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677. Сен Сам Мун (XV в.). Чем бы я хотел стать после смерти[316]


678. Воль Сан(XV в.). Когда не клюет рыба[317]


679. Ким Ден Се (XIV в.). Я не смог им дать приют[318]


680. Хан Xo(XVI в.). В гостях


681. Тьо Сик(XVI в.). Выбор


682. Ли И(Юл Гок). Вступление[319]


683. Ли И (Юл Гок). Вверх по реке. У первой излучины[320]


684. Ли И(Юл Гок). У второй излучины[321]


685. Ли И(Юл Гок). У третьей излучины[322]


686. Ли И (Юл Гок). У четвертой излучины[323]


687. Ли И(Юл Гок). У пятой излучины[324]


688. Де Хен (XVI в.). Милый меня покинул[325]


689. Ли Мен Хан (XVI в.). Все прояснится к рассвету[326]


In ancient Korean tales Mount Pon-ne-san is a Mountain of Happy Grasses, where the grass of eternal youth grows.


Variant in the manuscript: «Over the chilly autumn stream / Evening breezes play, / No matter how often I cast my line/ I can catch no fish today./ I have only filled my soory sloop / With all the moonbeams I could scoop.»


Variant in the manuscript: «I made three rooms of day / For myself and for my friends / I live in one, the moon in another, / and the free wind in the third./ But the hills stayed alone / Under open skies in autumn rains».


Kosang is a coastal region in Korea; Chu Xi (1120–1188) was a Chinese Confucian philosopher, and Mu Yi his native village.


Ilgok was the First Bend in the river and the place name. Variant in the fourth line in the manuscript: «And the mountains have floated up on the horizon».


Igok was the Second Bend in the river.


Samgok was the Third Bend in the river.


Sagok was the Fourth Bend in the river. Variant in the fourth line in the manuscript: «Reflects the mountain tops and majestic woods».


Ogok was the Fifth Bend in the river. Variant in the fifth line in the manuscript: «The Forest Screen breathes of resin».


Variant in the fifth line in the manuscript: «Dusk has settled upon the darkened water».


A space is left in the manuscript for the translation of the Russian word «ogarok» in the fifth line: «Но огарок свечи no утра додымится».