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76. Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, The Physiology of Taste, or, Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy, trans. M. F. K. Fisher (New York, 1949), 222; Wehr, "Clock for All Seasons," 338; Wehr, "Changes in Nightlength," 269–273; личные сообщения Вера от 23 и 31 декабря 1996 года.

77. Carter A. Daniel, ed., The Plays of John Lyly (Lewisburg, Pa., 1988), 123; Breton, Works, II, 12; Barbara E. Lacey, ed., The World of Ha

1. GM 25 (1755), 57.

2. M. De Valois d'Orville, Les Nouvelles Lanternes (Paris, 1746), 4; May 10,1797, Drinker, Diary, II, 916; R. L. W., Journal of a Tour from London to Elgin Made About 1790… (Edinburgh, 1897), 74; Hans-Joachim Voth, Time and Work in England, 1750–1830 (Oxford, 2000), 67–69.

3. Elkan Nathan Adler, ed., Jewish Travellers: A Treasury of Travelogues from 9 Centuries (New York, 1966), 350; Robert Semple, Observations on a Journey through Spain and Italy to Naples… (London, 1808), II, 83; Humphrey Je

4. PA, July 15, 1762; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 650–655; James Sharpe, Instruments of Darkness: Witchcraft in England, 1550–1750 (New York, 1996), 229–230, 257–275,290—293; Alan Macfarlane, The Culture of Capitalism (Oxford, 1987), 79–82, 100–101.

5 DUR, Sept. 4,1788; SAS, XII, 244; "Your Constant Reader," and "A Bristol Conjuror," BC, Feb. 17,1762; "Crito," LEP, Mar. 15,1762; Jonathan Barry, "Piety and the Patient: Medicine and Religion in Eighteenth Century Bristol," in Roy Porter, ed., Patients and Practitioners: Lay Perceptions of Medicine in Pre-Industrial Society (Cambridge, 1985), 160–161.

6. Diary of James Robson, 1787, Add. Mss. 38837, fo. 9, BL; Winslow C. Watson, ed., Men and Times of the Revolution; or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, Including Journals of Travels (New York, 1856), 96; Bryan Edwards, "Description of a Nocturnal Sky, as Surveyed Nearly Beneath the Line," Massachusetts Magazine 7 (1795), 370; "Vaiverdi," Literary Magazine 7 (1807), 449; Macfarlane, Culture of Capitalism, 80–81,102–103. О широком распространении телескопов см., например: Nov. 12, 1720, The Family Memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley, M. D…. (London, 1882), I, 75; Sept. 30,1756, J. B. Paul, ed., Diary of George Ridpath (Edinburgh, 1910), 92; June 22,1806, Drinker, Diary, III, 1940.

7. M. D'Archenholz, A Picture of England… (London, 1789), 1,136; Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, Letters of a Russian Traveler, 1789–1790… (New York, 1957), 181, 268; Mr. Pratt, Gleanings through Wales, Holland, and Westphalia (London, 1798), 167; Peter Borsay, The English Urban Renaissance: Culture and Society in the Provincial Town, 1660–1770 (Oxford, 1989), 22,34.

8. Torrington, Diaries, II, 195,196,1, 20; John Henry Ma

9. James Essex, Journal of a Tour through Part of Flanders and France in August 1773, ed. W. M. Fawcett (Cambridge, 1888), 2.

10. Pierre Goubert, The Ancien Régime: French Society, 1600–1750, trans. Steve Cox (London, 1973), 223; William Edward Mead, The Grand Tour in the Eighteenth Century (New York, 1972), 222,359; Christopher Friedrichs, The Early Modern City, 1450–1750 (London, 1995), 25.

11. Midnight the Signal: In Sixteen Letters to a Lady of Quality (London, 1779), 1,147, passim; Koslofsky, "Court Culture," 744; Barbara DeWolfe Howe, Discoveries of America: Personal Accounts of British Emigrants to North America during the Revolutionary Era (Cambridge, 1997), 217; Pinkerton, Travels, II, 790.

12. US and WJ, Oct. 13,1733; A Humorous Description of the Ma

13. British Journal, Sept. 12,1730.

14. Henry Fielding, An Enquiry into the Causes of the Late Increase of Robbers and Related Writings, ed. Malvin R. Zirker (Middletown, Ct, 1988), 231; LC, Sept. 9,1758, Mar. 19, 1785; J. Hanway, Letter to Mr. John Spranger… (London, 1754), 34; Frédérique Pitou, "Jeunesse et Désordre Social: Les 'Coureurs de Nuit' à Laval au XVIIIe Siècle," Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine 47 (2000), 70; G & NDA, Nov. 27, 1767; Horace Walpole, Correspondence with Sir Horace Ma

15. DUR, Nov. 30, 1785; Borsay, Urban Renaissance, passim; Peter Clark, The English Alehouse: A Social History (London, 1983), 256–259.

16. 9 George II. c. 20; "Mémoire sur Nécessité d'Éclairer la Ville, Présenté par Quelques Citoyens au Conseil," Jan. 26, 1775, Archives Genève, Geneva; J. M. Beattie, Policing and Punishment in London, 1660–1750: Urban Crime and the Limits of Terror (Oxford, 2001), 221–223; Wolfgang Schivelbusch, Disenchanted Night: The Industrialization of Light in the Nineteenth Century, trans. Angela Davies (Berkeley, Calif., 1988), 9—14.

17. Times, May 14,1807; "F. W," LM, Jan. 6,1815; Jane Austen, Sanditon (Boston, 1975), 221; O'Dea, Lighting, 98; Pounds, Home, 388; Brian T. Robson, Urban Growth An Approach (London, 1973), 178–183; John A. Jakle, City Lights: Illuminating the American Night (Baltimore, 2001), 26–37.

18. LC, Jan. 17,1758; "Case of the Petitioners against the Bill, for Establishing a Nightly-Watch within the City of Bristol," 1755, BL; PA, July 15, 1785; Alan Williams, The Police of Paris, 1718–1789 (Baton Rouge, 1979), 71; Ruff, Violence, 88–91.

19. BC, Aug. 11, 1762; David Philips and Robert D. Storch, Policing Provincial England, 1829–1856: The Politics of Reform (London, 1999), 63; Beattie, Crime, 67–72; Elaine A. Reynolds, Before the Bobbies: The Night Watch and Police Reform in Metropolitan London, 1720–1830 (Stanford, Calif., 1998); Stanley H. Palmer, Police and Protest in England and Ireland, 1780–1850 (Cambridge, 1988), passim; David Philips, "'A New Engine of Power and Authority': The Institutionalization of Law-Enforcement in England 1780–1830," in Gatrell et al., eds., Crime and the Law, 155–189; James F. Richardson, Urban Police in the United States (Port Washington, N. Y, 1974), 19–28.