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“Kadence, what the fuck?” Nix growls, standing to take it out of her hands. “You fuckin’ know that you’re not meant to be lifting shit.”

“Oh, relax, Nix,” she laughs, waddling to the fridge.

“Will you go fuckin’ sit down?” He comes up behind her and reaches in, taking out what she needs.

“Nix, I’m fine.” She shakes her head, not letting her bossy husband order her around.

“If I could pick you up and throw you over my shoulder without hurting you, I would. Instead, I’m going to take your hand and walk you back to your chair, and you’re go

“Nix, quit it. I’m fin—” Her last word breaks off as her body doubles over.

“What is it, Kadence?” Nix shouts, throwing the tray of sandwiches to the table, sending them flying everywhere. At first, I think she’s playing, just teasing Nix, but when I see the water leaking down her legs, I know she’s not joking around.

“Ohhh, I think my waters just broke,” she pants, still bent over.

“Fuck, how do we fix it?” Nix says, looking around at all of us.

“You can’t fix it, you ass. It means the baby is coming,” she manages to say, still struggling with some pain.

“The baby’s coming? Right now?” Nix asks again, looking at us for answers. If I weren’t concerned for Kadence still breathing through her first contraction, I would laugh at the big bad biker freaking out.

“Kadence, has it stopped yet?” I ask, coming forward, getting down low and looking up at her pained face.

“Nooo,” she squirms. “Oh, God, is this normal?” she asks. I don’t reply. Instead, I let her try to breathe through it, but counting as I go. After another thirty seconds, I look up at Sy, trying to relay that something isn’t right.

“Oh, my God!” she shouts again.

“Call an ambulance,” I finally say, making the decision to voice my concerns. Kadence is still leaning over and Nix stands frozen, being absolutely no help at all.

“Ambulance?” Nix finally registers what’s happening.

“I don’t think she can move far between the contractions. We won’t get her to the car,” I explain walking to the sofa and pulling off the cushions.

“She can’t fuckin’ have it here,” he bellows out, finally realizing his biker baby is ready to make an appearance.

“Kadence, can you walk?” I ignore his freak out, zoning in on only her.

“I don’t think I can.” Her voice is filled with strain and panic. “Something is wrong, Holly,” she cries in between moaning.

“Nix, pick her up and bring her here,” I instruct, watching her struggle. I look to Sy and watch as he places the call to 911.

“Arrghh!” Kadence screams as Nix picks her up, bringing her to the floor in their living room.

“Fuckin’ hell, what is going on? We need to get her to the fuckin’ hospital, now,” he says, placing her down on the sofa cushions.

“I’m serious, guys; this isn’t normal,” Kadence moans. “Something is wrong.” She looks up with a pained expression and I know this isn’t a drill. I can see it in her eyes.

“I don’t think she’s going to make it there, Nix,” I tell him, moving around to help pull her panties down her legs.

“The baby’s coming,” she says, freaking out.

“What the fuck, Holly?” Nix asks, trying to stop me.

“Nix, I need to check her. See if she’s right.” I look to him hoping he understands my meaning. If the baby is coming now, we need to prepare. He must see the seriousness in my statement or see the urgency in my eyes as his expression turns from panic to fear.

“Everyone, get the fuck out,” he yells, letting me continue to slide her panties down.

“Nix, get me some towels. Lots of them,” I instruct when I see the blood. “Sy, how far away are they?” I ask, looking back over to where he stands.

“Ten minutes,” he says from behind me.

“Oh, my God, Holly. Don’t judge my hairy vajayjay. I can’t see over my belly,” Kadence rushes out, explaining her unkempt lady parts.

“Girl, all I can see is your baby’s head. Trust me, it’s the least of our worries,” I assure her before looking up to Sy wondering how the hell we are going to deliver a baby.

“The head is there already?” Nix races back in, his arms carrying blankets and towels. “Sy get the fuck out of here. I don’t want you to see my woman,” he says, noticing Sy is still in the room.

“Nix, he can help us,” I suggest, holding onto her hand to help her breathe through another contraction.

“Yeah, I’ve seen a delivery before,” Sy says into the phone, ignoring us and focusing on what the operator says to him. I can see Nix and Kadence both look at each other before looking to me for some kind of answer to their unspoken question.

“Oh, God, I want to push,” Kadence screams as another contraction tears through her.

“Yeah, she feels like she needs to,” Sy replies. “Okay,” he says, looking up at Nix “Nix, I’m go

“Nix, come here. Get behind her,” I order, trying to help him get his head around the fact that his child is about to be born on the living room floor with one of his brother's hands between his wife’s legs. He moves around, sitting in behind her and links his hands with hers.

“Oh, God! It’s coming,” Kadence pants before letting out an almighty scream.

“Kadence, you need to stop pushing. Hold it there,” Sy pauses, listening to more instructions.

“I need to push. I need to push.” Kadence’s voice sounds desperate as she fights off what her body is trying to tell her.

“Breathe through it, Kadence. Like you were taught in our classes,” Nix says, finally coming into the moment.

“I don’t give a shit what they say, Nix. This feels like someone is ripping my vagina apart.” She screams as the next contraction comes on.

“Paramedics are here,” Jesse calls through the front door. I can see the guests, gathering around the door, but I don’t have time to worry about them right now.

“Bring them through, quickly,” I say, watching as she bears down.

“Okay, Kadence. Push just a little, okay?” Sy repeats so calmly that even I find myself relaxing at his composure. She follows his instructions, slowly pushing and breathing.

“That’s it, Kadence,” I say, watching as the top of the head can be seen.

“Fuck, babe, you’re doin’ so good,” Nix says, wiping away tears and kissing her head. The gesture hits me right then and there. Sy and I are witnessing our best friends deliver their child, an amazing experience and beautiful moment right here on their living room floor.

“Hello,” a female and male EMT rush in right on time. “We can take it from here,” she interrupts, coming in to replace Sy.

“She’s almost there,” Sy says, stepping back letting them have room.

“That’s it, keep going, Kadence,” Nix encourages, holding onto her hands as she squeezes through her final push.

“Okay, Kadence. My name is Je

“Oh, God. Oh, Goddd!” she screams, making me feel terrible and excited all in the space of a second.

“That’s it. You’re doing great. Now catch your baby, Kadence,” the EMT says as she helps to pull the baby out. The sound of a baby taking its first breath of life is something I know I’ll never forget.

“Holy shit,” I breathe, watching her cradle her baby up on to her chest. It’s one of those serene moments, like seeing love at first sight in slow motion. Tears fall from my eyes watching Nix and Kadence meet their baby for the first time.