[44] today.”
“Why, I thought it was CHICKEN you wanted when folks brought you jelly,” she said.
“What?” The sick woman turned sharply.
“Why, nothing, much,” apologized Pollya
“Well, Miss Impertinence, who are you?” she demanded.
“Oh, THAT isn’t my name. I’m Pollya
“Very well; thank you. Your aunt is very kind, of course, but my appetite isn’t very good this morning, and I was wanting lamb – ” She stopped suddenly.
“Here! Can you go to that window and pull up the curtain?” she asked. “I want to know what you look like!”
“O dear! then you’ll see my freckles, won’t you?” she sighed, as she went to the window; “I’m so glad you wanted to see me, because now I can see you! They didn’t tell me you were so pretty!”
“Me! – pretty!” scoffed the woman.
“Why, yes. Didn’t you know it?” cried Pollya
“Well, no, I didn’t,” retorted Mrs. Snow.
“Oh, but your eyes are so big and dark, and your hair’s all dark, too, and curly,” said Pollya
“Wait – just let me show you,” she exclaimed, picking up a small mirror.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to fix your hair[46] just a little before I let you see it,” she proposed.
“Why, I – suppose so, if you want to,” permitted Mrs. Snow.
For five minutes Pollya
“There!” panted Pollya
“Humph!” grunted the sick woman, looking at her reflection severely. “I like red pinks better than pink ones; but then, it’ll fade before night.”
“I just love your hair fluffed out like that,” she finished. “Don’t you?”
“Hm-m; maybe. But it won’t last.[48]”
“Of course not – and I’m glad, too,” nodded Pollya
“Well, you wouldn’t be glad for black hair nor anything else – if you had to lie here all day as I do!”
“Anyway, you must be glad about things.”
“Be glad about things – when you’re sick in bed all your days?!”
“That’s really hard really. But now I must go. I’ll think about it all the way home. Goodbye!”
“What does she mean by that?” Mrs. Snow thought. She turned her head and picked up the mirror.
“That little thing HAS got a knack with hair and no mistake,[49]” she said.
When a little later, Milly, Mrs. Snow’s daughter, came in, she said,
“I should think SOMEBODY might give me a new nightdress – instead of lamb broth, for a change!”
Chapter IX. Which Tells of the Man
It rained the next time Pollya
“How do you do?” she called.
The man stopped abruptly.
“See here, why don’t you find someone your own age to talk to?”
“I’d like to, sir, but there aren’t any around here. Still, I don’t mind so very much. I like old folks[50] just as well, maybe better, sometimes – being used to the Ladies’ Aid, so.”
“Humph! The Ladies’ Aid, indeed! Is that what you took me for?”
“Oh, no, sir. You don’t look like a Ladies’ Aider. Though I’m sure you’re much nicer than you look!”
The man turned and strode on as before.
The next time Pollya
“Miss Pollya
“Why, yes, he always does – now,” smiled Pollya
“‘He always does’! Do you know who – he – is?” demanded Nancy.
“I reckon he forgot to tell me one day.”
“But he never speaks to anybody, I guess, except when he speaks about business. He’s John Pendleton. He lives in the big house on Pendleton Hill. He is very rich. But he doesn’t spend money he just saves it. Usually he doesn’t speak to anyone; and he lives all alone in that great big lovely house all full of grand things, they say. Some people even think he’s crazy. And EVERYBODY says he’s mysterious.” She went on: “He travels a lot and writes books.”
Eh? Oh! Humph! – Сложное, неизвестно что выражающее восклицание
Today Pollya
if you DID bring her chicken – если ты принесешь ей именно курицу
I hoped it would be lamb broth – я надеялась, что сегодня будет говяжий бульон
the other way – наоборот
I’d like to fix your hair – я бы хотела уложить ваши волосы
Now I reckon we’re ready to be looked at! – А вот теперь мы полностью готовы!
Hm-m; maybe. But it won’t last. – Ну, может быть. Но прическа не продержится долго.
That little thing HAS got a knack with hair and no mistake. – А эта малышка точно умеет управляться с волосами!
old folks – зд. взрослые
shook her head – покачала головой
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