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MacGrath P Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967.


Ibid. — P. 385.


The Notebook of John Penry, 1593 / Ed. A. Peel. — London, 1944; Tracts Ascribed to Richard Bancroft, 1584 / Ed. by A. Peel. — Cambridge, 1953; Cartwrightiana / Ed. by A. Peel, L.H. Carlson. — London, 1951; The Writings of Robert Harrison and Robert Browne / Ed. by A. Peel, L.H. Carlson. — London, 1953; Henry Barrow. Writings, 1587–90 / Ed. by L.H. Carlson. — London, 1962; Writings, 1590–91 / Ed. by L.H. Carlson. — London, 1966.


Emerson E.H. English Puritanism from John Hooper to John Milton. — Durham (N.C.), 1968; Porter H.C. Puritanism in Tudor England. — London, 1970; Images of English Puritanism. A Collection of Contemporary Sources, 1589–1646. — Baton Rouge-London, 1989; Elizabethan Puritanism / Ed. by L.J. Trinterud. — New York, 1971.


The Bibliography of the Reform, 1450–1648. Related to the United Kingdom and Ireland for Years 1955–1970. — Oxford, 1975; Miller H., Newman A. Early Modern British History. A Select Bibliography. — London, 1970; Smeeton D. D. English Religion 1500–1540. A Bibliography. Macon (Georgia), 1988; Milward P. Religious Controversies of the Elizabethan Age. — London, 1978; The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation / Edited by H.J. Hillerbrand. — New York, 1996. — Vol. 1–4; Routh C.R.N. (Revised by P. Holmes). Who's Who in Tudor England. — Mechanicsburg (Pa), 2001 (Originally published in Great Britain in 1990 by Shepheard-Walwyn Publishers Limited); Shorney D. Protestant Nonconformity and Roman Catholicism: A Guide to Sources in the Public Record Office. PRO Readers' Guide 13. — London, 1996.


Lake R Anglicans and Puritans? Presbyterianism and English Conformist Thought from Whitgift to Hooker. — London, 1988; Rose E. Cases of Conscience. Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I and James I. — Cambridge, 1975; Collinson P. Godly People: Essays on English Protestantism and Puritanism. — London, 1983; Idem. The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society, 1559–1625. — New York, 1982.


Morgan J. Godly Learning: Puritan Attitudes towards Reason, Learning and Education, 1560–1640. — Cambridge, 1986. — P. 9.


Reese M.M. The Puritan Impulse. The English Revolution, 1559–1660. — London, 1975. P. 10; Rose E. Cases of Conscience. Alternatives Open to Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — Cambridge, 1975. — P. 6.


Parker K.L. The English Sabbath. A Study of the Doctrine and Disciplinefrom the Reformation to the Civil War. — Cambridge, 1988. — P. 158; Hill Ch. Society and Puritanism in PreRevolutionary England. — New York, 1967. — P. 13.


Knappen M.M. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. P. 339.


McGrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967. — P. 45.


Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982. — P. 13.


Knappen MM. Tudor Puritanism. A Chapter in the History of Idealism. — Chicago, 1939. — P. 491.


Haugaard W.P. Elizabeth and the English Reformation. The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion. — Cambridge, 1968. — P. 53.


Scott Pearson A.F. Ihornas Cartwright and Elizabethan Puritanism, 1535–1603. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1966. — P. 18.


Images of English Puritanism. A Collection of Contemporary Sources, 1589–1646. — Baton Rouge-London, 1989. — P. 19.


Greaves R.L. Society and Religion in Elizabethan England. — Mi


Collinson P. English Puritanism. — London, 1984. — P. 8.


Simpson A. Puritanism in Old and New England. — Chicago, 1955. — P. 1.


Porter H.C. Puritanism in Tudor England. — London, 1970. — P. 2.


Hill С. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England. — New York, 1967. — P. 14.


Collinson P. English Puritanism. — London, 1984. — P. 8.


Images of English Puritanism. A Collection of Contemporary Sources, 1589–1646. — Baton Rouge-London, 1989. — P. 2.


Collinson P. English Puritanism. — London, 1984. — P. 9.


Hill С. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England. — New York, 1967. — P. 23.


Holden W.P. Anti-Puritan Satire, 1572–1642. — Hamden (Co


Porter H.C. Puritanism in Tudor England. — London, 1970. — P. 7–8.


Images of English Puritanism. A Collection of Contemporary Sources, 1589–1646. — Baton Rouge-London, 1989. — P. 17–19.


George Ch. H. Puritanism as History and Historiography // Past and Present. — 1968. — № 41. — P. 94; Images of English Puritanism. A Collection of Contemporary Sources, 1589–1646. — Baton Rouge-London, 1989. — P. 4; Scott Pearson A.F. Thomas Cartwright and Elizabethan Puritanism, 1535–1603. — Gloucester (Mass.), 1966. — P. 91.


Images of English Puritanism. A Collection of Contemporary Sources, 1589–1646. — Baton Rouge-London, 1989. — P. 4.


NewJ.F.H. Anglican and Puritan. The Basis of Their Opposition, 1558–1640. — Stanford, 1964.


George Ch. Georgd K. The Protestant Mind of the English Reformation, 1570–640. — Princeton, 1961.


Morgan J. Godly Learning: Puritan Attitudes towards Reason, Learning and Education, 1560 — 1640. — Cambridge, 1986. — P. 9.


New J.F.H. Anglican and Puritan. The Basis of Their Opposition, 1558–1640. — Stanford, 1964. — Ch. 2, 3.


George Ch. George K. The Protestant Mind of the English Reformation, 1570–1640. — Princeton, 1961. — P. 398–399.


Lament W.L. Puritanism as History and Historiography: Some Further Thoughts // Past and Present. — 1969. — № 44. — P. 133–146; Finlayson M.G. Puritanism and Puritans: Labels or Libels // Canadian Journal of History. — 1973. — № 8. — P. 207–209.