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She’s standing at the stove, my T-shirt hanging low on her thighs, her bare feet looking fucking amazing in my kitchen. What is it about her feet in my house? Walking up behind her, I push the loose strand off her neck and plant a kiss on her soft vanilla skin.


“Good morning.” She turns around to face me. Her smile nearly knocks me on my ass.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” I tell her, and I’ve never spoken more truth before. A slight pink blush floats across her cheeks as she shakes her head in disagreement. The woman just doesn’t see what I see. It’s been two months since I walked into her classroom, and she looks more and more beautiful to me every time I see her.

“Gotta tell ya, babe, as much as I like seeing you barefoot in my kitchen, I’d much prefer to have your naked body layin’ next to me when I open my eyes for the day.”

“You’ve got to eat, Nix.”

“I was go

“Don’t be vulgar,” she responds, and it’s my turn to roll my eyes.

“How many times do I have to prove to you that you love my dirty mouth?” Leaning down I kiss the softness of her lips, I can’t seem to get enough of her mouth. “And you love my dirty mouth on that pretty pussy of yours,” I tell her and kiss her again, stopping her from arguing with me. “Come back to bed,” I plead. She melts into me, but the smell of burning bacon brings her back.

“Shit,” she shrieks, turning around, trying to save our breakfast. See, eating her would be much easier.

“What’s your plans for today?” I ask, walking over to the coffee pot, frustrated that I’m not getting her back to bed.

“I don’t know. At some stage I’m going to have to go home. I have to work tomorrow.” I’m happy she doesn’t fob me off, wanting to rush home. The last two months have been fucking amazing, but we’ve been going at a slow pace. I want more. I want her in my club, by my side. No more hiding. I understand we need to tread lightly with school, but my patience is wearing thin.

“We’re havin’ a club BBQ this afternoon, a family affair. I want you there,” I tell her, watching her closely for a freak-out. She looks up at me, not showing any tells to what she is thinking, so I continue. “Z’s go

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” she challenges, turning away to break an egg into the pan.

“Why not? You know what I want, Kadence. I’m not in the habit of fuckin’ around. If you’re with me, then you’re with me. I’m not sneaking around at night anymore. I want you in my club, around my people. I’m done hidin’ us from Z.” I lay it out it for her. I’m thirty-seven years old. Three years ago, no way would I be saying this, but Kadence is different, and I’m a man who knows what he wants, and by God, I want this woman. This perfectly scarred woman, who pushes my buttons and argues over every damn thing, I wouldn't want her any other way.

“You with me on this? I ask her again, watching her break a second egg.

“Can I bring Holly?” she asks, still avoiding my question.

“Jesus Christ, Kadence,” I growl, walking up to her, and turning her around to face me. “Tell me you’re with me on this.”

“Do you think this is moving too fast, Nix?”

“Fuck no! You know me, Kadence. I don’t mess around. I had you in my bed after one date. I like to move fast,” I claim. She knows this and, besides, two fucking months is not fast. She’s fucking lucky I’ve waited this long.

“And what happens when you’ve had your fill? Don’t you think Z will be confused?” She turns back around to remove the eggs off the heat, saving them from burning like the bacon. What the fuck? Is this what she thinks I’m doing, just getting my fill?

“Jesus, woman, don’t you get it? How can someone so beautiful and smart as you, be so clueless? Every time we’re together, I feel it more. Stop fightin’ it and start embracin’ it. You know this shit deep down and I know I’m never gettin’ my fill of you, ever.” I pull her to me, away from the stove, and then turn her and walk her back to the counter. “If you don’t tell me you’re with me, I'll take you right here and now until you agree.”

“You can’t just fuck me into submission, Nix.” My hands come to her waist turning her around to face the counter. I don’t even respond to her statement. I will fuck her into a yes.

“Keep your hands on the bench and don’t move them,” I demand, my voice taking on the deeper menacing tone she seems to like. Ripping her lace panties down her legs I watch as she nods her head, her legs slightly spreading, letting me know she wants this.

I move my hands under the hem of her shirt, sliding them higher to cup her breasts. Her nipples pebble under my fingers, her arousal my main mission.

“Tell me you like it when I fuck you into submission, Kadence,” I demand, squeezing her pert nipples hard between my thumb and finger. She nods in agreement, but I want words. Dragging my hand down her body, I run it along her raised scar and feel her tense under my touch. I ignore it, not giving her a chance to freak out. She’ll soon realize that when I tell her I find every inch of her beautiful, I mean it. I drag my finger along her wetness between her legs, asking the question again, “Go

“I love it, Nix.” My name's delivered breathlessly, just how I like it. My dick jumps at the sound.

“Good girl, now you want my cock or my mouth?” My fingers find their way into her, pumping her slowly.

“Cock,” she pants as my fingers work her harder, pumping my frustration at every obstacle she puts up for me.

“You comin’ to the BBQ today, Kadence?” I ask her, using my free hand to pull my boxers down my legs. My erection springs free, throbbing and waiting to slide into her heat. Wrapping my fist around it, I give it a few tugs, relieving the tension building in me. She’s panting, meeting each of my finger thrusts.

“Yes! God, yes, Nix. Just fuck me.”

“Good girl.” I place my lips to her shoulder, trailing kisses along the sensitive skin. “Now you know what I told you about that pretty mouth and what the word fuck coming out of it does to me.” I remove my fingers, trailing them along her smooth skin back up to her nipples while lining up my neglected cock to the heat of her pussy. I’m so glad she agreed to let me take her bare. The feeling of her snugness is like no other.

“You ready?” I ask her, my hands shaking in anticipation. She pushes back, her tightness gripping my hard length.

“Fuckin’ impatient little thing, aren't you?”

“Quit fucking talking and fuck me, Nix,” she grumbles

Jesus, her dirty mouth is the biggest turn on.

“Oh, Kadence,” I grunt out with each hard thrust. “I’m go


Pulling up to my old house that Addison and I once shared, I always get a sense of dread that I’m about to walk into one of her setups. Normally, it’s either her forgetting she’s still in her nightgown or asking me to fix something around the house, trying to get me to spend time with her. I have no clue why she pines over me when we haven’t been with each other in years. That ship sailed a long time ago.

Z races out, his backpack slung over his shoulder. Opening the back door, he throws his bag in and then slams it shut.

“Bye, sweetie,” Addison calls out from the front door. He ignores her, climbing up into the front seat.

“Hey, bud, how you doin?” I ask, looking over at him.