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James M. Family, Lineage and Civil Society. A Study of Society, Politics and Mentality in the Durham Region, 1500–1640. — Oxford, 1974; Tyacke N. Popular Puritan Mentality in Late Elizabethan England // The English Commonwealth 1547–1640: Essays in Politics and Society Presented to Joel Hurstfield / Ed. by P. Clark, A. G. R. Smith and N.Tyacke. — Leicester University Press, 1979. P. 77–92.


Dickens A.G. The English Reformation. — London, 1964; Palliser D.M. The Age of Elizabeth: England under the Later Tudors, 1547–1603. — London-New York, 1983; Scarisbrick J.J. Henry VIII. — London, 1970; Idem. The Reformation and the English People. — Oxford, 1984; Cross С. Church and People, 1450–1660. The Triumph of the Laity in the English Church. — London, 1976; Idem. Patronage and Recruitment in the Tudor and Early Stuart Church. — York, 1996; Idem. The Royal Supremacy in the Elizabethan Church. — London, 1969.


Curtis M. The Alienated Intellectuals of Early Stuart England // Past and Present. — 1962. — № 23.


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Morgan J. Godly Learning: Puritan Attitudes towards Reason, Learning and Education, 1560-1640. — Cambridge, 1986. P. 2–3.


Stone L. The Causes of the English Revolution, 1529–1642. — London, 1972; Idem. Social Change and Revolution in England, 1540–1640. — London, 1966.


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Zaret D. The Heavenly Contract. Ideology and Organization in Pre-Revolutionary Puritanism. — Chicago-London, 1985.


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Collinson P. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — Berkley-Los Angeles, 1967.


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Reese M.M. The Puritan Impulse. The English Revolution, 1559–1660. — London, 1975.


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