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“Kadence are you wet?” he asks me, my reservations not lost on him. I nod my head, trying to keep my gaze on him as self-doubt slowly creeps its way between us. “Show me how wet you are just from my dirty mouth,” he pushes, ignoring my shyness. I hesitate at first, but then bring my finger up, showing him the glistening wetness. “Now put it in your mouth and enjoy how wet I make you.”

His words wash over me, and I can’t control the power my body wants to give him; bringing my hand to my mouth, I watch him watch me taste myself. His eyes flash with desire, need, and his hand starts to touch himself.

My eyes catch the movement and I’m drawn to it. Watching his large hand circle his aggressive arousal and stroke himself sends a tightening sensation through my stomach. Nerves singing, blood rushing, I lose myself to the erotic act.

“You want my cock, babe?” I nod breathlessly, eager to have him. His delicious voice is making me dizzy.

He brings himself up to a sitting position, me still on my knees, his head in line with my breasts.

“Where do you want my cock, Kadence? In that tight little pussy of yours, or in that smart mouth?” Thinking about having him in my mouth makes me shake; watching him come undone by my mouth would be a sight to see. With no other option, I shamelessly reply, “Mouth.”

He growls his response, sliding his fingers into where I am wet and desperate. “Fuck, Kadence, you’re soakin,” he rumbles before moving off the bed to stand. Lowering myself to my ass, I turn and face him, letting my feet fall to the floor in front of me. His thick hardness sits directly in line with my ready mouth. Taking him in my hand, I stroke him once before leaning forward and licking the tip clean. His fingers glide through my hair, gently pulling it, proving his impatience. I tighten my grip and blow a warm breath over the wetness I left behind. Stroking him harder, I stop to run my tongue up along the inside of his dick.

“Don’t lick at it, woman. I want you to suck it.”

Pulling back I look up at him. “Oh, is it not fun when someone is teasing you with oral?” I ask him, remembering his little bullshit game he did with me that first night.

“Fuck,” he mumbles, and I have a laugh at his position. “I’m serious, Kadence. Don’t push me or I’ll take you hard and won’t let you come. The only person in this relationship that controls the bedroom play is me,” he threatens.

Is that what this is? A relationship? Pushing that aside, I think of him taking me hard and not letting me come. Would he? I wouldn’t put it past him; the words ring true in my mind. Shaking off the dreaded thoughts of not releasing, I lean forward again and I wrap my lips around his width. I take him whole the first time, before coming back up. Nix’s hands grip hard in my hair as I begin my oral assault; the pleasure of the sting makes me tremble more. Working him with both my mouth and grip, I reach down with my free hand and cup his balls, rolling them over in my hand. He groans his approval and it sends a rush straight to my core. Hearing him lose himself spurs me on and I suck deeper and harder.

“Kadence, if you want my dick in you, you have to stop or I’m go

“Kadence,” he warns again and I let the power of being able to make him come undone rule my decision. Relaxing my throat, I take him deeper as he tightens his grip, holding my head in place as he begins to fuck my mouth. The thrill and the forcefulness of watching him come undone before me floods my body with desire. I reach down, yearning to ease the growing ache between my thighs.

“Don’t even fuckin’ touch it,” he snarls at the same time he blows his load down my throat. My hand stills, his command turns me on even more. He is right; I love his dirty mouth.

Swallowing all that he delivers, I hold back the urge to gag and let him finish. When he slows and releases my hair, I take over sucking him clean.

“Fuck, we are so doing that again,” he insists after I let him fall from my mouth, and I look up at him. I smile and nod, agreeing it was one of the hottest things I’ve ever done.

“Now lie back. It’s my turn,” he orders, pushing my shoulder, before falling to his knees. I let the fall take me and feel his tongue lap up my wetness. As much as I love what we just did, I think I’m going to love my turn more.


The rays of the morning daylight sneak through the parted curtains. The sun coats my skin, warming me. The heat at my back lets me know Nix made it back to bed. Last night, after giving Nix the best head job I had in me, he returned the favor, ending in me riding him hard. We were interrupted halfway through, making it quick, but still so goddamn hot. Afterwards, I was left alone while he went to sort out whatever Jesse came and got him for. I don’t know what’s going down with the club. Nix wouldn’t tell me but he did say not to worry.

I shift my naked body, trying not to wake him, and gently turn to my side, untangling my body from his. Nix mumbles something unintelligible and curls further over.

Grabbing my phone and his shirt, I quietly make my way to the co

“Why hello, hussy,” she answers after the third ring.

“Hello.” I keep my voice low, careful not to wake Nix.

“I see from your bedroom door that you didn’t come home last night,” she laughs.

“Yeah, I stayed at the clubhouse.”

“YOU WHAT!” she screams at me, and I pull the phone away at the loudness of her voice. “You lucky bitch.” Lucky? I guess I can’t argue with her on that.

“Well, while you got the sexy bossy biker, I was left with Sy, aka cranky moody biker. Did you notice what a barrel of laughs he was?” She continues on her rant, “He mumbled two words to me after dropping me home. Two words, ‘See ya.’ That’s it, but I swear to God, Kadence. He could bark at me like a dog and I would still want to get inside his pants.” She growls in frustration and I believe her; the woman knows what she wants.

Sy is a serious man. The thought of him barking at Holly makes me laugh. She huffs down the phone, not impressed.

“Do you need me to come pick you up?” she asks, moving on from Sy.

“No, I’m go

“Oh, ditching our standing lunch date for a man?” she sighs, and I let out a small laugh at her blatant jealousy.

“I’ll make it up to you, promise. I have to go,” I say when I hear Nix call out through the door.

“Have fun with all that male hotness,” she calls back before hanging up.

After using the bathroom, I wash my hands and place some toothpaste on my finger and do a quick brush to get rid of my morning breath. Walking back out of the bathroom, I see Nix sitting on the end of the bed.

“Morning,” I say, placing my phone on the bedside table and walking up to him.

“What the hell you been doin’ in there?” he asks me, standing up to do the button on his dark wash jeans. Geez, cranky much?

“Just talking to Holly,” I tell him. He bends down, takes my face in his hands and kisses me lightly. His whiskers tickle my face as I deepen the kiss; my tongue comes out, ready to dance with his. The groan I swallow from his mouth gives me the reaction I was hoping for before he pulls back.

“I gotta go. Got a meeting to sort this shit out.” He steps out of my embrace, reaching down for his shirt and pulling it over his head. The muscles of his chest and the tightness of his abdomen are immediately hidden. The man has a magnificent body.