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26. Randle Cotgrave, A Dictionaire of the French and English Tongues (London, 1611); Laurence Sterne, The Life & Opinions ofTristam Shandy, Gentleman (New York, 1950), 568; Sept. 22, 1660, Pepys, Diary, I, 251; Alison Weir, Henry VIII: The King and His Court (New York, 2001), 84.

27. The Queens Closet Opened… (London, 1661), 60–61,101–102; Aug. 11,1678, Michael Hunter and A

28. Moryson, Itinerary, IV, 44; "T.C.," PL, Dec. 5, 1765. В книге «Celestina: A Novel in Dialogue», написанной Фернандо де Рохасом и опубликованной на английском языке в переводе Лесли Бёрд Симпсон (Berkeley, Calif., 1971), главный герой говорит о вине: «В зимнюю ночь нет лучше грелки. Если, перед тем как лечь спать, я выпиваю три небольших кувшина вина наподобие этих, я не чувствую холода в течение всей ночи» (104).

29. Bradwell, Watch-man, 38; "W," LC, Oct. 9, 1763; Henry G. Bohn, A Hand-book of Proverbs… (London, 1855), 28; May 25,1767, Cozens-Hardy, ed., Neville Diary, 8; Feb. 29,1756, Turner, Diary, 32.

30. Thomas Elyot, The Castel ofHelthe (London, 1539), fo. 46; Governai, In this Tretyse that Is Cleped Govemayle ofHelthe (New York, 1969); Bullein, Goveriment of Health, 90.

31. Sept. 29, 1661, Pepys, Diary, II, 186; East Anglian Diaries, 51; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 113–128; François Lebrun, "The Two Reformations: Communal Devotion and Personal Piety," in HPL III, 96–97. Упоминания о ночном «затворе» можно найти в кн.: Owen Feltham, Resolves (London, 1628), 406; Oct. 2, 1704, Cowper, Diary; Andrew Henderson, ed., Scottish Proverbs (Edinburgh, 1832), 48.

32. John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations…, ed. Emily Morison Beck et al. (Boston, 1980), 320; Whole Duty of Man, 388; Thomas Becon, The Early Works…, ed. John Ayre (Cambridge, 1843), 403.

33. Thankfull Remembrances of Gods Wonderful Deliverances… (n. p., 1628). См. также: July 18,1709, Cowper, Diary. Хорошо известна древняя корнуоллская молитва: «От вампиров, и призраков, и ползучих тварей, и от вещей, о которые можно удариться ночью, избавь нас, Милосердный Боже!» (Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, ed. Beck et al., 921).

34. Martine Segalen, Love and Power in the Peasant Family: Rural France in the Nineteenth Century, trans. Sarah Matthews (Chicago, 1983,124–125; Phillipe Martin, "Corps en Repos ou Corps en Danger? Le Sommeil dans les Livres de Piété (Second Moitié du XVIIIe Siècle)," Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 80 (2000), 253.

35. Gwyn Jones, comp., The Oxford Book of Welsh Verse in English (Oxford, 1977), 78; July 15,1705, Cowper, Diary; Gervase Markham, Countrey Contentments… (London, 1615), 31; William Lilly, A Groatsworth of Wit for a Pe

36. Cogan, Haven of Health, 235.

37. Harrison, Description, 200–201; Raffaella Sard, Europe at Home: Family and Material Culture, 1500–1800, trans. Allan Cameron (New Haven, 2002), 120; John E. Crowley, The Invention of Comfort: Sensibilities & Design in Early Modern Britain & Early America (Baltimore, 2001), 73–76; A

38. Stephanie Grauman Wolf, As Various as Their Land: The Everyday Lives of Eighteenth-Century Americans (New York, 1993), 66; Carole Shammas, "The Domestic Environment in Early Modem England and America," JSH14 (1990), 169,158; Da

39. Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, ed. Beck et al., 290; Lemnius, Touchstone of Complexions, trans. Newton, 73; Cogan, Haven of Health, 235; Brad well, Watch-man, 39.

40. Alan Everitt, "Farm Labourers," in Joan Thirsk, ed., The Agrarian History of England and Wales, IV, 1500–1640 (London, 1967), 449; Horn, Adapting to a New World, ЗЮЗИ, 324–325.

41. A Browning, ed., English Historical Documents, 1660–1714 (New York, 1953), 729; [Ward], A Trip to Ireland… (n. p., 1699), 5.

42. Harrison, Description, 201; OBP, Sept. 9—16,1767,259; Feb. 19,1665, Pepys, Diary, VI, 39; Cissie Fairchilds, Domestic Enemies: Servants & Their Masters in Old Regime France (Baltimore, 1984), 39; Steven L. Kaplan, The Bakers of Paris and the Bread Question, 1700–1775 (Durham, N. C, 1996), 259. Слуга в колониальном Мэриленде жаловался: «Завернуться в одеяло и лечь на землю — вот и весь отдых, который мы можем себе позволить» (Elizabeth Sprigs to John Sprigs, Sept. 22, 1756, in Merrill Jensen, ed., English Historical Documents: American Colonial Documents to 1776 [New York, 1955], 489). Такая судьба ожидала большинство американских рабов в раннее Новое время. Несмотря на то что в некоторых жилищах имелись «кровати из досок», чаще рабы спали на земле среди соломы, тряпья или, если повезет, нескольких грубых одеял (Morgan, Slave Counterpoint, 114).

43. OED, s. V. "bulkers"; John Heron Lepper, The Testaments of François Villon (New York, 1926), 12; Order of Nov. 28, 1732, London Court of Common Council, BL; Me

Paroimiographia (French), 18; H. S. Be

44. RB, VI, 220; Tornano, Proverbi, 127.

45. Alain Collomp, "Families: Habitations and Cohabitations," in HPL III, 507; Flandrin, Families, trans. Southern, 98–99; Flaherty, Privacy, 76–79.

46. Constantia Maxwell, Country and Town in Ireland under the Georges (London, 1940), 123: Ménétra, Journal, 137; Flandrin, Families, trans. Southern, 100.0 выражении «to pig» cm.: OED; Journal of Twisden Bradboum, 1693–1694,1698,19, Miscellaneous English Manuscripts c. 206, Bodl.; Edward Peacock, comp., A Glossary of Words Used in the Wapentakes of Manley and Corringham, Lincolnshire (Vaduz, Liecht., 1965), 191.

47. John Dunton, Teague Land, or a Merry Ramble to the Wild Irish: Letters from Ireland 1698, ed. Edward MacLysaght (Blackrock, Ire., 1982), 21; Howard William Troyer, Five Travel Scripts Commonly Attributed to Edward Ward (New York, 1933), 5, 6; Maxwell, Ireland, 125; Patricia James, ed., The Travel Diaries of Thomas Robert Malthus (London, 1966), 188, Pinkerton, Travels, III, 667.

48. James E. Savage, ed., The "Conceited Newes" of Sir Thomas Overbury and His Friends (Gainesville, Fla., 1968), 260.

49. Elias, Civilizing Process, trans. Jephcott, 1,160–163; Abel Boyer, The Compleat French-Master… (London, 1699), 6; Elborg Forster, ed. and trans., A Woman's Life in the Court of the Sun King: Letters of Liselotte von der Pfalz, 1652–1722 (Baltimore, 1984), 149.

50. John Greaves Nail, ed., An Etymological and Comparative Glossary of the Dialect and Provincialism of East Anglia (London, 1866), 512; Elias, Civilizing Process, trans. Jephcott, 1,166–168.