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20. "Night Hawk," Mechanics Free Press (Philadelphia), Nov. 7, 1829; Louis Bader, "Gas Illumination in New York City, 1823–1863" (Ph. D. diss., New York Univ., 1970), 334; Mary Lee Ma

21. Maurice Rollinat, Oeuvres (Paris, 1972), II, 282. Allan Silver, "The Demand for Order in Civil Society; A Review of Some Themes in the History of Urban Crime, Police and Riot," in D. Bordua, ed., The Police: Six Sociological Essays (New York, 1967), 1—24; A

22. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays & Lectures, ed. Joel Porte (New York, 1983), 1067; Joachim Schlör, Nights in the Big City: Paris, Berlin, London 1840–1930, trans. Pierre Gottfried Imhof and Dafydd Rees Roberts (London, 1998), 287; Mark J. Bouman, "The 'Good Lamp Is the Best Police' Metaphor and Ideologies of the Nineteenth-Century Urban Landscape," American Studies 32 (1991), 66.

23. The Journeyman Engineer, The Great Unwashed (London, 1869), 199; A. H. Bullen, ed., The Works of Thomas Middleton (1885; rpt. edn., New York, 1964), VIII, 14; A. Roger Ekirch, "Sleep We Have Lost: Pre-industrial Slumber in the British Isles," AHR 106 (2001), 383–385; Thomas A. Wehr, "A 'Clock for All Seasons' in the Human Brain," in R. M. Buijs et al., eds., Hypothalamic Integration of Circadian Rhythms (Amsterdam, 1996), 319–340; Thomas A. Wehr, "The Impact of Changes in Nightlength (Scotoperiod) on Human Sleep," in F. W Turek and P. C. Zee, eds., Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms (New York, 1999), 263–285; P. Lippma

24. R. W. Flint, ed., Marinetti: Selected Writings, trans. R. W. Flint and Arthur A. Coppotelli (New York, 1979), 56.

25 Frederic J. Baumgartner, A History of Papal Elections (New York, 2003), 191; Rev. Dr. Render, A Tour through Germany… (London, 1801), II, 37. Хотя 1916 год указан неверно, перевод статьи «Arguments against Light» из Zeitung приводится в кн.: "Arguments against Light," trans. M. Luckiesh, Artificial Light: Its Influence upon Civilization (New York, 1920), 157–158.

26. Schlör, Nights in the Big City, trans. Imhof and Roberts, 66; Christian Augustus Gotriief Goede, A Foreigner's Opinion of England…, trans. Thomas Home (Boston, 1822), 47; Richard L. Bushman, The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities (New York, 1992), 365; Gamert, Lampan, 126; Schindler, Rebellion, 221; Eugen Weber, France Fin de Siècle (Cambridge, Mass., 1986), 54.

27. Victor Hugo, Les Misérables, trans. Isabel F. Hapgood (New York, 1887), II, Pt. 1,313–316; Schivelbusch, Disenchanted Night, 105,97—114, passim; Wolfgang Schivelbusch, "The Policing of Street Lighting," Yale French Studies 73 (1987), 73, 61–74, passim; Eugène Defrance, Histoire de l'Éclairage des Rues de Paris (Paris, 1904), 104–106; Gamert, Lampan, 123–129.

28. Joseph Lawson, Letters to the Young on Progress in Pudsey during the Last Sixty Years (Sta

29. George Sturt, Change in the Village (1912; rpt. edn., Harmondsworth, Eng., 1984), 121,8.

30. Dagobert D. Runes, The Diary and Sundry Observations of Thomas Aha Edison (New York, 1948), 232; Ekirch, "Sleep We have Lost," 383–385; Patricia Edmonds, "In Jampacked Days, Sleep Time is the First to Go," USA Today, April 10,1995; Andree Brooks, "For Teen-Agers, Too Much to Do, Too Little Time for Sleep," New York Times, Oct. 31, 1996; Amanda Onion, "The No-Doze Soldier: Military Seeking Radical Ways of Stumping Need for Sleep," Dec. 18, 2002, Web: www.abcNEWS. com. Об исследованиях ночи в современной жизни см.: Murray Melbin, Night as Frontier: Colonizing the World after Dark (New York, 1987); Kevin Coyne, A Day in the Night of America (New York, 1992); A. Alvarez, Night: Night Life, Night Language, Sleep, and Dreams (New York, 1995); Christopher Dewdney, Acquainted with the Night: Excursions through the World after Dark (New York, 2004).

31. Montague Summers, ed., Dryden: The Dramatic Works (1932; rpt. edn., New York, 1968), VI, 159; Arthur R. Upgren, "Night Blindness," Amicus Journal 17 (1996), 22–25; David L. Crawford, "Light Pollution — Theft of the Night," in Derek McNally, ed., The Vanishing Universe: Adverse Environmental Impacts on Astronomy (Cambridge, 1994), 27–33.

32. Warren E. Leary, "Russia's Space Mirror Bends Light of Sun into the Dark," NYT, Times, Feb. 5, 1993; "Russian Space Mirror Reflector Prototype Fails," Boston Globe, Feb. 5,1999.

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