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Avis P.D.L Richard Hooker and John Calvin // JEH. — 1978. — Vol. 39. — P. 251–270; Cressy D. Purification, Thanksgiving and the Churching of Women in Post-Reformation England // Past and Present. — 1993. — № 141. — P. 106–146; Gascoigne J. Church and State Unified: Hookers Rationale for the English Post-Reformation Order // The Journal of Religious History. — 1997. — Vol. 21. — № 1. — P. 23–34; Hunt A. The Lords Supper in Early Modern England // Past and Present. — 1998. — № 161. — P. 39–83; Knott J. John Foxe and Joy of Suffering // The Sixteenth Century Journal. — 1996. — Vol. 27. — № 4. — P. 721–734; Lake P.G. Calvinism and the English Church, 1570–1535 // Past and Present. — 1987. — № 114. — P. 32–76; Lament W. The Rise of Arminianism Reconsidered: A Comment // Past and Present. — 1985. — № 107. — P. 227–231; Perrot M.E.C Richard Hooker and the Problem of Authority in the Elizabethan Church // Journal of Ecclesiastical History. — 1998. — Vol. XLIX. — № 1. — P. 29–60; Todd M. The Godly and the Church: New Views of Protestantism in Early Modern Britain // Journal of British Studies. — 1989. — Vol. 28. — № 4. — P. 418–427; White P. The Rise of Arminianism Reconsidered // Past and Present. — 1983. — № 101. — P. 34–54.


Brigden S. Youth and the English Reformation // Past and Present. — 1982. — № 95. — P. 37–67; Cromartie A. The Constitutional Revolution: the Transformation of Political Culture in Early Stuart England // Past and Present. — 1999. — № 163. — P. 76–120; Curtis M. The Alienated Intellectuals of Early Stuart England // Past and Present. — 1962. — № 23. — P. 25–43; Green J. Career Prospects and Clerical Conformity in the Early Stuart Church // Past and Present. — 1981. — № 90. — P. 71–115; Heal F. The Idea of Hospitality in Early Modern England // Past and Present. — 1984. — № 102. — P. 66–93; Hill С. Debate: Puritanism, Capitalism and the Scientific Revolution // Past and Present. — 1965. — № 29. — P. 88–97; Idem. Science, Religion and Society in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries // Past and Present. — 1965. — № 32. — P. 110–112; Ingram M. Ridings, Rough Music and the “Reform of Popular Culture” in Early Modern England // Past and Present. — 1984. — № 105. — P. 79–113; Kearney H.F. Puritanism and Science: Problems of Definition // Past and Present. — 1965. — № 31. — P. 104–110; Idem. Puritanism, Capitalism and Scientific Revolution // Past and Present. — 1964. — № 28. — P. 81–101; Morrill J. The Religious Context of the English Civil War // TRITS. — 1984. — Vol. 34. — P. 155–178; Rabb Т.К. Religion and the Rise of Modern Science // Past and Present. — 1965. — № 31. — P. III–126.


Cornwall J. Debate: Kett's Rebellion in Context // Past and Present. — 1981. — № 93. — P. 160; Davies C.S.L. The Pilgrimage of Cracc Reconsidered // Past and Present. — 1968. — № 41. — P. 54–76; James M.E. The Concept of Order and the Northern Rising 1569 // Past and Present. — 1973. — № 60. — P. 49–83; Idem. Obedience and Dissent in Henrician England: The Lincolnshire Rebellion 1536 // Past and Present. — 1970. — № 48. — P. 3–78; MacCulloch D. Kelts Rebellion in Context // Past and Present. — 1979. — № 84. — P. 36–59; Idem. Kett's Rebellion in Context: A Rejoinder // Past and Present. — 1981. — № 93. — P. 165–173.


Alexander H.G. Religion in England, 1558–1662. — London, 1968; McCrath P. Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. — London, 1967; O'Day R. The Debate on the English Reformation. — London-New York, 1986.


Bibliography of the Reform, 1450–1648. Related to the United Kingdom and Ireland for Years 1955–1970. — Oxford, 1975; Hoffman A. Lives of the Tudor Age, 1485–1603. — New York, 1977; Routh C.R.N. (Revised by P. Holmes). Who's Who in Tudor England. — Mechanicsburg (Pa), 2001 (Originally published in Great Britain in 1990 by Shepheard-Walwyn Publishers Limited); Shorney D. Protestant Nonconformity and Roman Catholicism: A Guide to Sources in the Public Record Office. PRO Readers' Guide 13. — London: PRO Publications, 1996; Smeaton D.D. English Religion. A Bibliography. — Macon (Georgia), 1988; Tudor England: An Encyclopedia / Gen. ed. A.F. Ki


The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation / Ed. by H.J. Hillerbrand. — New York, 1996. — Vol. I–IV.


Репина Л.П. «Новая историческая наука» и социальная история. — М., 1998. — С. 7, 20–21, 48.


Burke P. History and Social Theory. — Cambridge, 1992.


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Thomas К. History Revisited // The Times Literary Supplement. 2006. October 11.


Marsden J.B. The History of the Early Puritans from the Reformation to the Opening of the Civil War in 1642. — London, 1859.


Hopkins S. The Puritans and Church, Court and Parliament of England during the Reigns of Edward VI and Queen Elizabeth. — London, 1860. — Vol. I–III.


Froude J.A. History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to Destruction of Great Armada. — London, 1856–1870. — Vol. I–XII.


O'Day R. The Debate on the English Reformation. — London and New York, 1986. — P. 1.


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Pollard A.E Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation, 1489–1556. — New York-London, 1904.


O’Day R. The Debate on the English Reformation. — London and New York, 1986. — P. 107–116.


Rowse A.L. Tudor Cornwall. — London, 1941; Idem, 'lhe England of Elizabeth. The Structure of Society. — New York, 1951; Idem. The England of Elizabeth. — London, 1953; Idem. The Expansion of Elizabethan England. — London, 1955.


Toynbee A.J. The Unification of the World and the Change in Historical Perspective // Hislory. — London, 1948. — Vol. XXXIII. — № 117–118. — P. 26. Цит. по: Шарифжанов И.М. Эволюция теоретико-методологических основ английской немарксистской историографии в XX веке (1900–1980). Дисс…. доктора исторических наук. — Казань, 1990. С. 102.


Dickens A.G. Lollards and Protestants in the Diocese of York, 1509–1558. — Oxford, 1959; Idem. The English Reformation. — Batsford, 1964; Idem. Reformation and Society in Sixteenth-Century Europe. — London, 1966; Idem. Thomas Cromwell and the English Reformation. — New York, 1969; Idem. The Shape of Anti-Clericalism and the English Reformation // Politics and Society in the Reformation Europe. — Basingstoke, 1987. — P. 379–410.


Dickens A.G. The English Reformation. — London and Glasgow, 1973. — P. 5.