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Black J.B. The Reign of Elizabeth, 1558–1603. 2nd Ed. — Oxford-New York, 1994; Bruce M.L. A


Beckingsale B.W. Burghley — Tudor Statesman, 1520–1598. — London-New York, 1967; Idem. Thomas Cromwell, Tudor Minister. — London, 1978; Cross С. The Puritan Earl. The Life of Henry Hastings, Third Earl of Huntingdon, 1536–1595. — New York, 1966; Dickens A.G. Thomas Cromwell and the English Reformation. — New York, 1969; Elton G.R. Policy and Police: The Enforcement of the Reformation in the Age of Thomas Cromwell. — Cambridge, 1972; Jenkins E. Elizabeth and Leicester. — London, 1961; Loades D.M. John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, 1504–1553. — Oxford, 1996; Read С. Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth. — New York, 1960.


Beilin E.V. The Examination of A


Catholics of Parish and Town, 1558–1778 / Ed. by M.B. Rowlands. — London, 1999; Church and Society in England: Henry VIII to James I / Ed. by F. Heal and R. O'Day. — London, 1977; Conflict in Early Stuart England. Studies in Religion and Politics, 1603–1642 / Ed. by R. Cust and A. Hughes. — London-New York, 1989; Continuity and Change. Perso


Cressy D. Birth, Marriage and Death: Ritual, Religion and the Life-Cycle in Tudor and Stuart England. — Oxford, 1997; Idem. Bonfires and Bells: National Memory and the Protestant Calendar in Elizabethan and Stuart England. — Berkley, 1989; Greaves R.L. Society and Religion in Elizabethan England. — Mi


Curtis M. Oxford and Cambridge in Transition, 1558–1642. An Essay on (“hanging Relations between the English University and English Society. — Oxford, 1959; Porter H.C. Reformation and Reaction in Tudor Cambridge. — Hamden, 1972.


George Ch.H. Puritanism as History and Historiography // Past and Present. — 1968. — № 41. — P. 77–104; Hobsbawm E. The Revival of Narrative: Some Comments // Past and Present. — 1980. — № 86. — P. 3–8; Hutton R. The English Reformation and the Evidence of Folklore // Past and Present. — 1995. — № 148. — P. 89–116; Joyce P. The Return of History: Postmodernism and the Politics of Academic History in Britain // Past and Present. — 1998. — № 158. — P. 207–235; Lament W.M. Puritanism as History and Historiography: Some Further Thoughts // Past and Present. — 1969. — № 44. — P. 133–146; Stone L. The Revival of Narrative: Reflections on a New Old History // Past and Present. — 1979. — № 85. — P. 3–24; Thomas K. History and Anthropology // Past and Present. — 1963. — № 24. — P. 3–24.


Bossy J. The Character of Elizabethan Catholicism // Past and Present. — 1962. — № 21. — P. 39–59; Idem. The Mass as a Social Institution 1200–1700 // Past and Present. — 1983. — № 100. — P. 29–61; Clifton R. The Popular Fear of Catholics during the English Revolution // Past and Present. — 1971. — № 52. — P. 23–55; Haigh Ch. The Continuity of Catholicism in the English Reformatjpn // Past and Present. — 1981. — № 93. — P. 37–69; Idem. The Fall of a Church or the Rise of a Sect? Post-Reformation Catholicism in England // Historical Journal. — 1978. — № 21. — P. 182–186; Idem. From Monopoly to Minority: Catholicism in Early Modern England // TRHS. 5th Series. — 1981. — № 31. — P. 129–147; Loomie A.J. The Armadas and the Catholics of England // Catholic Historical Review. — 1973. — Vol. LIX. — № 3. — P. 385–403; Walsham A. “Domme Preachers?” Post-Reformation English Catholicism and the Culture of Print // Past and Present. — 2000. — № 168. — P. 72–123; Idem. “The Fatal Vesper”: Providentialism and AntiPopery in Late Jacobean London // Past and Present. — 1994. — № 144. — P. 36–87; Wiener C.Z. The Beleaguered Isle: A Study of Elizabethan and Early Jacobean Anti-Catholicism // Past and Present. — № 51. — 1971. — P. 27–62.