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My hands come around his neck; falling back down to the blanket, I pull him with me. His weight crashes to me. The hard pulse of his arousal in his pants rubs against the inside of my leg.

“Want me to take care of you?” I ask, smiling against his lips.

“Oh, baby, you’ve got no idea what I have in store for you.” He smiles wickedly before moving back up to his knees and hiking my skirt back up to expose my bareness. He took my panties off when we sat down for our picnic, pocketing them and told me I was not getting them back. Typical Nix.

“You’re go

“No, Nix, someone will see us,” I flat out refuse. We’ve already done way too much today, and we're lucky we haven’t been caught yet. I look around seeing if anyone has stumbled upon our little hiding place.

Last night, when I was drunk off my face, I made a comment about public sex. Somehow, Nix thought fulfilling that one thing I’d yet to do would go to the top of his list. I wasn’t too keen to try, but after him convincing me, or should I say just taking me, I now know that it is indeed very hot.

It’s been three weeks since I opened up about the fire, letting him in to understand my whole ordeal. I knew for us to move forward, I had to let him in, but I wasn’t expecting it to be so soon. I don’t know if we’re moving too fast, but we’ve spent every night together at his house, in his bed and even a few nights at the club. Even the nights he had Z, he wanted me there, me only agreeing if I snuck in after Z went to bed and leaving before he woke. Every night, he proves to me just how much he thinks I’m beautiful, how much he craves me, and every night I feel like I’m giving him a little more of myself.

His eyes find mine, anchoring me to my spot on the picnic blanket he brought along for our impromptu picnic, Nix told me we were going for a ride. He didn’t tell me we would be stopping for a public sex session.

“Yes, Kadence,” he argues, reaching down to release his erection from his jeans.

“Geez put it away, Nix.” I look around again, making sure we're still alone.

“The only place I’m go

“You’re such a romantic,” I accuse, but the action he’s doing draws me in, mesmerizing me.

“You want romance, baby? You want roses and sweet nothings whispered to you as I worship your body gently?” The smoothness of his words caresses me. The image of him fisting himself still captures me.

“Well, it would be nice,” I lie, knowing I love his dirty mouth. No other man has been able to get me ready with one sentence.

“Fuck that. I’m hard and fast and I’m anythin’ but fuckin’ gentle. Now get on your knees and point that sexy ass in my face.”

“Do you even have a condom, Nix?” I ask, looking up from his cock.

“Don’t need one,” he states.

“Is that right?” I cock my brow at him, just waiting to hear this one. We’ve always used a condom, and as much as I want to say yes, we haven’t had the talk about it.

“I’m clean, babe, and I’ve seen those pills you take. Today, I fuck you bare,” he answers my worries, while still bossing me.

“Do I even get a say? Geez, Nix, could you get any more caveman? Me fuck you bare, woman.” I roll my eyes at him.

“I fuckin’ love it when you’re a smartass, makes me wa

“Why don’t you ask instead of demanding me all the time?”

“Hmm, that’s not fun, but let me try,” he smirks, leaning in and kissing my parted lips.

“Kadence, I’m go

The corners of my lips start to lift and I try to hold in my laughter.

“Nix, that was worse.”

“What? I thought that was good. I like that idea.” He acts like he’s offended. “Okay, how about, babe, please let me sink my thick cock into your tight pussy and feel your snug heat like I haven’t before. I want to feel you tighten around me for the first time with no barrier, Kadence. Then when I finish, I want to watch my cum spill from your cunt while I eat my lunch.”

“NIX,” I yell, “don’t say that word. It's gross.”

“Nothing gross about it, babe,” he smiles, kissing me again. His tongue seductively reclaims my mouth.

“You go

“Do I have a choice?”

“You’ll always have a choice, Kadence. I’ll just let you know when you make the wrong one.” His eyes sparkle with mischief and I give in to his dirty yet sweet words. Wrapping my legs around him, I feel the warmness of his cock at my center. I embrace his smoothness as he tenderly enters me. The co

Does it frighten me that we seem to be getting in so deep with each other? Yes, but I can’t fight it. We can’t get enough of one another, the attraction heightened by every moment we spend with each other. I’ve known this man for seven weeks, and every day he tears at my perfectly constructed armor. To say I’m not feeling anything for him would be a lie.

“Kadence?” he whispers as our bodies move together, his rhythm intense with each slow, deliberate thrust.

“Yeah?” I answer as I feel myself begin the climb. The heat that gathers from the base of my spine rapidly builds momentum.

“You ruin me, woman,” he breathes, before taking my mouth in his. I want to tell him he ruins me too, more than I care to admit, but right now, it’s like the warmth he’s filling me is enough. It’s building quietly inside of me waiting to devastate me.

Closing my eyes, I let the sweet depth of his movements take over me, knowing more than anything that this man has the power to devastate me. I’m just not sure I’m ready to admit that to him, let alone myself.


“Kadence, how the fuck did Nix score you?” Jesse asks later that night sitting on Nix’s back deck. I take a sip of my drink and shrug. More like how the hell did I score him.

I knew the boys were coming over for di

“What about you, Brooks? How did you end up with Kelly?” I ask, taking the pressure off me.

“It was love at first sight.” He smiles back at me. You can see the man is smitten with his wife. Over the last few hours, I’ve come to learn Brooks is the oldest of the bunch. He was a prospect when Nix was still in high school. I wonder if the shit he’s lived under Red Knight influenced him in staying on when Nix stepped up. Last night, he introduced me to everyone in the club, from the main set of guys who help run the businesses, to the weekenders, the men who come in and hang out over the weekend. I really did have a good time. The club, the people, all made me feel welcome.

“Kelly and Addison used to be best friends,” he explains, and I don’t miss the past tense reference. It still rubs me the wrong way hearing her name. I know she’s Nix’s ex and Z’s mother, but ever since that afternoon in my classroom, I don’t know what it is, but something about her doesn’t sit right with me.

Nix and I have avoided talking about her. I feel like it’s one of those conversations I’ll never be ready for.

“She walked in one day with Addison and I fell in love,” he continues.